Chapter 502: In this Harry Potter without the Dark Lord

Chapter 502: In this Harry Potter without the Dark Lord

After all the points had been emphasised, the time for Jon and Lily to leave by travelling through space was chosen to be 6.17 pm that evening.

This was the time that Iniesta had deliberately chosen; according to him, it was the weakest node in space when the sun was just setting and the night had begun to creep in around such a time.

At five o'clock, McGonagall, Flitwick, Sirius, Kingsley, Lupin, and others, a group of them gathered to start the day's dinner early.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Other than that, there were no further calls for more other people, as they were worried about this matter getting leaked out...

"If you see another world me, have a good talk with him, and tell him to cherish his arm."

Flitwick raised his butterbeer in one hand and clinked glasses with Jon.

"Well, if that world's me is still alive from an accident where I choked to death on a buttered cupcake, of course."

Jon smiled at Flitwick's optimism.

"Don't worry Professor, I'm sure I'll see every one of them."

"And Dumbledore, the Dumbledore of the other world must still be awake and sober, with him finally being able to be Headmaster in peace of mind at last, without having to worry about how on earth his students are going to be able to live healthy lives. Tell him he's great, really great."

As Flitwick spoke, his eyes couldn't help but redden, and then he turned his head and wiped his eyes with his robe before saying sorry.

The atmosphere that had been fairly cheerful at dinner gradually became sombre.

McGonagall pursed her lips, her hand trembling a little as she patted Lily's shoulder.

"If you see Pomona, tell her for me that we all miss her."

Lily said as she patted McGonagall's back gently.

"I will, I'll tell her everything."

Kingsley handed Jon a piece of parchment.

"I've written a list of people who have been Voldemort's sleeper agents at one time or another in the Ministry, maybe they'll be different in the other world, but I'm sure that after you bring this to Dumbledore, it should make him a little more vigilant and careful."

Jon took the list and made a promise to Kingsley that he would deliver it to Dumbledore.

Sirius broke the sad mood.

"Originally I wanted to say that this is your last chance. But when I think about it, such words have actually been said by me quite a few times."

His voice was flat, no joy or anger could be heard in it.

"But what I think should be clear to all of you here, the ones who will actually be the ones to enjoy the greatest fruits following the victory of this war. If you all still want to maintain your positions and defend your rights and interests, then don't give me any more stupidity and slyness, or else, I think a half-blood can be noble."

At that moment, the bodies of everyone present couldn't help but tremble as they raised their heads in horror and looked towards their lord.

"My lord! We will do our best!"

"We won't let you down again!"

"You will be satisfied! We will satisfy you this time!"

Voldemort rose from his seat as he passed through the mass of people, leaving only one sentence behind.

"Then we'll see how you all fare in the war in the North."


"I can't for the life of me figure out why he just keeps targeting you like that, just because your dad used to bully him? Harry."

In Hogwarts Castle, in the Gryffindor common room, a bright fireplace warmed the entire common room.

Ron was playing wizard's chess with Seamus, rambling to Harry as he ordered his own pieces on the board to strangle the enemy across the board.

Harry was sitting on the couch, he was carefully tending to his wand, a wand maintenance routine he had learnt from Cedric, they had been friends since last year's Triwizard Tournament.

"I don't. But Professor Dumbledore trusts him, although we can hate him, but we also have to trust the Professor."

"Those Death Eaters are at it again, there have been rumours going around the wizarding world lately that they have found their lord and are preparing some big, earth-shattering plan."

Harry glanced at the Daily Prophet of that day's edition again and found the one article that wasn't reported by Rita Skeeter and had significantly more credibility.


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