Chapter 337: Pega- Donkey Hoss (2 in 1)

Chapter 337: Pega- Donkey Hoss (2 in 1)

Jon was in no hurry to find the dragon, he just had to get his bearings and there would be plenty of time to figure it out afterwards.

After lunch, he leaned against one of the unicorns for a short nap, then re-straddled the back of the lead unicorn, allowing it to take him close to Hagrid's old friends in this forbidden forest.

The unicorn's aim seemed clear as it sped its way across the grass and trees, eventually leading Jon to a small dirt slope.

It was overgrown with weeds, but much less wooded than the rest of the area, and at a glance the whole dirt slope could be seen in its entirety.

Jon's attention was soon drawn to a horse that was wandering down the slope.

It was a tall horse with a grey mane, but what was striking about it was that the top of its head appeared to be bald, revealing its shiny skin.

This area had been devoid of trees for so long that the afternoon sun shone directly on the top of its head and reflected a bright reflection.

The horse was eating grass when Jon saw it, its upper jaw and lower jaw were very crooked when it chewed, and its eyes, probably due to a congenital problem, were one big and one small, making it look like a pretty ugly horse no matter how you looked at it.

The unicorn that had brought Jon here seemed to be quite uncomfortable with the horse and stopped far from the edge of the meadow, then gestured for Jon to get off his back and go over himself if he wanted to contact it.

Sensing its resistance as well, Jon climbed off the unicorn's back and then held up the wooden tag that Hagrid had given him from a good distance away in case the bald horse ran away straight after spotting him.

"Hey! Mate, do you recognise this?"

The bald horse, which was lazily grazing, heard Jon's movement and its mouth, which had been crisscrossed, abruptly twitched, its intelligent, large and small eyes blinked for a moment before finally jerking its head around to look at Jon.

One man and one horse just stared at each other for two or three seconds, with wide eyes.

The next moment, Jon felt a flash before his eyes as the grey shadow turned into the wind and swept across the grass!

This was not a metaphor, but the horse disappeared in front of Jon's eyes even without a half-second of a blink.

At this moment, Jon also remembered Hagrid's description of the species of several of his important friends, one of which being a magical creature known as a Granian, one of the surviving species of Pegasus in the magical world.

Although it is a Pegasus too, it is different from the Abraxans and the Thestrals that are gifted to fly very fast with wings; on the contrary, it is extremely fast on land, and ran even more swiftly than the wind!

The way this horse had just behaved, coupled with its grey fur, it was clearly a Granian.


After guessing that this horse was one of the magical creatures that Hagrid had requested him to focus on contacting, Jon yelled directly at the spot where the wind had disappeared, at the top of his lungs.

His shout startled a flock of birds in the woods not far away and soon the grey gust of wind returned to the same place it had disappeared from!

It was as if the wizard had used an Apparition to teleport directly in front of Jon's eyes, and again Jon experienced a flash of blurring before his eyes, and the bald horse reappeared in his field of vision.

Jon was somewhat shocked by how fast it was and once again locked eyes with its large and small eyes.

The bald horse didn't show as much interest in Jon's eyes this time as it had earlier, and its gaze quickly shifted to the wooden tag he held in his hand.

Obviously, Jon could see a gleam of surprise light up in its eyes!

Then a grassy tongue licked Jon's face, and the horse, named Hoss, who had verified Jon's identity by checking out Hagrid's wooden tag, then showed him great affection.

That alone was enough to show how close it was to Hagrid back then, but Jon could not help but feel that its appearance revealed a sense of greasiness and silliness.

Barely tearing himself away from Hoss's tongue, Jon said as he held its large balding head back and turned his head to the unicorn who was standing far away watching this scene.

"Thank you for your help, I'll trouble Hoss for help with the rest of the things later, you still have your herd to look after, so get back to them."

Hearing Jon's words, the unicorn's four hooves all became much lighter, and after winking at Jon, it turned around and was about to head back. Follow current novels at

At this moment, however, it was as if Hoss had only just noticed the unicorn's presence, his eyes glowing with a strange brilliance as he looked at the back of the fellow horse-shaped magical creature, which had snowy white fur!

It was as if the video footage had been restored from fast-forward to normal and Hoss had brought Jon to a halt.

There was the sound of a water source flowing nearby; this place was next to a small stream and many birds and flowers graced their beauty in the surrounding environment.

Jon looked around with some confusion, trying to find the magical creature Hagrid had mentioned, yet he hadn't found even a single creature with magic.

"Why did you suddenly stop ..."

Before the question was even half-asked, Jon swallowed the next half of his words back into his stomach as he followed where Hoss's sizeable eyes were looking straight up.

It was a young Doe that was drinking from the stream, the most common breed, with no magical traits whatsoever.

It was still keeping an alert watch on its surroundings as it drank, but apparently, it didn't notice Hoss, who was quietly hiding behind a bush, peeking at its butt with eyes full of glitter.

Jon took a deep breath, reminding himself that there was no point in getting angry with a horse, especially one like this.

But eventually, he couldn't resist clenching his fist and hitting Hoss squarely on his bald head!

"That's a deer! You're not even the same species, what is your rutting head thinking! Stupid mule!"

It is not clear whether Jon's knock woke Hoss up or not, but it did disturb the young doe, who panicked and ran away from the stream, leaving Hoss with no choice but to turn his head back, before continuing to lead Jon on a wild ride through the forbidden forest.

This time he finally didn't make any more trouble, and after running for about a minute, he came to a stop in front of a large mound in the darkest, most secluded depths of the Forbidden Forest.

The trees here were unusually tall and thick, their umbrella-like canopies linked together and blocking out the entire sky, preventing the sun from reaching the land all year round.

Even Hoss was much quieter in this environment, sniffing his nose a little warily, sniffing from side to side, looking like a dumb mutt now.

Jon climbed off Hoss's back, and then his feet stepped on a white, silk-like substance.

It was spider silk.

Seeing the surroundings and the scattered spider silk on the ground, Jon could roughly guess who Hoss had brought himself to find.

The eight-eyed giant spider - Aragog, Hagrid's closest and oldest friend, it was because Hagrid had once kept it captive and raised it when he was a student at Hogwarts that Voldemort had found a good reason to blame the scourge of opening the Chamber of Secrets and killing a student on Hagrid, leading to his expulsion.

And this is where the Aragog and his descendants reside.

Jon acted very carefully when he found out what this place was.

He knew very well that perhaps that old spider Aragog still retained respect for Hagrid and would not harm himself, but it was not the case with his children and grandchildren.

So Jon had his wand in hand, and with his other hand, he held the hide of Hoss' side neck and guided him deeper into the large ditch.

Now and then small spiders would swarm out from under their feet, and as more and more webs appeared around them, Jon knew they were about to reach their destination.

As he pushed aside the long dark green patch of vegetation in front of him, a sight became clear to Jon.

However, when he saw what was in front of him, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

Spiders, spiders as big as cars were everywhere.

But they ... were all dead!


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