Chapter 595: National MC admission

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 595 National MC joins "The role of wrestler, we all agree that Ma Dongxi is competent."

Yan Xianghao paused and saw Yang Cheng nodded without saying a word. Knowing that he agreed to this arrangement, he continued, "The rest is the role of the leading actress. As Shang Hua's wife, a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, is with her husband. Riding the train to Busan, he is tolerant and has a sense of justice, is willing to share, and radiates the glory of humanity with the children in this disaster."

Another member of the crew added, "This role does not require high acting skills, as long as it can show the feminine but tough side of women!"

After speaking, he glanced at Jin Tae-hee vaguely. He thought that Yang Cheng brought Jin Tae-hee to the meeting to make her play the heroine. As a subordinate, he must be able to observe his words and act, and he must not be soft when flattering.

In fact, Yang Cheng had this intention, and asked, "Taixe, how about this role? Are you interested in acting?"

The eyes of the audience came over, and Kim Tae-hee, who was used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help but feel Alexander.

Glancing at Yang Cheng faintly, she seemed to be saying, "Why don't you discuss it with me?"

She is indeed interested in this role. First of all, the cast is very strong, the investors are strong, and the production ability is guaranteed;

Secondly, this role is not too difficult to challenge. For her acting skills are not so good, she has enough confidence to interpret this role;

In the end, she was the most moved. Through the starring in this blockbuster film, once the box office hits, she can officially enter the big screen. This is also her long-term dream.

However, Yang Cheng's purpose is not simple, it is impossible for this character to get something without paying anything!

Regardless of Yang Cheng's current appearance of harmless humans and animals, if she promised to play this role, and finally couldn't meet Yang Cheng's requirements, she would not dare to think about how Yang Cheng would retaliate.

Thinking of this, Kim Tae-hee, who has his own bottom line, resolutely gave up this great opportunity and declined, "It's really a shame. Although I like this role very much, I can only miss it because I still have a schedule for the TV series."

Yang Cheng shrugged and didn't get entangled. He just asked, since Kim Tae-hee refused, so the fat water will not flow into the outsider's field. She looked at Park Sang-mian, who looked expectant, "Leave this role to Han Jiaren, trust her call. It can provide us with a certain box office base."

The big boss made a final decision, and the main role was decided in this way. After the discussion about the shooting plan, Yang Cheng was not necessary to participate.

Let Liu Jianjun continue to preside over the meeting, Yang Cheng brought Liu Zaishi and his party to the office and made tea in person, "Liu Zaishi, you also visited the company, what do you think?"

Liu Jae-shik sits very upright. Both he and Jin Zhongguo wear suits that are rarely seen. They seem to attach great importance to this meeting. Thanks to the tea cup Yang Cheng handed over, Liu Jae-shik smiled, "To be honest, CY Entertainment has other entertainment companies. The rare vigor, walking in it, makes people unconsciously have the urge to participate in work."

I have long heard of Liu Zaishi's hard work and professionalism. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved, Yang Cheng thought in her heart.

"It is always a newly created company. The enthusiasm of the employees is undoubted. In addition, the company has been growing and moving forward at a high speed. Employees know that if they don’t work hard, they will fall behind. With the highest level of salary in the industry, they naturally have to pay more than others. More sweat is worth it!"

Yang Cheng's words and Liu Zaishi's thoughts are of great concern. He didn't suffer any hardships in order to get ahead?

"Mr. Yang, I don't know whether to ask a question or not?" At this moment, Jin Zhongguo, who had not spoken, suddenly asked.

Yang Cheng raised his hand, "Don’t see Jin Zhongguoxi. Last time I invited Liu Jae-shik xi to join, but you were even invited. You are the best artists in Korea. You are the best artists in Korea. Just ask any questions, only mutual understanding can lead to the final cooperation, right?"

His attitude made Jin Zhongguo very comfortable, "Yes, in fact, I know that since Mr. Yang invited us to join your company, the treatment must be the best. We have no doubt about this, but I want to know whether CY Entertainment will be like this. Other companies squeeze or even owe artists’ salaries, you may not know, me and Ge Shi once..."

Yang Cheng knew what he was going to say, and raised his hand to interrupt, "I know, you have all suffered unfair treatment from economic companies. You can rest assured that CY Entertainment never points to squeezing artists to make money. To put it bluntly, how much money can be squeezed?

As far as I know, Liu Jae-shik xi’s compensation for shooting an episode now is about 12-16 million won. Kim Jong-kook xi is slightly lower. I can promise that this part of the compensation company will not participate in the commission, only commercial activities and advertising endorsements. The company will only extract part of the expenses as operating costs. This ratio is about 40% for local activities and 30% for overseas activities! "

This condition not only surprised Liu Jae-shik and Kim Jong-kook, but even the agent who brought them was extremely surprised. Without him, such a share and treatment would be too high!

You must know that neither of them is an idol star. Jin Zhongguo is better. He is a singer and has more commercial performances. However, Liu Jae-shik points to the shooting of variety shows to earn hard money. He is almost open throughout the year and has an annual income of more than 1 billion. Won, he has to pay for the salary of economic man, hire assistants, and the net income for daily travel is not much.

Of course, what satisfies them most is Yang Cheng's domineering answer, CY Entertainment does not point to squeezing artists to make money!

Nothing is more comforting than such a promise.

In fact, with Yang Cheng given this treatment, CY Entertainment definitely couldn't make money from these two artists, but Yang Cheng really didn’t care. He was more concerned about the joining of the two, which would bring CY Entertainment. The amount of influence and the increase in stock price after listing, the capital market makes the most of the money!

However, the surprise is not over yet. I heard Yang Cheng continue, "Your economic man, including team members, are paid by the company. In addition, they will be equipped with a top-notch nanny car, an assistant, and a makeup stylist. Of course The most important thing is that the company will go public in the future, and it is bound to take out part of the stock to be issued internally to motivate employees who have contributed to the company. You have priority!"

Spreading out his hands, he said with confidence, "I believe that this remuneration cannot be found in South Korea. In addition, what I said to Liu Zaishi last time is still valid. Once CY Entertainment successfully acquires a stake in SBS TV, the company will start immediately. As the company’s only variety artist, Liu Jae-shik, as the company’s only variety artist, must participate in the shooting plans for variety shows and TV series!"

Kim Jong-kook has been shocked and speechless. I am afraid that only the top actor seniors can get this kind of treatment in Korea, right? No, I'm afraid the top movie actors will break their heads and join CY Entertainment when they hear such treatment.

Yang Cheng's sincerity was unreservedly shown to the two of them. If they refused, they would not be able to be human. They had planned to join before they came. After all, they are rushing outside, and they are nowhere near as comfortable as relying on a big tree. .

There is nothing to say, Liu Zaishi nodded heavily, "Then, please take care of Mr. Yang in the future."

Jin Zhongguo also got up and bowed with Liu Zaishi to thank you!

Yang Cheng is very happy. With these two well-known artists joining, why not worry that the company will not grow in the future!

"Okay~Okay~, no need to be polite. I will be a family in the future. Although I am not in Korea often, I will never pay less attention here. President Liu Jianjun has a comprehensive plan for the next few years. CY Entertainment will never stop. Sooner or later, it will be listed in Hong Kong and become the first and largest multinational entertainment group in South Korea. This is the goal of CY Entertainment!"

Yang Cheng’s ambition made Liu Zaishok and Jin Zhongguo, who have experienced the ups and downs in the entertainment industry, their minds were uneasy. I have to say that Yang Cheng’s personality charm is getting stronger and stronger, and his domineering attitude makes people surrender to him. !

After talking about the business, the atmosphere of the chat with a few people became much more relaxed. Yang Cheng took a sip of the tea ceremony, "Your contract is ready, and you can sign at any time. After that, CY Entertainment will prepare a grand joining ceremony for you. , I know you are low-key, but this is a good time for the company to brighten up its muscles. You can’t refuse."

"Everything depends on the company's arrangements~" the two replied one after another.

Yang Cheng was in a good mood. In the evening, Yang Cheng hosted the two and their families again at the Shilla Hotel , fully expressing the importance he attaches to the two, which made them grateful.

Two people who didn't drink often were so drunk that they gave Yang Cheng a lot of face.

Late at night, when Yang Cheng returned to the villa, she was surprised to find that Li Fu was really half-sleeping on the sofa, holding the magazine and flipping through it boredly.

He took off his suit, threw it on the sofa, walked up to him dumbfounded and asked, "Why don't you say hello every time you come?"

Li Fu~ He gave him a really white look and said grotesquely, "Are we in a relationship that needs to say hello?"

The ambiguous love words immediately stimulated Yang Cheng's little brother who was eager to try, and the little brother who had been particularly sensitive under the stimulation of alcohol was uncontrollable for a while.

Sit down, put out his hand to hug the beautiful woman, and said flatteringly, "Blame me, blame me, you said something wrong~"

While talking, he moved up and down with a hand dishonestly, annoying Li Fu~ I pushed him away in an angry manner, stood up and held his shoulders, "Don't make trouble, I'm here to talk about business!"

Li Fu~Before Zhen came, I must have dressed up specially, changing from the intellectual business style of black and white color matching in the past, today we have a sweet wind, beige pleated dress, light and translucent material, let Li Fu~ really good His figure is faintly visible, if it is matched with good imagination, it can even outline the lines of the whole body, Xing is touching!

It's a pity that her old-fashioned hairstyle has lowered the overall score, but Yang Cheng doesn't care. He likes to eat well-ripe persimmons when his index finger is moved. The taste is soft, sweet and delicious, mainly for filling!

Li Fu~I was really caught by Yang Cheng’s scorching gaze, his throat was dry, his legs were unconsciously clamped, his breathing slowly rose, and he kept cursing himself for nothing, but he couldn’t help his throbbing , There is a little man crying in my heart, "Come on~ Come on~"