Chapter 382: The Person Forgotten by the Castle (2 in 1)

Chapter 382: The Person Forgotten by the Castle (2 in 1)

From the abandoned classroom, Floyd headed back towards the dormitory with a cheerful smile on her face.

Behind her, however, the two followers had some apprehension on their faces.

"Are we really going to be okay just leaving her here? I just got the feeling from watching her that something might go wrong later on"

The smile on Floyd's face turned cold.

"Something might go wrong? What do you think could go wrong with her?"

The follower explained in a panic.

"I'm not sympathising with her, I'm just worried that she might not think about herself afterwards, might, might kill herself."

"Commit suicide?"

"Yeah, if it was just a curse then we'd still have a way to push through it without getting into any trouble, but if she dies, the Professors will definitely be looking for someone to blame, it's against the bloodline laws."

Floyd snorted disdainfully.

"If she really had the nerve to do that would she have endured it until today? Don't worry about it, I know Konrad, and there's no way she'd kill herself even if you lent her a hundred more guts."

She said it with such conviction that the two followers who were trailing behind her could only put their worries aside.

That very night, however, after the curfew patrols in the Castle had begun, the Aurors suddenly began to search every part of the Castle with great fanfare.

Floyd was woken from her bed in the middle of the night, her temper flaring up, and she was screaming that she would use her family's connections to make sure these brazen Aurors are taken care of.

Then she met Lucius Malfoy, who had been stationed inside Hogwarts Castle, the head of all British Aurors, the purest of purebloods.

"Miss Floyd, I heard you were the last person to see Assia Konrad."

After seeing Lucius, Floyd panicked.

Even within purebloods, there are differences in status, and someone like her and the new school of purebloods behind her, who had only been building up their heritage for ten years, aren't worthy of stepping up to the plate to show their arrogance in front of the Malfoys.

"She, what's wrong with her?"

"Has anyone ever taught you to answer the questions people ask you first before proceeding to ask them?" Lucius was looking at Floyd with undisguised contempt and disdain in his gaze as if he was looking at a bumpkin who had just arrived in the city from the countryside. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Such a gaze sent a wave of humiliation through Floyd, but she didn't have a single ounce of courage to lose her temper.

"I, I did see her, and she offended me, so I tried to use a little trick to frighten her, and other than that I did nothing more to her!"

"Use a little trick to scare her? What kind of trick?"

Lucius sat calmly in his chair, a case involving a half-blood should not have required his personal attention at all, but it was special because it was happening in Hogwarts castle at this particular point in time, and he was needed in case it would involve someone from Dumbledore's side.

Floyd's eyes fluttered.

"It's just a. A little curse for fun."

"Those marks of spellcasting we found you left on the sixth floor of the castle were clearly not some little curse." Lucius' eyes were filled with indifference, the kind of indifference that Floyd had when he looked at the mudbloods, "A blood curse, do you know the consequences that are clearly stated in the magical laws should anyone be found to have used such a curse?"

"Sir, first, there is no record of it in the blood laws."

"So your family usually only taught you to read the bloodline laws?" Lucius' disdain was not a bit disguised, "Did you know that some laws override the laws of bloodline?"

In front of Lucius, the quill that was taking notes of its own on the desk suddenly paused as he glanced down at the parchment and then continued with his question.

"One last question, Miss Floyd, and it is the most crucial one, so I hope you better think it through before you answer me, it is a matter of exactly what kind of verdict you will be given in the end."

Floyd's body tensed up.

The penalties for the Floyd and group were immediately handed down, with the main offender, Floyd herself, being sent home to reflect on her actions until the start of the next term, while the two accomplices were each sentenced to two-month detention.

The punishment was better than nothing, as according to Auror, Floyd and the others had only played some "trivial" pranks, and it was mainly Assia's own weaknesses and vulnerability that led to her suicide.

With the special status of purebloods, this minor punishment did not cause any fuss, not only among the professors, but also among the students, whose attention was mainly focused on the upcoming Yule Ball, and the suicide of a half-blood student, which should attract little attention normally, hardly caused any buzz.

It was as if Assia had never been in the Castle before, and was soon forgotten by everyone in the Castle.

This incident was quickly sealed off inside the castle, and once the students inside were no longer talking about it, it was even less likely to spread outside the castle.

This meant that up until the day before Christmas, Jon was still wondering why the half-blood girl who had been coming to Hermione's side hadn't turned up recently.

"Is there some sort of falling out between you two?"

Jon and Hermione chatted idly over dinner.

Hermione's face was calm as she shook her head.

"No, it's not that we've had a falling out, it's that the school she's attending is sick."

Jon couldn't help but blurt out.

"I always get the feeling you're talking like me."

Hermione's eyes couldn't help but narrow into crescent shapes.

"Just because you can feel it, doesn't mean I'm trying to sound like you."

"How's that thing you and Professor Dumbledore have been working on progressing now? Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"It's been most helpful for me that you asked me to go to the Ball with you." Hermione said as if she was half joking, half serious.

Jon couldn't help but shrug his shoulders.

Hermione was clearly a different girl now than the cautious little girl he had first brought back from the castle two years ago, she had more confidence and was becoming less and less of a fifteen-year-old girl as she experienced more and knew more, she truly a teenager compared to Jon who wasn't mentally that age in the first place.

Snape, who was now the temporarily in-charge of Hogwarts Castle during this time, had also officially extended an invitation to Dumbledore and his group, who were always stationed outside the castle.

Apart from the champions and their partners who were leading the dance, all other students who wished to attend the Ball were allowed to relax in the great hall, but only in the great hall or the temporary garden created outside the castle; the rest of the school remained closed off to them.

In the end Dumbledore and Rosier left it up to the students to decide whether they wanted to go to the Ball or not, and the majority of those who had signed up to come here were actually disinterested, apart from Jon and Diane who had to go, plus their respective dance partners.

After all, this type of behaviour from the Castle was more like a handout than a sign of respect, so only eight students decided to go to the ball in the end.

On Christmas Day, it snowed again.

Only it was not very heavy, and instead of the wide blanket of snow, it was scattered as if the gods were putting some finishing touches for the upcoming Ball.

As usual, every student in the wagon received a Christmas present of their own, and since some of the Durmstrang students were in the wagon this year, Hogwarts had thoughtfully prepared one for them as well, which made every student happy at lunchtime, even with the hectic nature of the current tournament.

And by late afternoon, it was up to Rosier to lead Jon, Diana and the rest of the students who would be attending the ball tonight into Hogwarts Castle, while Dumbledore stayed in the wagon to spend this Christmas with the rest of the students this year.

The Hogwarts great hall had long been decorated in grand style and the place was already filled with many of the students from the castle, and when Jon and the others arrived it drew a lot of attention and pointing from the students.

Jon paid no attention to the others as soon as they entered the great hall, but quickly swept a glance at the figures in the great hall, but did not find the one he was trying to spot.


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