Chapter 419: Waiting for Mr Headmaster to Come (2 in 1)

Chapter 419: Waiting for Mr Headmaster to Come (2 in 1)

Matthew was aware that this Triwizard Tournament is destined to not end as peacefully as it appeared.

But he had never imagined that such an ending as the one coming out of Jon's mouth would happen.

Matthew couldn't guess exactly what had happened, but from the conversation between Jon and Dumbledore, as long as he wasn't a fool, he could naturally hear that it was Voldemort himself who had just come after Jon in the castle, and as for the final result

Now it was Jon who walked out, Emil who died, and Draco who was seriously injured and unconscious, there was no second guess to the outcome!

The expression on Matthew's face became slightly more strained.

He had noticed a commotion resounding among the crowd of students and faculty of Hogwarts Castle and knew that by this time someone must have sensed that something was wrong with Emil's state, and the crowd, including Lucius, Snape and Barty Junior, had rushed in the direction of where they were with a grim look on their faces.

"What's next? Albus."

Matthew asked in a whisper.

The outcome of the tournament was now clear, and since it was Jon's name that was left on that Triwizard Cup, it was only natural that Matthew, who wanted to hurry up and end the tournament, should ask the winning side, Dumbledore and the others, for their opinion.

Dumbledore didn't say anything, he just took a slight step forward and stood in front of Jon.

"There is no need to ask me that question Matthew, you are the judge and now that the results of the tournament are out, you should know what to do."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Matthew turned to look at Lucius and the others who had rushed up, and the Hogwarts castle students whose eyes were looking at them, each practically holding their breath as if they had guessed something but couldn't believe it until it was officially announced.

"I declare!"

He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and suddenly said in a loud voice.

Snape and Barty stopped in their tracks, with only Lucius still rushing to Draco's side without a care in the world, looking panicked and making sure his son's life was safe.

All eyes on that area had converged on Matthew as if they doubted, doubted that this American wizard, who had come on behalf of the International Confederation of Wizards, would truly dare to finally say that result?

However, in the next second, Matthew's voice, which had been enchanted by an Amplifying Charm, reached the ears of everyone present!

"The winner of this Triwizard Tournament is - the champion of the Hogwarts wagon, Jon Green!"

The moment he had made this declaration, an old piece of parchment flew out of Dumbledore's robe pocket!

On it, the blood pact Dumbledore and Voldemort had made regarding the victory or defeat of the Triwizard Tournament was written in black and white!

And now that Matthew, the judge whom both men had agreed upon, had announced the final result, the bets and pledges they had made on the blood pact took effect immediately!

The parchment burst into flames in full view of everyone and soon burned to a fine cloud of dust, disappearing into the night wind.

By this time, Barty and Snape had already pulled out their wands, and behind them, the students and faculty of Hogwarts Castle were in an uproar!

The only ones who rang out in cheers were the few Durmstrang and Hogwarts wagon students that Rosier had kept protecting by her side.

Relief crossed Rosier's face as well, but such relief did not last even a second as she met Dumbledore's blue eyes.

She then immediately nodded knowingly and dragged the barely a dozen or so students from the two schools around her quickly away from the meadow towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where the Hogwarts wagon was parked!

Winning the tournament did not mean that all will go well, and there was a good chance that Hogwarts Castle would become even less safe next.

So it was essential for Rosier to take the students away, and at the same time send the news to the Witching Horizon so that Inishta, who was already in front of the French Ministry of Magic, could take over the whole of France immediately.

As for the Hogwarts castle, Dumbledore would be there.

As long as Dumbledore remained, there would be no surprises, even if there were more Death Eaters here unless Voldemort himself came.

The expression on Snape's face was a little deeper, he didn't have the same inexplicable feeling as Barty, he was just thinking about what to do after such a scenario.

If Voldemort himself appeared, fine, but if Voldemort never showed up, were they really going to take on Dumbledore and Jon Green in front of them?

If they did, there might seem to be a lot of them, but who would be able to beat them?

Jon, who was standing beside Dumbledore with Fawkes on his shoulder, took in the changes on everyone's faces on the grassy field.

He didn't find it funny that these students below, were still under the delusion of their Mr. Headmaster.

Jon was just thinking that if he had actually died then, not having completely completed his Animagus' transformation and resurrection by dying, and Voldemort's plan had succeeded intact, taking over his body, fusing the castle and taking his life instead, and also walking away from the castle as he was doing now.

Then he would surely be faced with the exact same scene before him.

The students of the castle would have expected their Mr Headmaster to stand up for their school and tear up the pact that had been pledged. But the headmaster, on whom they had pinned their hopes, had turned out to be the very person responsible for all this, with the strictest and cruellest liquidation in tow for them.

To this moment, every time he thought of Voldemort's plan, Jon felt a chill run down his spine.

He really was a man who would do anything to gain power and status for himself, not caring about which class or ideology he was fighting for, and was so cold-blooded that he could treat his most loyal servants as new enemies, including the Barty Crouch Jr, who had killed his own father and mother for him, as though he had never been loyal.

And when that time came, could Dumbledore find out that Jon was no longer the same Jon as before?

Well, all of that had become an if, and ultimately it was Jon who stood his ground.

"The lord has yet to come, how can you announce the result like this, do you think we would agree if the lord was not present?"

Snape spoke first to silence the other students on the lawn whose clamour was growing louder and issued the first question to Matthew's announcement of this result, which had been won by Jon.

Hearing the question, Matthew frowned only slightly.

"Mr Snape, it's not a matter of who agrees or disagrees, and since Jon Green's name appears on the Triwizard Cup, he is the eventual winner of this tournament according to the rules."

"But Emil is dead!"

Crouch grimaced, his eyes gradually shifting towards madness, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that all he had to do now was to first determine what had happened in the castle during today's task, and for that purpose, he had found a breakthrough.

"According to the rules of the Triwizard Tournament, tournament champions are not allowed to kill each other! But now Emil Lestrange is dead! Surely we have to question this final result! And it's not a matter of what you see now. How did Emil die, how did Jon Green, who entered the castle in front of all of us, who was a 15-year-old student, become what he is now, all of this needs to be explained! To acknowledge this outcome, we must have to know what happened in the castle!"

His words gave the students on the lawn an outlet to focus all their discontent.

The students all followed suit, screaming that they had to have an explanation from Jon right now, about Emil's death, about the changes that had happened to him.

In response, Jon did not shun and avoid those people's anger, one might even say resentment.

He said with unmistakable bluntness.

"Emil Lestrange died at the hands of your headmaster, I did not kill him at all, I think it would be easy to find out the state of his death, after all, not many people know that kind of magic, as for my current state, it is a matter of personal privacy, no comment."

Just as silence returned to the ground below, and faces were scowling at Jon's ridiculous lie, Jon's voice rang out again.

"Finally, if we're talking about killing someone, then I did kill a man in the castle, the man's name appears to be Brandon Lestrange, he tried to team up with his son to kill me and then win this Triwizard Tournament, and was finally stabbed to death with the sword I used, well, a sword left behind by Gryffindor, the body is still in what used to be the Gryffindor common room, inside that tower, it's easy to find if you want to."


#Rahul Davuluri and #Mathias Zink, Thanks for all your love and support.

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