Chapter 666: Turned into a bunch of garbled

It doesn’t matter which one of these so-called crime bills is taken out, but if you attack Omar Amana at the same time, it will definitely be enough to drink a pot of curry, but the hidden point of this matter must be done by Rui. Zikhan came forward to show Omar Amana's intention to acquire shares in Amman, so there is no need to rush into negotiations.

Then Eiffel secretly shot, instigated several "victims" to file lawsuits at the same time, coupled with the equity lawsuit in London, Omar Amana, who is not well funded, will definitely hit Ryze Khan. As for the Indian compatriots, by then, Yang Cheng has thousands of ways to let him spit out his shares without spending much money.

In this way, the overall cost of his acquisition of Amman may not be much higher. I am afraid that it will be cheaper than the acquisition of Banyan Tree. It is not possible that Banyan Tree’s negotiations will be turned around by then, bringing the world’s two major luxury boutique hotels The brand is in the bag together, such beautiful things can really wake up in dreams.

Things progressed as Yang Cheng expected. A few days later, when Ryze Khan successfully got on line with Omar Amana, he revealed his intention to acquire the shares of Amman Hotel and defrauded Amana. Sure enough, I really hope to start negotiations with Ryze Khan.

At this time, when it was Eiffel’s turn to appear on the stage, he did not directly magnify the move. Instead, he arranged for someone to approach Amana to try to find more evidence of the crime. However, to everyone’s expectation, Amana actually Take the initiative to deliver the handle to the door.

The person sent by the Eiffel was named Brett Barna, a professional liar more senior than Omar Amana, posing as a fund manager on Wall Street, and found Amana and said he wanted to rent a place to host a charity banquet, a broker People introduced it because Amana has a luxury house for rent in Short Hills, New Jersey, which is actually just a villa close to the luxury housing area. This reason makes sense.

Amana had no doubts, very much welcomed Brett Barna, and claimed to be an entrepreneur with a wide network and rich wealth, but according to Barna's personal description, Amana seemed "very short of money".

After learning of Barna's needs, Amana rented a house near Short Mountain for 5 days in cash at a price of US$25,000 and asked for cash payment.

But Barna told Amana that there was not so much cash on the spot and hoped to pay by credit card through airbnb. Barna reported that during the negotiation, Amana asked him to find an ATM to take out the $4,000 cash pad.

But in the end, under Barna's repeated insistence, the two parties finally agreed to Barna's payment on airbnb with an American Express card.

But Barna soon realized that he had been cheated. There was someone else living in the house that had been rented for $25,000. In order to implement the plan further and complete the trick, he had to discuss with the tenant to organize a charity event in the backyard. Unexpectedly, Amana also put forward a series of needs to him, including income sharing for charity activities.

Not only that, when Barna’s party ended, Amana actually claimed 1 million US dollars from Barna on behalf of the landlord. The reason was that the party made the mansion unsightly. In fact, Eiffel has already investigated. According to the real estate certificate, this building The house does not belong to Amana! It was the house his friend commissioned him to rent.

After Barna made it clear that he refused to compensate, Amana instantly tore his face and sent a threatening text message, "One night when you are unprepared, you may be unlucky. Only if you are obedient, I will not treat you. kind!"

In this way, Yang Cheng and the others were deliberately trying to obtain more conclusive evidence, so they were handed to the door by Amana without any suspense. The next thing was very simple, including those who were owed wages by Amana. The actor, ex-wife, and even a former assistant, together, filed a lawsuit in the New York Superior Court at the same time.

Because the chain of evidence was inexplicably complete, the police quickly broke into Amana’s rented house and arrested him. The next day, a federal judge announced the jury charge: Amana was involved in remittance fraud, assisted and abetted investment consultants. Crimes of fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud.

According to the indictment, Amana once assisted an investment company to cover up its losses, and also helped a bankrupt video technology company to drive up the stock price, deceiving investors with hundreds of millions of dollars by lies and tricks.

This alone will inevitably be a prison disaster. However, Yang Cheng’s main purpose is not to kill the people. Whether Amana goes to jail or not has nothing to do with him. What he wants is Amana in the hands of Amana. Hotel 29’s shares, no matter how fierce he is with the polar bear tycoon, or accuse him of obtaining shares through fraud, this part of the shares is an indisputable fact under the name of Amana. Therefore, Ryze appeared in time like rain. In front of Amana.

Facing the bail fee of up to 2.5 million US dollars, Amana was at a loss. This is not something a scammer who spends money all year round can get it After Ritz promised to pay him bail, Owing to the feelings of his compatriots, Amana chose trust and compromise. After hesitating for a long time, he finally could not resist the confusion of freedom and signed a name on the share transfer agreement.

After that, there was no more. Ryze disappeared without a trace. In the **** of Amana almost collapsed, his defense lawyer actually gave up his defense power in court, which means that the plaintiff of several lawsuits, no After much effort, the final victory was won.

It's not that no one questioned the behavior of Amana's defense lawyers, but no one went into it, only that his lawyers had a low rate of success and did not want to waste time.

It just suffered from the plaintiff's lawyer, and this single business made a lot of money.

Soon after the trial ended, Omar Amana tried to appeal in prison and said that he had been deceived and asked the court to enforce compulsory bankruptcy proceedings against the Amman Hotel. Of course, this request was rejected by the judge.

Unwilling to give up, he tried to contact the media to build up momentum for himself, but the media in New York turned a blind eye to this, as if they had not received similar requests at all, and he had never heard of Omar Amana. His name was from beginning to end. Never appeared in any media platform.

It was not until a few months later that Omar Amana suddenly hit the wall and committed suicide in prison. After a routine examination by a forensic doctor, it was confirmed that Amana had a very serious mental problem during his lifetime, and it was most likely a schizophrenic patient. Such methods are all caused by the second personality. Of course, no one knows the news of his suicide. This seemingly absurd identification result is only used as a police record and stored in the archives, perhaps forever. It can accumulate in the depths of the hard drive and become a bunch of garbled codes. The chapter content is being restored, please visit again later.