Chapter 547: Give it a go

Chapter 547: Give it a go

A high-level protection spell such as the Patronus Charm might not be much of a difficult spell for the higher-ups in the Order of the Phoenix.

But when the scope was broadened to the entire Witching Horizon, those who could use the Patronus Charm could be described as a rarity.

After all, everyone in the Order of the Phoenix is a pillar of the Witching Horizon, and even if those gathered here are the elite of the Witching Horizon, there are only a handful of people who can use the Patronus Charm to fight against the overwhelming number of Dementors.

At this moment, not only the wizards of the Witching Horizon felt threatened, even the Death Eaters were in a panic.

Dementors are not normal beings, the only thing that can drive them is the desire to eat, when they really come down there, the possibility of the enemy being indistinguishable from them is greater, and among the Death Eaters, except for Snape who has already died, no one can cast the Patronus Charm.

When it comes to these Dementors, they are much more vulnerable than Witching Horizon wizards, and can only hope that they have enough self-control to restrain their desires.

However, it was obvious that the vast majority of the Dementors had an extremely clear goal in mind, they were just charging towards where Jon was, with the main purpose of helping Voldemort to put further pressure on him.

"Jon Green, I've heard a long time ago that you can summon two completely different Patronus, and I'm curious to know if that's true or not."

That magic power from the Elder Wand, as it dispersed and overflowed from Jon's body, also affected the black mist that surrounded him, disintegrating the arms that were constantly reaching out, trying to pull him in.

The black mist turned into flying ash, constantly fading away, while under Voldemort's urging, it constantly re-surrounded Jon again.

And in the face of Voldemort's question, Jon simply replied calmly.


He looked towards the group of Dementors that were getting closer and closer to him, and the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a cold smile.

"What a bunch of stupid things that can't remember what they've been through."

Then, for the first time in this battle, he cast a spell that required an incantation!

"Expecto Patronum!"

In the next moment, countless silver filaments began to continuously converge around him with him at the centre, and then all of those emotions that were filled with positivity and happiness began to consciously shape themselves as if they had come to life!

So now, he had to fight quickly and kill all the uncertainty in the cradle, while choosing to trust Grindelwald one hundred percent.

Looking at Jon who was rushing over again, Voldemort acted very calmly, he just raised his wand in his hand and waved it casually twice, and those black mists which were like an extension of his power, under his command set up heavy obstacles in Jon's path as he rushed over.

However, the moment Jon made contact with those black mists, his entire figure disappeared into place!

And Voldemort, who saw this scene, did not hesitate at all, he held his wand backwards and aimed it behind himself, and a dazzling green light shot straight out!

Even if the process of casting the spell was simplified even further, Jon's Apparition wasn't as fast as the Killing Curse, and he could only sidestep with his body's instinctive reaction, dodging the spell while looking towards Voldemort, who had already distanced himself from him once again.

"What are you hurrying for?"

Voldemort stared at Jon with eyes that looked as if they had seen through everything, the corners of his mouth curving up in a light curve.

"This power is out of your control, isn't it? You have to end this fight while you still have control over them."

Even though Voldemort had already guessed all this, the expression on Jon's face remained unchanged.

He remained calm as scenario after scenario continued to flash through his mind, eventually, he pulled a transparent cloak over his head with one hand and gripped the ring with the black stone in the other.

"You've died more than once, so you should be familiar with this feeling, right?"

The grey magic had never been higher!

And Jon had decided on this final push to let it all loose!


#Zath and #Ptrc sc, Thanks for all your love and support.

Completed novel. Read all advanced chapters on P@treon. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me at P@treon: /Crazy_Cat.

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