Chapter 281: Sailing North (2 in1)

Chapter 281: Sailing North (2 in1)

Lyon, France.

The winter cold had not yet dissipated here, and Lily and McGonagall were walking together through a secluded alley.

"Albus has determined to abort the plan to attack Beauxbatons?" Lili looked at McGonagall.

McGonagall was frowning, her frown had not been relaxed since she arrived in France, except that one night when they conquered the re-educational camp.

"There is no choice, we have identified the current Headmaster of that school, he is one of the Dark Lord's diehards - Igor Karkaroff, and all the preparations in that school have long been completed in advance; if once it is determined that there is no hope of being able to defend it, then he will activate the means left behind by the Dark Lord and let all the muggle students die together."

Lily squirmed her lips as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, it just turned into a calm question.

"So we're just going to watch and pretend that Beauxbatons in our rear don't exist?"

McGonagall said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Albus won't allow such a thing to pass, he wants to liberate that school more than any of us, and calling all of us together this time must have something to do with it."

As they spoke, they had come to the end of the alley, and facing the drab wall, neither of them had any intention of stopping and went straight through the wall.

After passing through the cold, liquid-like wall, what came into view was a wide space identical to the Atrium of the British Ministry of Magic.

Many wizards are coming and going, the Witching Horizons in these times has basically occupied all the places except Paris where the French Ministry of Magic is located; under the circumstances that Voldemort is staying hidden, and Dumbledore can step in at any time, they basically did not encounter any big casualties.

Thanks to this, those French wizards who were liberated in the occupied areas began to restore normal order to their lives.

The purebloods and half-bloods who had committed serious crimes in that period were liquidated, and the property they had plundered which originally belonged to the muggle wizards was all returned, and the status of the wizards returned to what it had been before Voldemort came to France.

This is something that is worthy of the excitement and thrill for all the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

But they are also clear; France can be transformed so smoothly, mainly because of the reason that Voldemort's rule over the land is very short.

Many people are not accustomed to the new rules, so it would be easy for them to change back to the previous state.

But the situation in Britain is different, Voldemort has been ruling there for up to ten years, so it is not just a matter of how to counterattack back, and even if they succeed, it will be a matter of how to ultimately remove the influence left by the rule of the bloodline.

Of course, now that Witching Horizons has not even fully occupied France, it is not yet time to think about such a long-term problem.

McGonagall and Lily headed all the way down the main lobby, and they went further into a hallway where they happened to run into Lupin and Tonks, who also looked like they had just returned.

"You really should get a new outfit, Remus, from the beginning when you and I went on a mission together to now, you are wearing the same outfit, half a year has passed, and it is the only thing that has not been changed."

Tonks, who has gradient-coloured curly hair and is dressed like a teen emo girl, is ranting and educating Lupin.

Lupin nodded repeatedly, the gentle smile on his face did not change a bit.

"Only half a year has passed, and long before that, there were times when I have not got new clothes for five or six years."

"Can you compare it with before and now? You are now representing Witching Horizons, and Dumbledore, wearing such old clothes will make people think that we are still on the same weak side as before."

While they were chatting, they also saw McGonagall and Lily who had already come behind them.

Upon seeing these two female professors, Tonks subconsciously curbed her casualness, and secretly stuck her tongue out and greeted McGonagall and Lily.

"Good afternoon, Professor Potter and Professor McGonagall."

Lily and McGonagall both looked at her and Lupin with odd eyes and then nodded in response.

Lily flashed a smile at Lupin.

"Listen to her more, you are really not that young in age."

She said this with some rather deep meaning, causing Lupin's face to look a little embarrassed, but at that moment, a large hand suddenly rested on his shoulder from behind to sort of relieve him.

"Man, tonight after the meeting, do you want to have a drink? We haven't seen each other for two or three months."

It was Sirius, with a cheerful smile on his face, like he had just experienced something happy.

"When you were chasing those Aurors in the morning, you just finished drinking and broke the rules and used the forbidden dark magic, I'll report that to Dumbledore later!"

The stern words came from his side and Flitwick who was with him, due to his short stature, was not noticed by anyone at first.

Nick looked guilty as he argued.

"It's not my fault, it was Gabrielle who had overheard the conversation between us at the time and then took it upon herself to follow us."

Gabrielle floated in mid-air and rubbed Jon's hair, making him feel a cold chill on his scalp.

"Why wouldn't Jon want Gabrielle to follow? It's not like Gabrielle is a bad kid who likes to get into trouble."

"What if you get lost in the Arctic?" Jon said helplessly, "It's a big place, so if one of us gets separated, it would be hard for us to find each other if you can't cast a spell."

With a serious expression, Gabrielle raised one of her arms.

"Gabrielle promise, absolutely and definitely not to disappear for a second from Nick and Jon's sight!"

"It's pointless even if you promise, go back!"

"Ah! Gabrielle is bored being in the castle every day."

The little girl's eyes flushed red, it is not clear whether it is Crocodile tears or true feelings.

"Ginny, Luna and the girls have to attend classes during the day, and there is no one Gabrielle knows in Durmstrang, and the ghosts in this school are talking all old and very mean, and Nick does not take me to play, and it is harder to find you, Jon."

She looked like she was about to cry out, but Jon remained unmoved, but after some hesitation, he changed his mind in the end.

The ghost state of Gabrielle is basically still very safe, even if they have any problems, it is possible to let Nick take her back, the only thing that is not completely safe is her being running around and lost in the Arctic ice field, which is something that Nick can watch on the line.

Nick has hundreds of years of experience dealing with Peeves' ghost, Nick is still very good at taking care of children professionally, besides it was originally him who caused the trouble.

In the end, the voyage crew was finalized, and Jon no longer stayed, he, Nick and Gabrielle together re-boarded the Hogwarts ship which stayed at Durmstrang Lake after nearly two months.

No one came out to see them off on this trip, and no one knew that Jon would embark on such a distant voyage.

Grindelwald, the only person in this castle who knew, was just standing quietly in front of the window of the Headmaster's office, looking at the Hogwarts ship that had started sailing towards the centre of the lake. Once again, a glimpse of Jon inadvertently appeared in his mind, the scene from the near future.

The golden hall, under the gaze of the wizards from the four corners of Europe; scarlet blood, like demonic flower petals blooming.

And amid his reflection, the huge Hogwarts ship, under the night that had fallen, silently disappeared from the surface of the Durmstrang lake.

At the same time, on the northernmost coastline of Norway, near the border area of the Arctic Ocean region, an old wooden ship, suddenly jumped up from under the surface of the sea, with towering long sails slowly falling from the top of the mast, with four animals around the "H" mark glowing in the moonlight.

Gabrielle wore a long triangular pirate hat that Jon helped her to conjure up and was standing spiritedly in the bow on one foot with great vigour, the sea breeze blew up her white dress, just like a cape "whirring".

"Hogwarts! Depart!"

Her childish voice couldn't penetrate the sea breeze and didn't even startle the seagulls resting on the reef.

"First Mate Nicholas! Keep an eye on the surroundings!"

Nick's neutral voice came from the mast.

"No problem, Captain Delacour!"

"Second Mate Green! Hold the helm! Keep the course to the north!"

Jon, who had now been demoted two ranks from captain to second mate, also took control of the rudder and responded with a feeble voice.

"Aye, Captain!"

"What the hell! Jon, you're not cooperating at all! You'll be punished with no rum for a week!"

"I'm not allowed to drink since I'm still a minor."

"Then you'll be punished by being fed salted fish for a week!"


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