Chapter 45: Bet fishing

In fact, we can understand that the development of business is constantly digging out people’s just-xing needs and potential needs. If you dig it right, it will be a blowout, and then people with open eyes will swarm in, breaking their heads.

However, in addition to the first and the smarter, the follower can only play a supporting role in the fun. Even if they get a piece of the pie, they will eventually spit out under the pressure of the strong.

Maybe some followers dismissed this, and even asked, as long as my product is faster than you, better than you, and better than you, why can't it be better than you?

This question is as boring as those idle five-ridged six beasts asking if the sow can go up the tree.

Can the sow go up the tree? In theory, it is possible, but there must be a prerequisite. The tree must be crooked and inclined at a certain angle. At the same time, it must give the sow enough stimulation. In this way, the sow has sufficient acceleration, and it is '4 rounds. 'Drive, climbing a tree is not impossible.

In other words, the idea of ​​the follower is theoretically feasible, but is it successful?

also take the national football of Z as an example. Every time it reaches the final stage of the World Cup qualifiers, there is still a theoretical possibility for the national football to appear, but when did a miracle really occur? Not once! Theory is theory after all.

MD, the national football team is about to become the negative protagonist of the book.

In short, in short, Yang Cheng is bound to win the Forum Publishing Company.

"Jason, I would like to ask whether the acquisition of Forum Publishing Company is your own or Yuanshan." After quickly browsing Yang Cheng's plan, Eddie asked suddenly.

"I personally and Yuanshan jointly acquired." Yang Cheng's words are undoubtedly a relief to Eddie.

If it was only Yang Cheng’s personal acquisition, he might represent the board of directors and represent the company strongly against it. No matter how attractive Yang Cheng’s plan is and how wonderful the prospect described, Eddie cannot easily hand over the Forum Publishing Company to a young man. This is not to despise young people, but that he can't afford to gamble, or the Forum Publishing Company can't afford to gamble, and can't stand the toss.

However, with Yuanshan’s entry, the Forum Publishing Company’s ability to resist risks has been increased in disguise. At least for a short period of time, Yuanshan Capital’s strength is booming. There is no need to worry about bankruptcy. With Yuanshan’s funds as a guarantee, and Yang Cheng’s plan , The Forum Publishing Company may not rise again.

"Jason, please give me some time to think carefully, can I take this plan with me?" Eddie asked again in a pleading tone.

Yang Cheng could see Eddie’s intentions, he hesitated and finally agreed, but he still solemnly reminded, “Yes, but you have to ensure the confidentiality of this plan. I don’t want to see it in my Before the acquisition of Forum Publishing Company, the same or similar applications appeared on the market."

Eddie repeatedly nodded his head to express his understanding. He also understood the importance of creativity. Sometimes there is no good idea without technology, and everything is useless, but with creativity, good technology can be found everywhere.

"Okay, you go back and consider it seriously and give me the answer as soon as possible. Now, let's go fishing and relax." Yang Cheng stood up, twisted left and right, stretching his bones.

Eddie handed the plan to the secretary for safekeeping, followed Yang Cheng and got up, jokingly said, "Don't look at me sitting in the office every day. When I was young, I was a master fisherman. I once lifted more than 600 catties of bluefin tuna. That's a big guy."

It seems that because of the plan, Eddie has a little appreciation for Yang Cheng. He speaks a lot more casually, and even talks about previous glorious deeds.

Yang Cheng didn't believe it, "comeon, don't be kidding, it's strange that your bones are not dragged into the sea by bluefin tuna."

As soon as he said this, it instantly ignited the atmosphere on the boat, and Andrew stood in the corner and laughed unscrupulously, obviously he didn't believe it either.

Eddie pretended to be displeased and did two bodybuilding moves. Seeing that Yang Cheng was still the face of my disbelief, he immediately challenged with an unhappy heart, "How about we make a bet?"

Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "What bet?"

"It's heaviest than whoever catches the most fish. It's an afternoon. A bet..." Eddie said halfway, and began to turn around the cabin, as if looking for valuable artwork to make a bet.

Finally, Eddie stood still in front of a painting, lifted his glasses, looked attentively to appreciate it, pointed to the painting, and said to Yang Cheng, "Just this painting, right?"

Yang Cheng looked at the old man amusedly, walked over, and also stood in front of the painting. This is a picture of the three beautiful goddesses from Sir Lawrence Amatadema.

In Greek mythology, the three goddesses of Meihui represent the three beauties of charming, graceful and beautiful. They are the daughters of Zeus and Orinomo, singers and dancers of the gods, and they bring beauty and joy to the world. The goddess of glory, Agleia (), the goddess of inspiration Thalia (Thalia), the goddess of joy Euphrosyne (Euphrosyne).

This oil painting was taken by Liu Yun when she returned to Paris to attend the Sotheby’s auction last year. The turnover was about 160,000 US dollars. This is a painting my mother likes very much, otherwise she can’t be hung in the yacht center and walked by. You can appreciate it any time you pass by, Yang Cheng feels Eddie's aggressive gaze, and knows that he can't refuse, as he rolls his eyes, his mind moves, and he has an idea.

"Yes, this picture is yours if you win, but did you lose?"

Eddie opened his mouth, wanting to say that if you lose, you lose. I don't have any money.

But this is also a bit shameless, this person, shameless once there will be a second time, as time goes by, it will become natural, just like a woman, when her legs are opened once, there will be a second and third time. Over time, When he got on the boat, he took the initiative to separate his legs. Eddie always regarded himself as a literati, so he couldn't be so unlimited.

"What do you want? First, I have no money."

Yang Cheng is also drunk to this miser. If you have no money, what do you make a bet? Don't enter the casino for this kind of people. Going in is a dead end.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng didn’t want his money anymore. Like Grandma Wolf met a little white rabbit, she put her arms around Eddie’s shoulders and said, “Don’t worry, don’t bet on money, so as long as I win, you will be responsible for persuading the board of directors. How about accepting my acquisition with management?"

Eddie shook his head subconsciously. Before he could refuse, Yang Cheng immediately said, "Don't worry, think about it. It's just persuasion, not for your consent, and you can't be the owner of those shareholders. "

Eddie followed Yang Cheng's thoughts and thought, it seemed that it was such a rationale. He was attracted by Yang Cheng's plan just now, and there was nothing to lose in helping him convince the board of directors. After all, the decision-making power is still in the hands of the major shareholders.

Yang Cheng has seen these literati thoroughly. On the surface, he is very upright and upright, but he is also afraid of pain. The more he reads, the more he is afraid of death. How could there be so many traitorous translators during the Anti-Japanese War? Many leaders who founded the country were high-achieving students, just say. . .

Whenever there is a slaughter of dogs, most of them are scholars. This is true.

Eddie didn’t know what he was irritated by, didn’t he mean he was bragging? I have to bet with Yang Cheng. I didn’t know the information to investigate him before I came here. Yang Cheng is a famous sea fishing prince in New York. He has never missed a shot in the Atlantic Ocean. Eddie, a Los Angeles amateur, is better than him on fishing. , Still want to win? You are crazy, you can't daydream.

The two of them each made their own calculations and went down to the bottom deck and walked towards the stern. The Emerald has turned on the zero-speed stabilizer and floated steadily on the sea. Andrew came down in advance and spread the extended platform of the sidestring to the sea. Fishing tools such as bait are ready.

This is offshore, so you don’t need to think about fishing for tuna, and they didn’t apply for a fish license for tuna fishing. They still use sea bass, salmon, sea bream, and grouper, which are common in the market.

The sea fishing here uses the sinking bottom fishing method, hanging live small squids as bait, and then hanging a plumb to make the hook set sink to the bottom of the sea.

Yang Cheng is quite skilled in this set of movements, throwing the fishing line out, and as the gravity of the plumb sink slowly sinks, he leisurely sits on the sun lounger, humming a little song, staring at a distance. Waiting for the waterfowl to be preyed, Andrew threw some sardines and entrails in the past, fed these little guys first, and the province came over to grab his prey in a while Today, there is absolutely no room to lose.

Eddie next to him has his own set of concepts. Instead of using squid as bait, it has entrails on string. Compared with squid, the visceral smell is more **** and easier to attract large fish. If you are lucky, it is not a small shark. impossible.

The Emerald stopped here for a certain purpose. The radar detected that there was fish activity nearby, and then began to move down, otherwise you would not be able to catch fish until you die.

Today, the sky is beautiful, there is no wind, and the sea is calm and blue like sapphire. Facing such a beautiful scenery, just spend an afternoon quietly and leisurely. Even if no fish is hooked, it is good. Fishing is the process of fishing. important.

Yang Cheng relaxed, as if he didn't care about gains and losses, Eddie became more nervous, he didn't sit in the chair, and shook the fishing rod up and down, so that the bait would move in the sea, and he was still thinking about something in his mouth. , Probably pray to his merciful Lord, give him a fat fish.

"Hey Eddie, take it easy, you will soon be boring like this, that beauty, please ask our chef to make two Big Mac burgers and send them over, oh right, and ice beer." Yang Cheng Wearing sunglasses, he said to the waitress comfortably with his legs tilted up, there is nothing more suitable for fishing than burgers.

"Good sir."

. . . . . .

When the cheese-filled burger came, Yang Cheng took a fishing rod and grabbed the double burger and ate it. She didn’t forget to have a cold beer. No wonder Alan loves burgers so much. "Comfortable, Eddie, come and taste it. , The chef’s skill is good, the steak is juicy and the tenderness is just right."

Eddie glanced back at Yang Cheng's mouth full of oil, without saying a word, and continued to stare at the sea puffingly, as if he could stare out the fish just by staring like this.