Chapter 67: Revenge (2)

"Dad, Hong Kong is almost late at night, right? Haven't rested yet?"

While Yang Sen was waiting for the opening of the US stock market in his office, he received a call from Liu Muqian overseas.

"Um... It's almost 10:30, I can't sleep, have you started there?"

Liu Muqian was deliberately vague. With the current hacking technique, he wants to tap the phone. Even if Yang Sen and Liu Muqian use satellite encryption phones, it only increases the difficulty of entering the barrier and cannot stop it.

"Yes, Dad, I was let out half an hour ago." Yang Sen replied truthfully, still maintaining a respectful posture of leaning forward through the phone.

"Okay, do you want to sell short next?" Liu Muqian mobilized nearly 3 billion US dollars to cooperate with Yang Sen's actions this time. He took out all the coffins just to vent his grandson.

Among them, US$1.2 billion is Liu Muqian’s own funds. Huifeng Holdings and East West Bank have supported interest-free loans of US$700 million and 600 million respectively. The remaining part is "sponsored" by Liu Muqian’s old friends in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. I also heard about Yang Cheng. It was useless for Liu Muqian to speak, so he took the initiative to greet him. The family paid tens of millions of dollars improperly and easily rounded up the whole number. Of course, the money will be repaid afterwards. But no one will ask Liu Muqian for interest.

For the second time in this life, Liu Muqian’s horrible contacts have been exposed. This is not all the funds that the old man can mobilize. Many of the banks he participates in are in the first time. If the old man needs it, he will use ultra-low interest long-term loans to help. .

"No, Dad, we can't sell short, or we can't be the first one." Yang Sen stood up to the window with confidence, Wall Street is at his feet, standing here every day, looking down at the dense crowd like ants. It seems that a group of people can be trampled to death with one foot. Wall Street tycoons are cultivated in this way because of their aura.

Speaking of it, today in front of the office building where Yuanshan Capital is located, the flow of people seems to be much denser than usual.

"Don't go short? Wait... You didn't mean it?" Liu Muqian's tone suddenly increased a bit. This high IQ elite, who speaks by guessing, can't analyze anything even if the hacker listens to it. .

"Haha... Dad, you happen to be in Xiangjiang, and you have time to have a meal and chat with Lao Liu, so that he can teach him some experience. That's a sniper expert." Yang Sen's words proved that Liu Muqian was right. , As for who is Lao Liu in his mouth, hehe, you know all the famous golf incidents, right?

"Hiss..." Liu Muqian took a breath, wondering if he should praise his son-in-law for strategizing? Still scolded him for being bold.

In the financial market, there is such a method. When the control of the major shareholder of a listed company is unstable and the company’s asset value is high, the sniper proposes a full-scale acquisition after the market has absorbed a considerable amount of shares to force the other party Buying back your own shares at a high price, or changing hands of the entire company to make a profit, this mode of operation is also called green extortion.

Xiangjiang Lao Liu is a good player. Of course, the "famous" Yang Sen as a corporate sniper is disdainful, but Anheuser-Busch InBev is not an ordinary listed company, and Paul Lehman is not an ordinary helm, simply spreading black material and shorting. Stock price, on the premise that there is no disparity in the amount of funds, it is difficult to win. Losing both sides is the best result, but this result is exactly what Yang Sen wants to see most.

Therefore, Janssen can only find another way and play with Paul Lehman.

"Boss, the market is open, and there are a lot of empty orders from AB InBev. Do we want to follow up?"

Ailena’s high-heeled shoes stepped on the thick carpet, and there was no sound. Yang Sen, who was attentively talking on the phone with the old man, did not notice.

"Scare me." Yang Sen turned his head back as frightened. It was Elena who patted his chest and said to the phone, "Dad, the market is open, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, you are busy, the funds on my side are already in place, and your side is not enough, I will make up on it here, even if you let it go, this time Lehman will not be shit, don't call my dad in the future."

Liu Muqian's domineering declaration made Yang Sen laugh bitterly. It seems that this time the old man also made a ruthless call. Liu Muqian hung up the phone, and Yang Sen didn't even have a chance to make a military order.

shook his head and threw the phone on the desk, and said to Alina sternly, “Don’t worry, let’s release the stocks in our hands a little bit first, causing retail investors to be unable to bear the illusion of selling off the rumors.”

"Uh... Don't open a short position?" Alanna asked uncertainly, her wide-open eyes blinking, as if to say again, "What is this operation?"

Yang Sen didn't blame him either. He hadn't fully revealed the plan, even with Liu Muqian and his old husband, because he was worried that the phone would be tapped.

"You heard that right, Alina, go and make arrangements?"

"Oh, oh okay, boss, I'll go now." The boss's mind is not something she can guess as a small assistant. He ran out of the office with his head down, still thinking while running.

However, Elena was not the only one who was stunned. When she went outside to convey Yang Sen's will to the trader, this group of self-healing Wall Street elites was also trapped. There was no big move for a long time, and their hands were born. It's rusty. I finally waited for this opportunity. Although I was a bit sorry for Yang Cheng, they were excited all night, and they were gearing up and waiting to show their skills in the stock market. But now Yang Sen is here.

MD, it's like saving a month's salary to go to DG Chic, but lying naked on the boat, but waiting for a 50-year-old aunt, want to cry without tears!

However, some clever people quickly thought of Yang Sen’s previous record and would never empty the gun. Every step was carried out with a purpose. They thoughtfully followed Yang Sen’s instructions, while pondering Yang Sen’s true intentions. Don't say you really touched it.

At the top CEO office of Morgan Tower, Jamie Dimon invited the little secretary to ask, "Yuan Shan started to act?"

The little secretary nodded and shook his head, opened his mouth and stopped talking, causing Jamie Dimon to frown.

"If you have something to say, why do you hesitate?"

"Um... The market is indeed full of a large number of empty orders, but none of them are from Yuanshan." The little secretary also couldn't believe it, so she had to state the facts.

"What did you say?" Jamie Dimon cried out as if he had seen a ghost.

"I... I said that none of the short orders on the market came from Yuanshan. Not only that, Yuanshan has sold a small amount of Budweiser InBev stocks that were not in his hands." The little secretary repeated boldly.

Jamie Dimon did not respond, stood up with his hands on the table, touched his chin and paced the office, came to the window and looked at the direction of Yuanshan Capital, and said to himself, "Yang...what are you thinking about? ?"

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Jamie Dimon. This morning, Wall Street was ready to go to the theater, but it was a good fight between the two tigers. How did you sing it?

Could it be that Yang Sen persuaded him?

But when I thought about it, I thought it was impossible. Your son was knocked into the hospital. He didn't give a point to indicate whether he would like to establish himself on Wall Street in the future?

In fact, Yang Sen’s technique is not uncommon. Even many people on Wall Street play 6 more than Yang Sen. It’s just that everyone has fallen into a blind spot. They didn’t even think about that. In the eyes of outsiders, Yang Sen should have fallen into it. Madness, can you count on a madman to embroider? It's not bad to rush up and slash without a mountain knife.

But for Yang Sen, he didn't smash the game uncharacteristically. Instead, he shot and turned around. The 80-year-old lady knew that the rumors on the Internet were from Yang Sen's handwriting. If you lit a cigarette but didn't smoke, what was Yang Sen doing? So kind to create opportunities for everyone to make money?

Leaving aside the bewildered audience, online rumors about Anheuser-Busch InBev have intensified. At the beginning, there were traces of the Navy's promotion. It has been open for half an hour. The enthusiasm of netizens alone is enough to frame the Lehman family. Get up to bake.

"Hey... it's me." In the office of the president of Yuanshan Capital, Yang Sen took out an old-fashioned Samsung flip phone from the drawer. After turning it on, he typed a series of numbers on the keyboard and dialed it out, ‘toot. . . After three beeps of busy tone, he said.

"Boss..." The voice on the phone was like a voice changer After half an hour, the first video was released. "


"Pop..." Yang Sen hung up the phone, turned over the phone to open the back cover, took out the sim card and threw it into the trash can. After restoring the factory settings, the phone was turned off again and put it back in the drawer.

A series of actions are completed in less than half a minute. Even the top hackers can hardly pinpoint the location of the phone within 30 seconds.

Janssen took out his mobile phone and sent a few text messages. Alanna came in again to report, "Boss, half an hour after the opening, the stock price of AB InBev fell to US$115.2, a 0.6% drop from the opening price of US$116. Many institutions have already Enter and build an empty warehouse."

Yang Sen was a bit dissatisfied with this decline, "Lehman has entered?", you must know that stockholders are following the trend. Once there is bad news in the market, most retail investors will not have the ability to withstand the pressure and will choose to sell at the first time regardless of cost. In order to avoid being stuck, if you want to stabilize the stock price, only the major shareholders will buy back, or if there is Dazhuang intervention, it should not be there at the moment, because once Dazhuang enters the market, Yang Sen will receive the news as soon as possible.

"At present, the main force in the market is still mainly retail investors and small institutions, and no large funds have been found to enter the market to rescue the market." Alina replied one step closer.

Yang Sen nodded, tapping his fingers on the table, "It seems that the heat is not enough, don't worry about them, we continue to toss, the action can be increased, the order must be scattered."

"Okay, and Mrs. Yang called and said that your father's flight landed safely, and he has picked up the car on his way to the hospital. Please rest assured."

"Oh? Okay, I see, you can go down first, and let me know if you have any news."

"Yes, boss."

. . . . . .