Chapter 274: The Same Wand

Chapter 274: The Same Wand

"Back then when I travelled to England, I specifically went to Diagon Alley Ollivander to choose a new wand, which is the one you hold in your hand."

Grindelwald said indifferently.

"It did function very well, I basically seldom used the one I bought at Gregorovitch after I got it until later I got another wand that worked even better and replaced it, and then all three of my wands fell into the hands of Albus."

Jon looked at the wand in his hand, he had actually always felt that the wand he is using is even older than the one in the hands of Neville, Ron and others, it just before he did not think in terms of age, simply thought that the previous owner of the wand did not pay much attention to its maintenance.

Unexpectedly he got the definitive answer here from Grindelwald today.

Now he finally understands why not only Dumbledore, even Aberforth when he saw the wand in his hands showed that complicated expression, he said he once wanted to break this wand but was prevented by Dumbledore.

According to Grindelwald, this wand is his choice after going to Britain, that is to say, in the dispute and chaos at Dumbledore's house, this wand likely took the life of Dumbledore and Aberforth's sister Ariana Dumbledore.

"I actually did not expect that this wand, he would actually take it out and give it to a student to use, because it has a different meaning to him."

Hearing Grindelwald's words, Jon shook his head and said.

"No, sir, Professor Dumbledore never took this wand out, we choose wands from an old wooden cabinet in the Hogwarts Headmaster's office, at that time this wand of yours was placed in the innermost part of the cabinet, I just happened to see it, and thought it suited me, then picked it up."

When he said this Jon shrugged his shoulders, he raised the wand in his hand, and the tip of the wand, which already had obvious signs of wear and tears burst out with a brilliant cluster of silver flowers.

"And, of course, it also chose me."

Grindelwald looked at the spark that clearly represented the cheerfulness of the wand, and a momentary trance appeared in his eyes.

The reason he went to such lengths to poach Jon from Hogwarts over to Durmstrang was not only because he saw Jon's talent, but there was also another main reason, which is the wand he is holding in his hand.

Even if there is a difference in the technique of making a wand, there is a strong connection between a wand and a wizard, and the three European wand-making families are united at this point.

"It is true that sometimes this kind of gut feeling will appear, but not always, it is the kind of feeling which suddenly covers the body with goosebumps, with a distinct burst of sensation in the heart."

"Did Dumbledore provide you guys with divination class?" Grindelwald asked.

Jon shook his head.

"Not for the lower years, but after you advance to the fourth year, those who are interested in this subject can study under Professor Potter."

Grindelwald snorted.

"So, you call that a divination class? That can at most be called a divination hobby group. In fact, if Albus's student theory is to replace bloodline with talent, then it might be able to attract more superior supporters. Because the superiority of bloodline never existed, but the more naturally gifted wizards are indeed much more powerful than the ungifted ones, and divination is the kind of magic that demands the most in terms of innate talent."

Jon understood the deeper meaning of Grindelwald's words and blinked.

"Sir, you mean to say. I have a talent for divination?"

Grindelwald's face became calm as he took up his quill again.

"Having a talent does not mean that you can necessarily make good use of this talent, it still depends on how you develop it. Of course, if you had chosen to follow Albus on that wagon for the rest of your life, it would never have even been possible to develop it."

Seeing that his attention had shifted to the letter on his desk, Jon had the good sense not to bother around the office anymore, and said "Good night, sir." Then he left the Headmaster's office.


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