Chapter 508: Harry and Lily

Chapter 508: Harry and Lily

Harry had thought at first that he would enjoy the rare peace and tranquillity in his life.

At least that's what he had believed during the first half of this academic year.

That was until the whole of this fifth year was about to end in such a dull and uneventful manner without any ups and downs; not a single Death Eater plot, not a single professor in the castle plotting against him, and not even a single student being under the compulsion of something odd anymore.

"Why is there a Potions class tomorrow?"

"I have a feeling it's not that there are too many potions classes, it's just your attention is only focused on them, and even if it was just one class a school year, you would still think it's too much."Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Ron said straight to the point.

Harry knew he was telling the truth, but it was also a fact that taking Snape's classes was torture and misery for him.

Just as Harry had put down the class schedule in his hands and was about to head back to his dormitory with Ron, depressed and waiting for tomorrow, Nick suddenly found him.

"Hey, Harry! I don't think you're going to be able to go to bed just yet, Dumbledore is looking for you."

Instead of feeling a bit nervous at Nick's words, Harry perked up.

"What does Professor Dumbledore want from me? Is it Quirrell who managed to escape from prison! Or did Barty Crouch Jr. actually fake his death last year, and he's making a fuss again!"

Nick shook his head as if perplexed that he had such an imagination.

"You'll have to go to the Headmaster's office yourself to find out, and I have also been informed by the portrait in the Headmaster's office that the password for tonight is lemonade."

Harry couldn't stay half a moment longer, he sprang up from the common room couch like a spring and ran out of the Gryffindor common room.

All sorts of speculations flashed through his mind on the way, thinking about what the odds were that he would be able to skip Snape's Potions class tomorrow.

With that, he recited the password to enter the Headmaster's office, made his way to the door on the seventh floor and knocked on the door.

Only when he heard Dumbledore's voice ringing from inside did he push his way in.

Then he realised that there were a lot of people in the Headmaster's office tonight.

Not only Dumbledore, but Professor McGonagall was here as well, and on top of that, there was a boy who looked to be at most seven or eight years old and a witch who looked incredibly familiar to him.

At first, Harry only felt familiar when he saw the face of the witch, but soon he felt that the atmosphere in the headmaster's office was not right.

Hearing Jon ask Hermione's name, McGonagall visibly frowned in thought for a moment.

"No, never heard of that student in the castle either, why? Was she a student at Hogwarts in the other world as well?"

After hearing this answer, Jon froze instantly.

The Hermione of this world is gone?

Jon pursued the question further.

"Have you heard that name anywhere else in the wizarding world? Her full name is Hermione Jane Granger."

McGonagall recalled it carefully for a moment, then she said in a daze as if she had remembered something.

"I remember, last year when the Triwizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts, among the students that Beauxbatons brought, there was that one little girl with chestnut-coloured hair who appeared to have that name, but she didn't make it into the tournament, so she didn't make that deep of an impression."

Jon couldn't help but have his doubts rise at this point.

Hermione went to Beauxbatons? Was the Hermione of Beauxbatons the Hermione he knew?

And what was the problem in the middle that got her accepted into Beauxbatons instead of the original Hogwarts?

But whether it was Hogwarts or being accepted by Beauxbatons, at least it was a proper wizarding school, although Hermione's life trajectory had changed, it didn't seem to have changed for the worse, or at least it was much better than the opening she had at the beginning of the last world.

After figuring out these things, Jon did not immediately rest, but found Dumbledore alone, intending to discuss with him how to go about finding Horcruxes.


[Author: Difficult to write guys, it's too hard to write what's not in the plot]

[TL: According to the original plot, this volume plot was different, but it was changed at the last second, which made the update schedule irregular; that's why the author wrote that comment]


#chandru selvakumar, #Muhamad Rafiq Bin Jamil and #Magi, Thanks for all your love and support.

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