Chapter 397: Go Ashore

Chapter 397: Go Ashore

Once completely submerged in the lake, he had no way to recite the incantation, and the bubble spell, a spell he had only mastered in the last few months, although he could cast it out normally, there was simply no way to do it silently yet.

Immediately Jon knew what choice he should make.

He had already completed his original goal of entering the Black Lake anyway, and the score or whatever it might be didn't matter at all to him who had already got first place in the first task, and now he could do nothing but go back and count it as a great success.

Because of that, he didn't stop for half a second, having made up his mind he pushed on and started swimming upward, while more and more rune snakes kept approaching him, and kept exploding in the area around him and diffusing a dark green liquid!

These snakes weren't just targeting Jon, in addition to the group that was specifically clinging to him who might have been the first group, more rune snakes were pouring out of the Slytherin common room towards the various parts of the Black Lake in all directions.

Jon tried to use the general counter-spell on his ring as he floated upwards, but it still did not affect the rune snakes.

Luckily, he was sufficiently well-versed in the shield charm and had no problem at all casting it silently, so he was able to keep reinforcing it even under the constant destruction of these rune snakes around him, giving him plenty of time to break out of the black lake. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Jon was fast, he had drowned in the water in his previous life, so of course he would not die in the water so simply in this life.

Once he saw the thick sheet of ice above him, he raised his wand with both hands once more.

A silent blasting curse instantly made the lake around him boil, and even the rune snakes that had been tangling around Jon broke into a dark green liquid under the blast.

But the dark green liquid soon reassembled itself into the form of a snake, but by that time Jon was already out of the water!

The lawn was filled with students from the castle, and many of them were already betting on who would be the first to emerge from the black lake.

Most people were betting on Draco, followed by Diane, then Emil, and finally Jon.

Many thought that Jon would still try to win the task just like he did in the Forbidden Forest, and would mainly focus on getting the points instead of completing the task quickly, so basically no one thought he would be the first to finish.

However, it was Draco who received the most pressure because everyone thought there was a good chance he would be the first to be eliminated.

Emil, on the other hand, has the highest score if he finishes second. 70 plus 30 is 100, which is roughly the same score or a bit higher than Jon.

That means Jon's advantage in the first task is gone, and they are on the same starting line at the start of the third task!

This of course thrilled Bonnesante.

But soon the next thing Jon said to Matthew cooled his heart.

"There's a riot in the Black Lake for some reason, there are strange snakes that attacked me on sight and explode themselves, and they can't be killed, I suspect it's the castle side trying to cheat!"

Jon started by snapping back without saying a word.

Voldemort himself wasn't here anyway, so who would have known that there would be ancient runes like that in the Slytherin common room anyway?

Since no one knew and this Black Lake had previously been under the castle's jurisdiction, it was his turn to sling as much mud as he wanted.

His words silenced the scene again, and some students around the place heard it and were spreading the news privately.

Soon there were whispers on the lawn, many of whom didn't believe Jon's accusation at all and thought he was making excuses for his own blunder in the task.

But the truth is that Jon really didn't care how many points he would get in this task, because he would not be ranked lower no matter what in the overall ranking.

There was one thing that many people had forgotten, but he hadn't.


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