Chapter 409: Surge of Black Mist (2 in 1)

Chapter 409: Surge of Black Mist (2 in 1)

The moment the black fog started to spread, Jon felt a strong sense of crisis.

Without hesitation, he used the general counter-spell in his ring and covered his body with it, and at the same time, he used the levitation charm and flew off the ground!

The black mist enveloped the entire library in an instant, and at the same time, Brandon extended his wand and aimed it at Jon's location.

As if under his control, the black fog surged towards Jon, who was already floating in mid-air!

The black mist gave him a bad feeling, and even with the ring magic he had been maintaining, there was no way to resist it, so he could only dodge around in mid-air to avoid the black mist.

"I have never underestimated you, Jon, to kill Bella and the others, no matter what means you used, it is proof enough of your strength." Brandon's voice rang out loudly through the library, "My lord has helped me to make all preparations, how can you resist the power of my lord, even if you can fight?! Today, this is the place where you will die!"

As he spoke, the tip of his wand glowed with a miserable green light, and the killing curse shot out from it in the next instant!

Although Jon's attention had been on the black mist, he had not completely missed Brandon's movements, and the moment he saw the green light, his body snapped to the left, dodging the attack.

His physical fitness and reflexes were now able to keep up with his brain, otherwise, that situation would have forced him into a state of distress, even if it didn't kill him.

On the ground, the Sphinx that had hidden in the foyer of the library sensed something was wrong the moment the black fog spread out, and it ran to get out of the library, but before it could break open the door, the black fog had already wrapped itself around it.

The next moment, the Sphinx let out a miserable wail, and then, as the black mist receded from it, it made no sound, leaving only a terrified and ashen face.

Jon had of course noticed the change in the Sphinx, the black mist was not really strange to him, it was a standard product of Voldemort's body.

But the ones Brandon was letting out at the moment gave him a distinctly different feeling, and the odds were that the root cause of this was that the black gemstone ring was high.

Jon wasn't sure yet, but the black ring reminded him of one thing from the original story, one of the Three Deathly Hallows and Voldemort's Horcruxes, the ring created with the Resurrection Stone embed in it!

Of the three Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand had the most direct effect, enhancing all the user's magic, the Cloak of Invisibility also had the most apparent effect, a cloak whose invisibility effect never faded, and only the Resurrection Stone was not much described in the original story, and the exact effect was rather vague, anyway, it was certainly not as simple as being able to directly revive someone completely intact.

And just as Jon was thinking of either escaping from the library or entering the room behind him that the Sphinx had barricaded, the Sphinx, which had lost all its life and was lying on the floor, suddenly rose again!

Only the "resurrected" one looked like a soulless walking corpse, and its gaze was directed at Jon in mid-air with an expression of hatred.

A corpse!

Naturally, Jon recognised the current state of the Sphinx, and his heart sank a little as he became more wary of the black fog that filled the room below, and then, after deciding that the door behind him, which might house the Triwizard Cup, might not be so easy to open, he used a spell to blow open one of the library windows!

Lestrange father and son obviously noticed Jon's movement, and together they raised their wands in an attempt to hinder Jon's movement, thus slowing down the time to give the Black Mist a chance to catch him.

However, Jon's movements were clearly much faster than they had thought.

As he broke the window, he faked a move, pretending to move back into the wooden door at the end of the forbidden zone, but in fact, he secretly approached the nearest window and, after silently casting a spell to shatter it with a blasting curse, he immediately dashed out.

The Lestrange father and son's plan to stop him was obviously too late, and before their spell could be shot out of their wands, Jon was already out of the library, and the black mist, as if it had a consciousness of its own, flew out of the library after him without being controlled by anyone else!

The Hogwarts Library was located on the first floor of the castle.

In fact, it was very simple for Jon to solve the problem in front of him, as long as he could open the door of the castle along with this black mist, and let everyone outside see the presence of the black mist, then at least Rosier and the judges of the Confederation would not be indifferent, and this was exactly his chance.

But obviously, the black mist did not want to give Jon this chance, and as he rushed out of the library, Jon could clearly see that some of the black mist had penetrated the floor, blocking the stairs to the ground floor in advance, just to prevent Jon from trying to escape from the ground floor.

But naturally, Jon was not dead in the head, and after knowing that going to the ground floor would no longer work, he then started to fly towards the stairs towards the higher floors of the castle.

If he could find a tower, it would be equally possible to tangle with the black mist up there! Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Jon's flight speed was obviously no match for this black mist, so he could only take advantage of the complex terrain in the castle and keep on tugging and just kept on flying from the first floor to the fifth floor.

Jon was in a dead end.

The corridor was so narrow that he had no room to escape.

And just as the black fog that surrounded him was slowly gathering over, Jon suddenly looked directly in front of him with a calm face.


The moment he uttered that name, the black fog around him suddenly paused.

"I know it's you, a normal magic even if it's powerful couldn't possibly be able to think on its own to get to a place like this, much less be so familiar with Hogwarts castle."

Jon's voice echoed down the corridor, and after his words had fallen, the black mist that had stood still surged up and soon a handsome young upper body made up of black mist appeared in front of Jon.

"You're really clever, Jon, really clever."

Voldemort's voice was a little muffled as if muffled by the fog.

"How nice it would be if you weren't a mudblood, but a pureblood or even a half-blood."

He let out an exclamation, but the grim gaze didn't move from Jon's body for half a moment.

Jon wasn't baffled by his words, he simply said softly.

"In your book, birth can of course determine everything, but in my book, blood or lack of it is simply bollocks, the most important thing is the mind and talent of the person isn't it?"

"Of course it is, you are quite right, a truth that all agree on." Voldemort wandered through the black mist while keeping his eyes on Jon, "But why do so many others believe in my proposed theory of bloodlines from the bottom of their hearts? It's the benefits! My theory can bring them enough benefits! With that, what does it matter if it's right or wrong?"

Jon was outwardly calm, but in reality, his body was tense all the time, while his hand, hidden in his sleeve, was approaching his inner pocket little by little, following what the Sorting Hat had said in his mind.

As if he could tell that Voldemort wasn't actually much in the mood for him and talking about this, Jon threw in another topic that was bound to get his attention straight away.

"You're not the real Voldemort himself, are you? You're just one of the souls he split off."

Sure enough, Voldemort, who had been moving closer to Jon, once again stopped his movement, looking a little puzzled that Jon could actually know so much.

"Did that old man Dumbledore tell you that?"

Jon took a deep breath.

"I know a lot more about you, Voldemort, or rather Mr Tom Riddle."

Yet just as Jon thought he could drag this out for a little longer, the black mist around Voldemort suddenly boiled up, while his sneering taunt echoed throughout the corridor!

"You still want to play these little tricks in front of me! Who do you think I am!"

The black fog almost drowned Jon in the blink of an eye, but at that same moment, Jon's hand had reached into the Sorting Hat!

In this long corridor, which was completely enveloped by darkness, Jon drew a sword with a flash of sharpness.

The light of the sword cut through the black fog!


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