Chapter 271: The New Transfiguration Professor (2 in 1)

Chapter 271: The New Transfiguration Professor (2 in 1)

"As you can see, tonight Durmstrang will welcome a new group of guests."

Without unnecessary courtesies, Grindelwald directly began the main topic of the evening.

"All of them are students from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is being led by Dumbledore, their professors are fighting on the front lines of France to uphold justice for all wizards, and for the sake of their safety, they are temporarily allowed to board with us."

"I expect you to be polite and friendly with our guests, after all, Durmstrang educates a group of brilliant wizards, not a group of uncivilized barbarians."

He spoke with a high volume, enough for the entire great hall to hear him even without the Amplifying Charm.

The Durmstrang students are obviously very rule-oriented, no one dares to talk to each other below while their Headmaster is speaking, everyone is sitting upright, and even the youngest first years are sitting with their backs straight, which shows a great difference from Hogwarts.

"Dinner can be served."

After seeing that he did not intend to speak directly in front of all the students in the great hall about appointing him as a Professor of Transfiguration, Jon let out a long sigh of relief.

If it is truly announced in front of such a large audience, then Jon really does not know what to do, anyway, he could not reject Grindelwald in front of the public, without giving him a little honour.

It is estimated without even having to wait for Grindelwald to get angry, the row of Professors sitting on the high platform, more than half of them would stand up and shine a green light at him.

After Grindelwald's words subsided, all kinds of food appeared on each long table.

As if to take care of Jon and them, at the table where the Hogwarts students are, there are a lot of apparently fish and potatoes kind of British speciality "food".

However, the Hogwarts students did not want to touch those hometowns' food but only picked up some Munich sausages, German-style roast pork knuckles and other food.

After the meal, the atmosphere in the great hall relaxed a lot, and there were even some bold Durmstrang students have come to the long table at which the Hogwarts students are seated.

"Hello, my name is Diane Rosier."

A tall girl with blonde hair, who looked about the same age as George, Fred and the others, introduced herself.

She spoke fluent English and behaved politely, and hearing the family name Rosier, they could actually tell that she should be related to the deputy headmistress of this school by blood and is a Frenchman.

"May I sit here?"

She looked over to the empty seat next to Lee Jordan, Lee was ungentlemanly feasting on the pork knuckle that he had just half snatched from George, they were not short of food at Hogwarts, but it wasn't that good, and a big meal like tonight's was something you could only touch at the usual Christmas dinner.

"Oh, sure, be my guest."

Only at this moment did Lee divert some attention from the pork knuckle, seeing that the visitor is a gorgeous girl, his movements began to become civilized again, with two light coughs, wiping the corner of his mouth that was full of oil with a napkin on the side.

It was not that Lee fell in love with this girl, but they are, after all, guests visiting Durmstrang, in other people's schools it is always necessary to pay attention to the honour of Hogwarts as Hogwarts students.

Diane sat down in a seat next to Lee, George, Fred, and a few other students in the fifth year.

She obviously chose this place intentionally, in her eyes these Hogwarts students who are not led by their Professors, must be led by one of the older students.

The girl from Durmstrang didn't have any ulterior motives, she was just a little curious about these Hogwarts students like Jon and them.

Not only her but in fact, the majority of Durmstrang students are also curious about these students who have been in a run. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

They have more or less seen some news from Britain over the years, and in the newspapers, the Hogwarts wagon is naturally wanted by the Ministry of Magic, always on the hunt.

Compared to the Hogwarts students who yearn for the comfort of campus life, the Durmstrang students are more interested in hearing from them about the adventures on the run.

But this is after all a Northern European wizarding school, the students who can speak English are inherently few and far between, and the students with outgoing personalities among that few are even less, so only a handful of them are willing to come over tonight to communicate.

Diane is unique among them, she comes from a French pureblood family, because of the family composition issues, she is fluent in English, French and German, and she is also the Head girl of the girls in Durmstrang, so there is no problem with the personality and speech, which made her the first person to contact Hogwarts students.

"How did you come to Durmstrang? Did Sir Headmaster send a team to pick you up from France?"

"See? That's him."

Jon's looks are distinctive, good-looking, with soft but tough features, but it's precisely because he's handsome that he gives off the impression that he can live off his face like former Lockhart, and that his magical talent might just be so-so.

The most crucial thing is that he is only fourteen years old this year, at this time at most he is regarded as a teenager, among all the students of Hogwarts, both big and small, he is not particularly compelling.

Jon didn't care what Fred and the others are messing around over there, he didn't relax too much just because Grindelwald didn't announce his appointment as Professor of Transfiguration at the beginning of the dinner.

Even if it is the first time he had met him today, Jon had always known that Grindelwald is not a good wizard like Dumbledore.

Although he is not crazy to the extent of Voldemort, he was once also known for evil and can be said to be completely indifferent to the weak and worthless people's lives.

Jon, with his reasoning and whatnot, had the good sense to know that even if Grindelwald had some appreciation for him, he is not in a position to make a demand or refusal now, not to mention that this matter itself is still good for him.

And just as the dinner had reached the end, Grindelwald, sitting in the main seat, clapped his hands, and the whole great hall instantly fell silent.

"The time is already late, everyone, before ending this dinner today, I have one last announcement to make."

His calm voice spread to every corner of the great hall, and at this moment, a bad premonition rose in Jon's heart.

"In addition to welcoming Hogwarts students to Durmstrang tonight, I've found a new Professor of Transfiguration to share the pressure of Professor Spence Johnson from his usual overwhelming workload. Jon Green, starting tomorrow, will be the new Transfiguration professor, and I will make specific arrangements afterwards regarding which grades he will be responsible for."

Hearing Grindelwald's words, the Durmstrang students in the great hall showed a puzzled expression, not understanding why a new Transfiguration professor should be brought to them at this time, but there was no big commotion, except that they were all looking left and right to find out who the professor named "Jon Green" is.

In the raised seats of professors, these professors, including Johnson, whose position was divided up, all looked a little strange but not surprised, apparently, they had already known the news in advance during the dinner just now.

The long table where Hogwarts students were seated, all looked blank, the announcement made by Grindelwald was not in English, and they did not understand what he meant, only the Durmstrang girl sitting at the long table looked at Jon with disbelief.

Jon had a headache, he also could not understand Grindelwald's words, but that did not mean he could not guess what this old man had announced, he rubbed his temples, knowing that he could not avoid it today no matter what.

"Won't you stand up and acquaint yourself with everyone? Mr Green."

Grindelwald looked in the direction of the Hogwarts long table, this time he spoke in English.

Following his gaze, the eyes of all the students in the entire great hall had all focused on him, only after seeing all these students from Hogwarts, they were even more puzzled because no adult wizards were sitting at this long table.

The students of Hogwarts finally figured out that what is going on in the great hall is related to Jon, and they all looked at Jon in bewilderment, except Hermione, no one understood why Grindelwald would mention his name in public.

Under the spotlight, Jon calmed down and relaxed with a sigh instead. He stood up from his seat with a vacant look on his face and looked at Grindelwald.

"Is this thing truly couldn't be discussed with Professor Dumbledore before making a decision?"

Grindelwald at this time actually showed a flash of an unobtrusive smile.

"Of course, I will inform him, with my relationship with him for so many years, would I snatch his student?"

All the students in the great hall, whether it is Durmstrang's or Hogwarts', looked at each other, they somewhat did not understand the conversation between the two.

Are you snatching or not, don't you know that in your heart?

Jon secretly rolled his eyes in his mind, and at the same time could not help but lament.

Professor Dumbledore, if you don't do something, your students will be abducted!


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