Chapter 288: Bellatrix Lestrange (2 in 1)

Chapter 288: Bellatrix Lestrange (2 in 1)

After getting all the information clear, Jon didn't continue to dwell on it.

Even without the Firebolt, he could still rely on the cloak of invisibility coupled with the levitation charm to break into that labyrinth using an element of surprise.

And the Patronus Charm is not only used to deal with dementors, but this charm can also give Jon more assistance.

After determining the goal, Jon enveloped the cloak of invisibility over his, as well as Nick and Gabrielle's bodies, and then recited the spell of the Patronus Charm without any scruples.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The most difficult step in the process of mastering this charm is undoubtedly the process of starting it from nothing to something.

In contrast, after successfully casting the Patronus Charm once, summoning them once again was not something that could be called difficult.

The silvery light emerged in all directions, like a school of fish floating at the bottom of the sea, swimming and gathering around Jon.

Soon one towering and one small figure appeared in the freezing sky, and the lion and badger were thus summoned by him again.

Even though this is the second time seeing them, Nick's face is still filled with an unspeakable expression.

In the medieval magical world, to be able to successfully learn the Patronus Charm magic, is enough to be qualified to be a member of the Ministry of Magic's predecessor, the "Wizard's Council".

If some wizards who believed in fate and divination saw this back then, they might treat Jon as some legendary figure in the world.

Because this truly goes against the laws of magic.

In contrast to Nick's amazement, Gabrielle's performance was much simpler and more straightforward.

It was her first time seeing Jon's Patronus, and she was not exactly aware of what summoning two Patronus actually mean. She just thought the silver lion looked majestic, and the little badger standing on the lion's head looked very cute.

Just when she had the guts to try to reach out and touch the mane on the lion, the two Patronus had rushed out.

They leapt through the air, and almost in the blink of an eye, they had arrived beside the dementors.

The silvery light was like a deadly poison to the dementors, and the moment they saw the two Patronus, the memories of that day in Azkaban prison came flooding back to them.

After learning who to guard against at the North Pole, almost no Dementors were willing to take this duty, after all, there is no "fresh" food to enjoy at the North Pole, yet they still have to face the wizard who can summon two Patronus.

These Dementors have seen even more Patronus, especially when Sirius escaped from prison, the prisoners who were imprisoned in Azkaban had summoned dozens of Patronus.

But this lion and badger have brought a very different feeling to the dementors than the other Patronus, it is a kind of fear that can not be described in words, there is no talk of death for Dementors as soon as they exist, so they have never known what is called the fear of death.

But in the face of these two Patronus of Jon, it brought them a fear similar to that of death!

This fear had no cause, yet it did exist, so it made the dementors panic, and that's also the reason why the dementors, which required so many Order of the Phoenix members to summon their Patronus to suppress at that time, would scurry away under the repulsion of Jon's two Patronus.

But perhaps because the dementor leader felt some deficiency regarding lying to Voldemort about certain things, it still forced dozens of dementors to join the Death Eaters in this ice field.

But they came here to help the Death Eaters to keep a lookout and did not have to brace themselves to fight with Jon to the very end.

After seeing the lion and the badger, the dementors who were on patrol all rose up into the sky!

The cold wind blew their dark cloak, but of course, such creatures can not feel the cold, and the only thing that can make them feel fearful right now is the two Patronus hovering beneath them. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Neither the lion nor the badger had any intention of pursuing them, and after dispersing the dementors' defensive circle, Jon's Patronus didn't stop for a moment, but flew straight to where the Death Eaters' camp is stationed!

Their speed was so fast that they crossed this distance of nearly four miles in just ten minutes!

And those Death Eaters stationed in the tents, after seeing the dementors flying overhead, were immediately alerted!

From one of the two independent tents, Rodolphus came out with a grim and icy face.

A dark green beam of light suddenly rose behind him, after the green light reached the highest point, nearly the place where the human eye could not observe, in the sky above the North Pole, a gigantic Dark Mark that seemed to envelop half of the sky appeared!

At the same time, all the Death Eaters patrolling all over the North Pole raised their heads and saw the serpent shuttling through the skull, each of them stared gravely and raised their wands in their hands, saying the word Apparition and disappeared from where they were.

The next moment, nearly a hundred figures emerged around a cluster of tents, and without any need for Rodolphus to give any further orders, the Death Eaters, who had all gathered together, raised their wands together and aimed at the two silver figures that were rushing towards their location in the distance!

But the Death Eaters here are not a bunch of cooks, the second they heard Jon's second curse incantation sounded, they also waved the wand in their hands.

"Avada Kedavra!"


The targets aimed at by both the Killing Curse and the General Counter-Spell were naturally Jon himself.

They obviously discovered Jon's intention of blasting through the ice and subsequently made a clear judgment.

Killing Jon was of course the main thing, but if they couldn't succeed in killing him, then they had to stop him from blowing up the ice!

At the same time as those miserable green spells shot out from the wand, Jon's originally falling body suddenly paused in mid-air for an instant.

Several killing curses brushed past his body, and those general counter-spells, before they had time to affect the blasting curse and Jon's wand tip lit up, at the same time an invisible force radiated from Jon's body, and those counter-spells with the same essence and source of power, all immediately wiped out clean by that spell!

Before the Death Eaters could understand exactly how Jon had used the counter-spell to cancel the counter-spell, the blasting curse had already shown its deserved effect on the ice!

The ice layer, which had already burst out with a huge crater on it, was broken into pieces all around, and under the blasting curse, it finally could no longer maintain the surface, which had already become extremely weak.

There was a loud shattering sound, and the ice surface, which was as smooth as a mirror a few seconds ago, was blown out with a large crater of about three or four meters in diameter!

Jon's speed did not slow down, he has long been judged according to the information given by Nick how many rounds of spells could actually break through the ice layer.

Two shots of blasting curse were just sufficient.

Immediately after, before the Death Eaters could organize a second wave of attack, Jon's body disappeared into the ice crater.

The Death Eaters who completely encircled the place stopped their Spellcasting action, and the two Patronus who were fighting in the crowd of Death Eaters also dissipated, leaving only a mess.

Rodolphus remained unmoved from the beginning to the end as he saw those Death Eaters obstructing Jon, after the task failed, his face did not show any unsightly changes.

He just coldly said.

"A bunch of rubbish!"

No one dared to refute his words, even though at this time many people are thinking indignantly in their hearts that if they are all rubbish, then what were you doing?

Rodolphus did not bother with these Death Eaters on the surface of the ice but walked to the ice pit that Jon had already dived into.

He did not make a sound, just quietly looked at the deep hollow, while pulling out an old envelope from his pocket.

The envelope suddenly burned in his hand by itself, and the orange-red flame wrapped the whole envelope in an instant, then left only a cloud of ashes.

The cold wind raged in the ice field, and those wounded Death Eaters were helped up from the ground by their intact colleagues, fed potions, and ready to be transferred back to Britain.

But no one wanted to suggest chasing after Jon, who had already entered the ice crater.

Right at that moment, a twisted figure suddenly appeared beside Rodolphus.

It was a witch with a curvy figure, delicate appearance and demonic makeup.

She wore a close-fitting black gown with a wide open collar, and her long black hair hung in big waves behind her.

Every death eater at the sight of her, can not help but shiver.

Because this woman is, no, should be called a lunatic, even among the Death Eaters, a vicious organization she can be described as a lunatic.

Bellatrix Lestrange!


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