Chapter 415: Bloody Triwizard Cup

Chapter 415: Bloody Triwizard Cup

It's been a long time.

The term used was quite the same, yet it made Dumbledore feel a lot different.

He looked at the same Riddle who had been flanked by many Death Eaters and had made his way to him.

The man was still the same, and the face was still the same, but despite nothing having changed, Dumbledore felt a distinct difference.

"It's been a 'long time' since I've seen you."

Dumbledore said in a soft voice.

"It's been, well, almost fifteen years, I guess?"

Voldemort gazed into his eyes, the expression on his face didn't change a bit.

"It's quite surprising that you can recognize me."

"It is not that surprising to recognize you as you are much different from him, isn't that right?"

The conversation between the two men was like a riddle so that the others present could not make out what was actually being spoken between them.

But everyone held their breath, knowing that once these two men had appeared on the scene it was no longer relevant to them whether there would be a fight or not.

Even if the people following them won an unexpected victory, it would not have any effect on the situation on the whole stage.

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Voldemort laughed heartily, and everyone felt his mood, relaxed, happy, excited, joyful!

"Yes! That damned thing has kept me suppressed for 15 whole years! Now at last I'm back! It's time for me to take back control of the world, and no one can stop me anymore, no one!"

His grim gaze was fixed on Dumbledore, with a twisted expression that sent chills through the bodies of everyone standing behind Dumbledore.

Even the Death Eaters who had clustered around Voldemort sensed something different from this lord of theirs.

He was far more insane, twisted and cruel than he had ever been before!

Dumbledore looked at him calmly.

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Voldemort suddenly went quiet.

And even if Voldemort was very powerful, there was no way he could break through the ceiling that this body of Draco's brought him.

As for whether killing Draco would violate the pact between him and Lucius.

If at this point in time, Jon was still considering such a question, then he simply shouldn't even resist!

Jon's series of strikes were quick, and in the span of a second, the chains from the transfiguration spell had reached a distance of about three metres around Voldemort.

But before the chains, each of which was the thickness of a baby's arm, could take hold, the black fog that had been surrounding Voldemort erupted!

The moment the chains came into contact with the black fog, the chains, which had been transformed and had the same quality as steel, made a series of violent cracking sounds.

At that moment, Jon had already reached Voldemort's face with his sword!

The smile on Voldemort's face hadn't even changed, he didn't even try to dodge, he just raised his wand in his hand, without reciting an incantation or waving the wand, and a dazzling green light flashed out!

The moment Jon saw the tip of the wand light up, the hairs on his body stood upright!

Almost by instinct, he cancelled the levitation charm on his body without hesitation, and narrowly twisted out of the way of Voldemort's killing curse while his body plunged down!

But just as his body had fallen to the floor, and Jon was about to get up from the ground.

Voldemort stretched out his hand, and the black mist that had scattered around him became an extension of his arm, and rushed towards the wooden door of the room where the Triwizard Cup was hidden!

The trophy, which would become the final proof of the championship, was wrapped up in the black fog and slammed down on Jon, who had just risen from the floor, with tremendous force!


The hard trophy hit Jon's chest so hard that the tremendous impact caused him to roll around several times on the ground, and only when he hit the wall in the deepest part of the Forbidden Books section did he come to a halt.


Scarlet blood and bits of meat spurted on top of the trophy, and at the same time, Jon's name was visible on the surface of the cup as proof of the championship!


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