Chapter 432: Taking Control of the Situation (2 in 1)

Chapter 432: Taking Control of the Situation (2 in 1)

Vernon couldn't help but pull that fat face as he looked at the boy in front of him who looked to be seven or eight years old at most in appearance.

"If you're being a mischievous kid, I promise I'll have you caught by your mum and dad."

Jon pulled his wand out somewhat helplessly, there were times when an appearance like his was the best cover, but equally, there were times when it would be much more inconvenient.

To Vernon's eyes, he simply saw the boy in front of him pull a small wooden stick from his sleeve, and then his whole body slid aside as if out of control, making some way to the door.

As Jon walked into the Dursleys' living room, there was a person who was halfway through the sausage stealing watching with small, shocked eyes as Jon moved his near three hundred pound father aside by using some kind of sorcery.

Vernon froze for a couple of seconds before his face turned red and he shouted.

"What did you just do! Who let you into my house! Get out!"

Jon didn't pay him any mind, the Dursleys were in a different place now than they had been in the original story, as there had been a change in the middle without the adoption of Harry, so Vernon and Dudley, father and son, had no knowledge of magic nor the existence of wizards, and even the memories of their previous meetings with the Potters had been largely tampered with and erased protectively.

And the only person in the family who had any knowledge of magic was Petunia.

So, once Jon had entered the living room, he called out straight away.

"Excuse me, is Petunia home?"

Petunia, who had been busy in the kitchen, had of course heard the commotion outside, and with her apron still on, she walked briskly out of the kitchen in a hurry while wiping her wet hands on it.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

She saw Dudley, who was at the table holding up a sausage that was still about half left, just reacting from his dazed state.

"Mum! Mum! He just did that, and then this, and Dad flew off to the side! Yes, with the little wooden stick he was holding! That stick!"

Vernon, for his part, did not speak, ironically, having heard from Jon's shout that he was acquainted with Petunia.

And Petunia's whole face lost all its blood when she heard Dudley's description and at the same time saw the little wooden stick that Jon was holding in his hand!

A look of horror passed through her eyes, and she subconsciously held Dudley behind her!

"I have no more contact with that sister of mine! We have no contact with those people! Please! We're just normal people! My husband and son don't even know that world exists!"

Vernon could see the panic Petunia was feeling at this point, and although he didn't know exactly what his wife was afraid of, he did pull a baseball bat from a sideboard, and he threatened Jon menacingly.

"Get out! Do you hear me, I don't care who you are! You're not welcome here!"

"No! No! No, Vernon!" Petunia looked like she was about to cry out in fear, "Stop it, they're not afraid of what's in your hands, they're not even afraid of guns!"

Jon couldn't help but shrug a little breathlessly as he watched the chaotic scene.

He could obviously see that Petunia was mistaking him for someone from the British Ministry of Magic.

Petunia Evans, as Lily's own sister, was once naturally registered in the British Ministry of Magic's list of muggle and squib relatives, and when the British Ministry of Magic was completely under Voldemort's control, the Order of the Phoenix had proper arrangements for the families of its members, those who were willing to leave Britain were transferred to some safe places in Northern Europe, and those who were unwilling to leave were completely severed off the contact between the members and their families, and some even had their memories modified, and a new identity was made in Britain to cut off from the magical world and move on with their lives.

Petunia, on the other hand, apparently fell into the second category; at that time she had already married into the Dursley family and had Dudley, plus she was not a witch herself, and the only channel of communication with the magical world, her own sister, had a very mediocre relationship with her, so instead of accepting the arrangement that the Order of the Phoenix made for them to be transferred to Northern Europe, the Dursleys stayed in England.

Petunia shut up and at the same time quickly held the head of Dudley who was too slow to react and wanted to scream out but hadn't had time to open his mouth yet, saving him from the tragedy of becoming just like his dad.

"The world has finally calmed down."

Jon breathed a long sigh of relief, and he spoke straight away, not caring whether Petunia was in the mood to listen to him now or not.

"Now finally you can listen to me seriously right, the wizarding world isn't as dominated by the Dark Lord as you thought, he has suffered a major defeat in his recent year of annexing the French wizarding world, not only did he fail to take over France, now it has become our base; he also lost the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a recent wizarding tournament. You know the school, so you should be able to understand what this means, that is to say, we have escaped the situation of exile that we were in before, and have a considerable advantage over the Dark Lord or you could describe it as such."

After giving a brief account of the situation at hand, whether Petunia believed it or not was another matter, Jon went on to say.

"It was also recently that we not only reclaimed Hogwarts but also captured one of the Dark Lord's top henchmen and an acquaintance of yours, Severus Snape, a name you might remember."

It was obvious that Petunia's pupils constricted for a moment after she heard the name.

"We caught him, but he was cunning enough to escape from France through the help of a lousy old man who wishes to remain anonymous, and is now in Britain but unable to rejoin his original lord, and he knows about Professor Potter, and I am here in Britain to hunt him down; Professor believes that there is a good chance he will be after you guys next. Of all the wizards in the whole of Britain, he knew the most about Professor Potter, and he knew you, so if he wanted to find you, then it wouldn't be difficult to find you, so just in case, the Professor had me come to your house first and give you a clear picture of the situation while she would try to keep watch, and in the end, even if Snape didn't come, you would have to move away from here for a while, just to be safe. "

At this point Jon paused for a moment, he waved his wand in his hand as Petunia and Dudley looked on in horror, and the next second the kettle on the table flew up on its own, pouring a cup of tea into a mug which then flew into Jon's hand.

After such a long speech with a somewhat dry mouth, Jon downed the cup of tea that he, the guest, had entertained himself with.

"Was I clear enough? Nod your head if I am."

Petunia instantly nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, but without Jon's permission, she didn't dare make half a sound.

Seeing her performance, Jon turned his head to look at Vernon behind him who could not separate his tongue from his palate no matter how much he tried.

"And what about you, Mr Dursley? If you can guarantee that you will stop shouting then I will help you to have the magic removed from you, or of course, if your performance later proves that you actually cannot then I can help you to keep your mouth shut forever."

Jon had a wicked grin on his face as he said it, it was clearly a threat.

But Vernon couldn't take that as a threat, and he didn't dare take it as such, he could only keep nodding his head over and over as Petunia had done.

Jon kept his word and lifted the spell from him, and Vernon gasped violently as he looked on in horror at Jon, then ran to his wife and son and shielded them in his arms.

He moved in such a way that Jon felt like he was some kind of great villain.

He didn't care though, the Dursleys obviously had a low acceptance of special events, especially as Petunia herself had some issues with wizards and magic, leaving them with no way to have any sort of rational mind to interact with Jon as a wizard.

So Jon had actually thought about this possibility before he came, and if they couldn't communicate peacefully, then even if they were intimidated, it was better than them being foolishly played by Snape as a tool man and maybe thrown to Voldemort later.

As for what they thought of themselves, Jon didn't care at all.

"You may speak now, so what do you have in mind now? Mrs. Dursley."


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