Julietta blinked her big eyes as if she couldn't understand what I was saying.

Ah, this girl isn't a greedy person.

So, she couldn't read the atmosphere and became Astana's lover, but the Empress got angry.

I smiled and spoke for her in the simplest words.

"Is it a promotional model for a Gallahan clothing store?"


Although it is said to be the ready-to-wear clothes worn by the commoners, it is a private company in Lombardy that is clearly Gallahan's.

It was also a ready-to-wear that is becoming an issue in the Empire these days.

Opera is not an art that deals only with the nobles.

The wealthy commoners are also the main audiences of the opera.

However, the amount of salary from ready-to-wear clothes is definitely lower than others.

Julietta seemed to start turning her head quickly.

I quietly put fire on it.

"Of course, because I only heard what my father said. But the amount of sponsorship seems to be quite large..."

Julietta was seen swallowing.

"I heard that if the results are good, you can continue to sponsor."

"Long-term sponsorship..."

Julietta's eyes are twinkling.

Perhaps Julietta was very tired of the sponsorship of the Empress that occasionally throwing out jewelry or clothes that she did not use.

It was natural that she was thirsty for more certain support.

"But Julietta is already sponsored by the Empress."

Someone said.

Just as those who are sponsored by Lombardy are not sponsored by other families.

Since ancient times, it has been customary for artists to have only one sponsorship.

It was a custom made by aristocrats who liked to spend money.

"Ah, is that so..."

I said, pretending to be regretful.

"Then it can't be helped."

"Oh, no!"

Julietta screamed halfway.

The people around me were surprised to look back.

"Who can I talk to about sponsorship?"

You caught it.

I tried to hold back the laughter that was about to come out and pretended to think for a moment.

"Well, I don't know. My father seems to be busy..."

Then I looked around and said.

"Oh, there you are. Clerivan!"

It wasn't a very loud call, but Clerivan walked over like a ghost.

"What is wrong, My Lady?"

When Clerivan, who was handsome with a unique cold atmosphere, approached, the young maiden blush.

"Clerivan, here Miss. Julietta Abino she is interested in the clothing store's promotional model."


Clerivan was a little embarrassed and looked at me.

What the hell are you doing?.

We talked a few months ago about the need for a model that can change the image of ready-to-wear clothes.

I said with a very bright smile.

"That's a public relations model! You said you're looking for someone who can show ready-to-wear, right?"

"Ah, yes, I'm looking for it."

Fortunately, Clerivan, who recognized my words, nodded sensibly.

"I think Julietta is interested in it. Go and talk about it. I think she is particularly interested in stage costumes."

"Hoh, stage costume... Surely."

Clerivan burst into me with a moving glance contain a word of 'Are you sure Florentia!' and said sweetly to Julietta.

"Then let's talk over there, Miss. Abino."

"Ah, yeah..."

Julietta seemed to have already fallen in love with Clerivan's business smile.

Julietta Abino is expected to become the best star in Lambrew Empire with a crazy villain performance in a theater performance.

With eyes full of madness and a song that seemed supportive, she immediately gained popularity and her shows sold out all the time.

Even the clothes and accessories that Julietta wears will become an Imperial Fashion.

Julietta Abino is the first commercial model that is perfect for the Gallahan clothing store.

I glanced happily at the backs of the two who walked over to the other table, still surrounded by people.

* * *

"Schults bought another estate, didn't it?"

"I don't know how much land they have already bought."

"The Schultz family also prospered because they were favored by Lombardy, right?"

It was meant to make me feel better.

I haven't even officially made my debut yet, but the aristocratic women haven't left my side.

"The Empress must be upset for a while since the Second Prince has been recognized today."

"Will she just feel uncomfortable? It's too bad there won't be an Imperial Banquet for a while."

"What about the First Prince? I'm gonna have to keep my son away from the hunting grounds for a while."

"That's right if you were to go against the First Prince's will......."

Is this a society I've only heard of?

The story of the Empress, who is not present, is also told without hesitation.

People started to talk about it, maybe it's just a general thing.

The people around me keep talking.

At first, it was nice to hear social gossip.

Now my ears were starting to hurt.

We already know that the Empress and Astana have a shitty personality.

"Miss. Florentia Lombardy"

A new voice intervened, cut through the conversation.

He was the servant of the Palace.

"Let me take Young-Ae upstairs."

In any banquet or where many people gather, so-called 'Insa' groups are inevitable.