Chapter 514: Gringotts

Chapter 514: Gringotts

It would have never been any easier to get the answer.

Not to mention that Jon had taken quite a few potions packed with him before he made the trip to this world, including a vial of Truth Potion given to him by Slughorn, and he himself had mastered the Legilimency Spell.

Such two Death Eaters who had not left him with the slightest impression in his original world were obviously nameless goons, and the likelihood of the two being able to master the very advanced Occlumency was also very low.

And so just as Harry had barely reacted, Jon had lifted the Stunning Spell on the Death Eater in his hand with the Reviving Spell, while staring into his eyes as he opened them!

In the next moment, all the memories of the Death Eater's last month were in Jon's eyes, and soon he found what he needed in a series of jumbled images.

It was a black mist that Jon was all too familiar with, and it was floating in mid-air, accepting the kneeling of those slaves below.

"-Go get me those things, the ring, diary, diadem, and the locket. Not a single one should be missing!"

The harsh voice echoed as Jon stared at the image of the scene, and then he aimed the wand in his hand at the Death Eater's temple, then twirled it.

A strand of memory silver wire was thus extracted, and Jon then conjured a glass vial and placed the wire in it, finally handing it to Dumbledore.

"Voldemort, Professor."

Dumbledore took the glass vial, he didn't say anything to Jon's carefree use of the Legilimency Spell, he had never been that much of a pedantic person, and knew very well that if that world Jon was in really fell into that kind of dire situation, the resistance couldn't afford to just use the Disarming Charm against the Killing Curse, could they?

And after hearing Jon utter the name, his face revealed a grave expression.

Although he had already had some expectations when he saw these Death Eaters and heard the title of lord coming out of their mouths, when he actually heard Jon confirming this matter, it still could not help but take him a little by surprise.

After all, the real Voldemort has been missing for more than ten years, and just yesterday, Jon's arrival only explained that Voldemort actually went to another world, but this is still a fact that has not been determined for one day, and Voldemort reappeared again!

This thing was unexpected for Dumbledore, and for Harry, it was just horrifying!

As Ron had talked to him earlier, almost every year since attending Hogwarts there had been an accident with a diehard Death Eater spouting declarations that sooner or later Voldemort was going to come back.

He had thought that this year was going to pass without a hitch this way and that no accidents would ever happen again, but then he hadn't expected to be given a big one directly this January, near the end of term!

For the time being, he didn't know what exactly that 'Voldemort' actually was, but having already fought with him so many times, Jon knew very well that that black mist was definitely Voldemort himself, and he couldn't be mistaken.

And now what exactly is this Voldemort who has appeared in this world, the most worrying thing is that the real Voldemort has actually been holding the means to travel between the two worlds, and he has now learnt about what Jon and Lily are doing and chased after them.

This wasn't very likely though, because if that was the case, it didn't make sense that this world had been quiet all these years, and even if some trouble had arisen, it had all been Death Eaters making petty troubles.

So Jon was actually more inclined towards the second speculation.

That was that there was some kind of change in the Horcruxes in this world, allowing one of the remnants of the soul to have the ability to act on its own!

And from the images extracted from the memories of those two Death Eaters, Voldemort had mentioned all the Horcruxes, but only the Hufflepuff golden cup hidden in the Gringotts was not mentioned.

This could not help but make Jon suspicious of that one.

Could this 'Voldemort' who suddenly appeared possibly be the remnant soul on the golden cup?

So without stopping, he rushed to the Gringotts with Dumbledore and Harry, actually wanting a kind of verification.

Soon, they came to the batch of vaults with the highest security standards in the Gringotts, and the 713 vault was once the place that Dumbledore used to store the Philosopher's Stone.

Nowadays, there was certainly nothing valuable in this vault, and they only casually glanced at it after entering the vault before directly letting the goblin who was leading the way bring them out again.

After this seemingly time-wasting trip was over, they got a room in the Leaky Cauldron Bar.

In the room, Jon looked at Dumbledore and nodded, and used Phoenix's, unrestricted Apparition.


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