Chapter 309: [Heroes were killed in public! The Conspiracy of the Dark Wizard Dumbledore!]

Chapter 309: [Heroes were killed in public! The Conspiracy of the Dark Wizard Dumbledore!]

Jon had indeed become the benefactor of French wizards, or rather French muggle-born wizards, throughout the Witching Horizons.

Because everyone knew that the Lestrange, were the ones who contributed to the current situation in France, while Voldemort was only the final cause.

After Dumbledore's arrival in France to form the Witching Horizons, it was no longer a secret who the Wizard Chancellor Adele, whom all French muggle-born wizards once believed to be the person who would bring them peace as well as equality really was.

Especially after Jon had captured those two Aurors in Azkaban alive, the confessions they had extracted from them had proved to everyone that Voldemort's dark hand had long been in the upper echelons of the French Ministry of Magic.

Adele, whom they had always trusted to bring peace and stability to all muggle wizards, was Bella Lestrange from the very beginning.

And during these years she deceived almost everyone, and with the possibility of France being ruled by the Purebloods just like the British Isles across the sea, many of the best and brightest muggle wizards in their own right joined under Bella in the hope that by following her they would be able to keep France from becoming a dark land of pureblood wizards who would enslave all the muggle wizards like in Britain.

However, none of those muggle-born wizards under her ended up in a good situation.

The information Dumbledore investigated within Britain after arriving in France to form the Witching Horizons revealed that most of the wizards who enlisted under Bella were in fact tricked into being enslaved and reformed on British soil, or were under the Imperius Curse for long periods of time, with the exception of a very few.

Bella's husband Rodolphus in particular posed as the last French Minister of Magic, pretending to be Bella's political opponent.

In reality, he was secretly trying to persuade and recruit pureblood members of the French Ministry of Magic, laying the firm foundation for Voldemort's current rule.

Meanwhile, Rodolphus' brother Rabastan became the Head of the Auror Office under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, overseeing all of France's Aurors and excluding dissenters from them and taking control of all the important French wizard armed forces.

It could be said that the entire Lestrange family had fooled all the French muggle-born wizards even before Voldemort's true arrival.

And now Jon alone had killed them all, in a way he had avenged the fallen blood of most of the French muggle wizards.

That alone was enough to earn him the respect of everyone here, even if it was a bit shocking for someone of his age to do such a thing, but in front of a large crowd like that, hundreds of people had witnessed how he had killed Bella in front of Voldemort.

No one could deny Jon's achievement, just as all the French wizards in the crowd were grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, Jon would be representing Hogwarts wagon in the upcoming Triwizard Tournament, the outcome of which would determine the ultimate fate of the French land.

"It's all completely healed, no need to recuperate Professor, I just want to relax a bit, and I have something important to see Professor Dumbledore about right now."

Lily was not a school healer by any means, and she knew a lot of things and had a sense of priorities.

After hearing Jon say this, she didn't say anything more and instead led Jon to Dumbledore's office in person.

When Jon knocked on the door and walked in, Dumbledore was reading a newspaper.

It was the Daily Prophet, the British local newspaper that is the foremost mouthpiece of Voldemort's men.

Seeing Jon walk in, Dumbledore's eyes moved away from the newspaper, his face held an inexplicable smile, a smile that was clearly directed at some news article in this paper.

"Any idea what is being reported in Britain about what happened last night?"

Jon sat down in the chair opposite Dumbledore, looking a little curious in the face of Dumbledore's question.

"Shouldn't they just pretend that nothing happened? After all, it's not in their best interest anyway, and as long as the Daily Prophet doesn't report it, how can the people at the bottom know anything about it, even if it gets passed around through word of mouth."

"It's one option, but what happened yesterday is just bad news to the Dark Lord and the people directly under him, as for whether it is worst or best one for others is based on how they choose to circulate it."

Dumbledore handed Jon the Daily Prophet, and after Jon had taken it up, he glanced at the headline that took up a third of the front page in bold print.

[Heroes were killed in public! The Conspiracy of the Dark Wizard Dumbledore!!]


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