Chapter 531: Return

Chapter 531: Return

The things Lily told Harry about of course could only be about Horcruxes.

Something about him having become one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, something that he himself had a right to know and had to be told.

Harry's reaction to this was still emotionally stable, and at first, he thought nothing of destroying the Horcruxes along with him, but then Lily mentioned it and also said why she was taking him back this time, mainly to solve the problems in this regard.

And when the Horcrux on Harry's body is resolved, he will immediately be sent back from the other world.

There was no way for Dumbledore to go there with them because his own age had already exceeded the maximum limit of the space-turner, and even if he was just allowed to go back on his own, it would still be an impossible thing to do.

Otherwise, in line with his willingness to happily visit another world and take care of Voldemort these days, as long as he could go back with Jon and Lily, then their chances of winning would be a lot higher.

However, this kind of thing in itself was not something that could be forced, and after determining all matters, Jon and the others had no further stops to make and used the Space-Turner that very night to return to the world that had originally belonged to them, taking Harry along with them.

The location where they landed after travelling through the dimension was exactly where they had been before they left. It was one of Witching Horizon's main camps in Northern Europe, and Hogwarts, which had been relocated from France, was temporarily set up there.

Once Jon and Lily had appeared there, it was obvious that they could notice that the atmosphere had become much more subdued compared to when they had left.

But after seeing that they had returned, many people had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Especially the Hogwarts students.

And it was from them that Jon learnt some of the things that had happened during the time they had been away.

Voldemort had only been resting for a week before he began to press on with his invasion into Northern Europe.

When the Witching Horizon pulled the battle line into German territory, the European magical regimes south of Britain and France all fell under Voldemort's rule.

It's just that Voldemort hasn't had the time to meddle in regulating these small magical governments at this time, focusing all of his attention on the Northern Europe raid.

And just like all the wars in the past, the final victory or defeat often depends on the two most powerful wizards to have the ultimate duel.

Before Jon and Lily returned, the duel between Voldemort and Grindelwald had just ended.

The end result was Grindelwald's defeat.

But he didn't die because of it, Voldemort won but didn't get much advantage from him, and the conquest of Northern Europe simply stopped at Germany.

"It's sort of taken care of, except for the fact that Professor Potter's son in the other world, Harry, got accidentally turned into a Horcrux the night he was attacked by Voldemort; Professor Potter and I brought him back, intending to have Mr Slytherin see if he could find a way to remove the Horcrux from Harry's head without harming his life."

At this Grindelwald gave a sneer.

"It's just a foolish kindness, if it can end this war, who cares if it requires the sacrifice of her son's life."

At this Jon did not reply, of course, he knew that with Grindelwald's character, this statement must be sincere, but there are times when no matter how right it is to exchange a small sacrifice for a big one, the very fact of needing someone to sacrifice is something that Jon does not want to see.

So he pulled away and asked the key question.

"What's his state?"

Jon didn't say who specifically, but Grindelwald certainly knew who he was talking about.

"His state is completely fine, very powerful indeed, if he were to fully exert himself without any scruples, it's unlikely that I would pose a resistance to him, but he had some scruples the entire time he was duelling against me."


"He hadn't seen you, so he didn't really try to fight me to the point of death, he certainly could have killed me if he wanted to, but he was afraid that after he paid the price to kill me, you would show up on the scene."

Jon rubbed his chin, he could understand this mentality of Voldemort, even though there are Horcruxes that can revive him indefinitely, but, if they found some way to keep him imprisoned, this would be trouble for him as well.

The good thing was that this actually proved that Voldemort didn't seem to know anything about Jon and the others travelling to another world to destroy the Horcruxes, or else he wouldn't be so concerned.

"There is one more thing."

Jon's expression became serious.

"I have researched a unique spell-casting system with Professor Dumbledore in the other world, and I would also like you, Mr Headmaster, to come and give a helping hand to figure out the system more thoroughly."


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