Chapter 435: One Against Three

Chapter 435: One Against Three

The moment the Muggle-Repelling Charm had enveloped him, Jon had reacted!

Snape had definitely timed the delivery of that message to make sure that someone would be present here at the Dursleys' house!

And as the door to the room was blown open by the Death Eater's spell, Jon rushed to the Dursleys' side, and at this moment, seeing the three men in masks and black robes, Dudley was the first to be unable to stop himself from screaming.

Golden flames flared up in Jon's eyes!

Most of the phoenix's abilities required him to use them after he had completed his transformation, but there are still some that Jon could use intuitively once he had partially changed the magical properties within himself!

The next moment, without chanting a spell or waving a wand, an ethereal song rang out and the nirvana fire that belonged uniquely to the Phoenix suddenly lit up around the three Death Eaters!

Nott hadn't expected any kind of resistance at all once he arrived at Dursley's house with his men.

He had only planned to come alone, after all, it is only a family of Muggles and there is no need to waste any other manpower, but hunting down and especially capturing Snape alive is an absolute chore, so immediately two friends who are usually close to him offered to come along with him on this mission given by Voldemort.

It wasn't a big deal, so Nott had no reason to refuse, but just after they had set up all the preparations to avoid disturbing the neighbours by breaking into the Dursley house, there was an unexpected counterattack!

Looking at Jon, who looked like a 7 or 8-year-old boy, at first Nott and the others didn't immediately raise their guard, as all wizards knew that even for children of wizarding families, the official time to start learning magic was after the age of 11.

But once the golden flames, which were not warm enough to be felt, had surrounded them, Nott knew they were wrong!

The flames did not cause them any direct damage, but the moment they burned, they caused them a pain that was deep in their souls.

The pain was somewhat like a Cruciatus Curse, but not as intense as the Cruciatus Curse, yet you could clearly feel the burning sensation building up in your soul!

The next moment they felt the burn from these flames, a wave of panic rose in Nott and his companions' hearts.

All magics concerning the soul were extremely rare in the magical world, but as long as they were related to the soul, there were basically no easy spells to deal with, the most famous of which was undoubtedly the three Unforgivable Curses.

One kills the soul, one tortures the soul, and one controls the soul.

The flames that Jon used were not something they had ever seen before, but they could not help but make a subconscious connection with the Unforgivable Curse.

The effects exerted on his body before the success of the Animagus transformation did not disappear with the eventual success but were slightly enhanced again.

Allowing Jon's reaction speed and physical fitness today to exceed that of the average adult, so it was not difficult to dodge the killing curse.

The curse struck the wall behind it, leaving a black crater resembling a big bullet hole.

The Dursley family, hiding in the kitchen, saw the scene in horror; there was no way they could get involved in this fight unless Vernon could clutch a gun at this point and maybe pull off a dirty trick.

After making his dodge, Jon didn't keep his attention on Nott, but stared at the Death Eater who had just escaped from the range of the golden flames, dragging his unconscious companion with him, and gripped his wand abruptly in both hands.

"Close your eyes."

These words he spoke were addressed to the Dursley family, and just after the words fell, the incantation rang out from his mouth.


He held his wand high, and as he swung it down, his body began to dodge and twist, dodging the second attack that was followed by Nott while pointing the tip of the wand straight at the Death Eater who was roaring out the shield charm incantation!

Petunia subconsciously closed her eyes, and she protectively cradled Dudley's head in her arms to keep him from watching the scene in the living room.


A sound like glass exploding suddenly rang out, followed closely by the muffled snap of a sharp object cutting into flesh!



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