Chapter 151

First-level administrator Thompson and second-level administrator Ryan were among the 12 administrators dispatched from the Imperial Palace to the North, who did not move to another estate and remained next to the Second Prince.

When the dispatch was first decided, colleagues sympathized with them.

Now the two were very pleased to have come North.

Only one reason was because of Perez, the Second Prince.

His work was very efficient and accurate, enough to receive an award as the best graduate of the academy and graduate early.

Also, there was not a single mistake.

Watching that from the side, Thompson and Ryan, who are administrators to the bone, were relieved.

Perez got up before dawn today as well and was working at a tremendous speed.


"Your Highness, why don't you take a break?"


"Yes, Your Highness."

"Are you free enough to take a break?"

"Oh, no."

It was time for Thompson to hand over his sweaty approval papers to Perez.


Perez, who suddenly looked up and checked the time, said.

"It's already this time. Take a break and get out to the field."

It was surprising.

As Perez said a while ago, he never took a break.

"It's time for guests."

As soon as Perez's word was done, he heard a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, it's me, Lord Ivan, I ask you to meet... Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Before Ryan, who quickly went outside, could even announce the arrival of the visitor, Lord Ivan half-pushed in and said with a firm face.

Perez nodded briefly instead of answering.

Thompson and Ryan moved away, leaving only two people in the room.

"Tell me, Lord Ivan."

As soon as Perez's permission was granted, Lord Ivan spoke in an angry voice.

He seemed to have had enough patience.

"Please stop exercising your power right now, Your Highness."

Perez's voice, on the other hand, was so calm.


"Ignoring Ivan's householder and unilaterally distributing relief money to the Lords of the North."

But Perez tilted his head slightly instead of answering.

Lord Ivan frowned upon the sight.

“Are you saying you didn’t do that right now?”

"No. I don't quite understand the word 'unilaterally'."

"What if it's not unilateral!"

Lord Ivan walked to Perez's desk with a high voice.

"I've made it clear! The North will not accept Imperial help, we will take care of our affairs! Nevertheless, the Prince unilaterally distributed relief money to the Lords of the North!"

"Then it means there's still no change in the idea of not receiving Imperial help."

"Of course."

"Then... I can't help it."

Perez nodded and put down the pen in his hand.

And slowly lifted himself.

No matter how strong Lord Ivan is for his age, he is no match for Perez.

Before he knew it, Lord Ivan was below Perez's eye level.

"Jerome Ivan."

Perez called his full name in a low voice, and Lord Ivan wince in small measure.

He was crushed by the spirit.

"I gave you a chance. You are the head of the Ivan family representing the North and the one who is gravely responsible for the landslide."

Perez pulled a bunch of papers out of the drawer.

"But I feel like you didn't deserve that opportunity."

A bundle of papers thrown by Perez fell before Lord Ivan with a dull thud.

“This is the first record that the Lords used the relief money I sent.”

Lord Ivan's eyes trembled as he quickly went through the contents of the document.

"Food, medicine, and the manpower needed for reconstruction work, all of which had to be paid in a hurry and urgent. But the Lords and the people of the land had to wait without getting help at the right time. Because of you, Lord Ivan."

Perez's red eyes glowed brightly, staring at Lord Ivan.

"Nevertheless, they waited. Believing that Ivan will take responsibility. Farmland was covered in landslides, running out of food, and waiting for the wounded to die due to lack of medicine. I didn't know that Ivan didn't have the ability to be in charge of everyone.

Perez turned around the desk and stood in front of Lord Ivan.

"So I moved myself, I gave you a chance. A chance to take responsibility for the landslide, as I assured everyone. But I don't think you have a chance."

There was now contempt in the eyes of Lord Ivan.

"Jerome Ivan. Once this has come to an end, I will propose to His Majesty the removal of your household title. Jerome Ivan is no longer qualified to represent the North."1

"You can't..."

"Think again. Who I am."

Lord Ivan shut up trying to refute.

The Prince, who had been given an order of desolation, was obliged to report the course and outcome of his mission to the Emperor in detail.

The entire Ivan family will likely be held accountable, not just Jerome Ivan.

If he does something wrong, Ivan could lose his qualification as the Northern representative.+

"You'll have to make the right choice, Lord Ivan. Will Jerome Ivan make an individual mistake, and will he be withdrawn from the family, or will he hold Ivan the whole accountable?"

Perez said coldly.

It was then.

Rumbling... Dump...

There was the sound of a large object falling down, along with a slight tremor of the ground.

Perez and Lord Ivan's heads headed to the place where the sound came from at the same time.

"...A landslide?"

Perez quietly frowned at the ominous feeling of approaching.