Chapter 804: Clouds over Washington (3)

Mrs. Zipton is going crazy. This is normal. A woman feels that she has been insulted and provoked, regardless of whether it is true or not. As long as this woman willfully thinks that this is a fact, there is enough reason to go crazy.

So, a week later, another hapless woman was sent to prison by this crazy woman.

Earlier that morning, the U.S. Department of Justice formally sued the heavyweight Senator Menendez of the Senate on 14 counts of alleged bribery, fraud, and misrepresentation, including 8 charges of bribery alone.

Menendez is a veteran zheng from New Jersey and served as the head of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee from 2013 to January this year.

In fact, as early as when he declared his allegiance to the Elephant Party, he has been within the focus of the Donkey Party. F~B~I has invested a lot of resources to monitor it for a long time, and has a lot of corruption in his hands. The evidence is just being held down and not exposed. This time Madame Zipperton, who went mad, used him as the object of venting. He was not too unlucky, it was reasonable.

According to the allegations, between 2006 and 2013, Menendez received bribes worth approximately US$1 million from an ophthalmologist named Melgen in Florida and a ZZ donor.

These include: Menendez’s 19 free trips on Mergen’s private jets or charter flights; staying in a luxury hotel suite for US$1,000 a night in Paris; receiving US$751,000 in ZZ donations for reelection in 2012; and several times Failing to declare gifts received in accordance with relevant regulations, etc.

In return, Menendez has repeatedly used his power to "take care" of Melgen's business and private life.

Under the special care of the Donkey Party, the fact of bribery against Menendez is basically established. The 61-year-old client will face the prospect of 15 years in jail for each crime of bribery.

The "Washington Center for Responsible Ethical Citizenship (CREW, which was put out by Mrs. Zipton as a shield, has long been investigating the corruption of members of Congress. The corrupt behavior of the parliamentarians has been tracked for many years. This is equivalent to taking the responsibility of F~B~I out of the case. After all, the existence of F~B~I is not aimed at domestic senior officials. If F~B~ I came out, it is very likely to cause public outrage. Of course, Mrs. Zipton will not be so stupid, and directly destroy the most advantageous weapon in the hands of her dang faction.

After Yang Cheng heard the news, he only smiled and showed respect. This kind of business relationship is too normal in the United States. As mentioned earlier, corruption in the United States and corruption in other countries are two different directions. More than half of the US officials are small and wealthy, and they do not need to take bribes to enrich their material lives.

Of course, there is no exemption from Menendez, who has higher requirements for the quality of life, and it is understandable to choose a long-term funder as a source of material security.

However, the elephant party naturally refuses to give up. No, no. To be precise, members of the Busch family are unwilling to be sapped by a woman. Melgen is based in Florida, and the core business of his business is also in Florida. Inside, this is the territory of the generosity family. On the surface, Menendez, who seems to be unable to fight, has been included in the system by the generosity family, but it has not been exposed.

Seeing Menendez was overthrown, and there was almost no possibility of a comeback, but he couldn’t watch doing nothing, and the team would be difficult to lead when the hearts of the people dispersed. Therefore, the Busch family had to vent their dissatisfaction through the media. Fox News guides public opinion in the direction of the ZZ dispute.

Social commentaries have successively stated that Menendez was prosecuted because of his loud opposition to the nuclear negotiations between ZF and Yilang during Comrade Guanhai’s term. Of course, the article did not dare to deny Menendez’s actual crimes. The evidence is Obviously, whitewashing can't be hard washed, right?

Menendez was also instructed. In an interview with close media, he stated that he was prosecuted because of the ZZ motive to keep him silent, but this was regarded by the general public as a common "wailing" of the defendant, and ultimately he could not escape the law. Sanctions.

The fact is also true. With the focus of the donkey party, the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Court have sentenced Menendez to 15 years in prison at an alarming rate, as well as high fines and other penalties.

Seeing that the general situation is gone, the generosity family did not struggle to die. If you have this time to save a dying person, you might as well think about how to fight back.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zipperton was happy for a few days. An important position in her camp was captured by the Busch family. According to the investigation, Virginia Governor Macdonald received luxurious gifts several times during his reign and was investigated and prosecuted by relevant departments. However, because the total amount of bribes received was only 170,000 US dollars, and no use of power for personal gain was found, the Federal Court dealt with it lightly, and was eventually sentenced to 2 years in prison without parole and no probation.

Although the sentence was very light, the impact it brought was much greater than Menendez. It should be understood that MacDonald not only became the first governor of Virginia to be imprisoned for corruption, which caused the state’s reputation to be greatly damaged, and most importantly Yes, the Donkey Party has lost a powerful guan member, and may even lose the entire ticket warehouse because of this. You must know that Virginia is an important ticket warehouse that the Donkey Party has worked so hard to manage since the beginning of the new century.

(In reality, Virginia is a "swing state", and the strength of the two parties is not the same. Because the plot needs some changes, I hope to understand.)

Now that the gatekeeper of the ticket warehouse has been eradicated by the Busch family, the Donkey Party is shocked. Several core high-level executives ordered Mrs. Zipten to suspend the revenge against the Busch family. Finding a way to fill the seat is the most important thing. As xuan is approaching, this big ticket warehouse must not be lost.

Mrs. Zipperton knows the importance, after all, she is the beneficiary of this ticket warehouse, how could she not be in a hurry.

There was a lot of discussion outside because of the greed and high guan, but Yang Cheng lived in an internal safe room in F~B~I.

In fact, the case is already obvious. Investigating the causes of death of the three gold worshipers did not take much effort. After F~B~I's investigation, all three women died of potassium cyanide poisoning, and their intake was around 200 mg. This is far more than the lethal dose. The one who died is called a simple one. Of course, not only that, the material existence of Yang Cheng's descendants was detected in their bodies, but this is nothing, only that they had an accident with Yang Cheng before they were alive. xing behavior.

You may often hear that potassium cyanide is a highly toxic chemical agent. There are many types of similar cyanide, among which the more familiar and highly toxic are nothing more than the three: sodium cyanide, cyanide Potassium and hydrocyanic acid.

This substance is ubiquitous in life. For example, in the famous "Zhen Huan Biography", in order to frame the cassava flour incident made by Zhen Huan, An Lingrong was beaten into the cold palace and died after eating a lot of bitter almonds. And bitter almonds, both contain trace amounts of cyanide. When ancient medicine was not developed, where was there a way to detoxify!

In addition to TV dramas in the country of Z, there are often cyanide murders in the animations of Little RB. In "Detective Conan", too many cyanide poisoning deaths occurred.

Cyanide does not damage hemoglobin, so the fingertips and lips of the deceased will not appear bruised, but will be pink, and they will look good. If you do not observe carefully, it is even difficult to see that the deceased is dead.

Of course, according to experience, the deceased who died of cyanide usually secreted a lot of saliva and had a special bad breath, like a bitter almond smell, so whenever Conan smelled the deceased’s mouth, he could judge whether it was cyanide poisoning.

It is also because it is so common that it is difficult for F~B~I to investigate the source of poisons. After all, as an outstanding representative of high-end poisons, generally speaking, in addition to direct use of food, some experimental factories and university laboratories can easily find them. Of course, don't think that things are easy to find, then everyone can be a murderer.

wrong! Leaving the dose to talk about toxicity is a hooliganism. Cyanide can enter the human body through various ways such as contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the cavity, breathing, inhalation, oral, injection, and lethal doses often vary among individuals.

The medical profession generally believes that the lethal dose of potassium cyanide is between 50-250 mg, which is almost as small as the lethal dose of arsenic. The determination of whether it is lethal or not depends on the blood concentration. The blood concentration of cyanide poisoning is about 0.5μg/ ml, lethal blood concentration ≥1μg/ml. To put it vividly, if potassium cyanide solid is taken orally, if you eat a small amount of powder equivalent to one-third of a normal capsule or half the size of a new version of a penny, it will be almost It is sure to kill people, and if the smallest dose is considered, potassium cyanide powder the size of a rice grain may be fatal.

Anyway, judging from the doses taken by the three women , they are almost dead and can't die anymore, and the one who started it should be a veteran who is very comfortable with the use of cyanide. After an autopsy, it has been ruled out. The murderer was poisoned by intravenous injection or inhalation of gas, because no new injection needle holes were found on the deceased. The reason for emphasizing the new is that traces of Bingdu injection were found on two of them.

In addition, neither Jing Fang’s preliminary investigation nor F~B~I’s follow-up investigation found any extra fingerprints and footprints in the room, just like there was no fifth person in the room. Coincidentally, the villa that night The monitoring equipment inside was all broken, and none of the machines were functioning normally, so the investigation was deadlocked.

As for Yang Cheng's body, in the physical examination report given by Jing Fang, there were no residues of du products, but a small amount of diethylamine lysergic acid, which is the main ingredient of a certain hallucinogen.

In other words, Yang Cheng had taken a small amount of hallucinogens before he was arrested. Of course, no one would take it on his own initiative, and generally take it passively. Therefore, regardless of the F~B~I investigation, Or Jing Fang’s physical examination report can infer that Yang Cheng is basically irrelevant to the case.

However, the case still lacks decisive evidence. For example, evidence that can prove that the poison in the three women was not inflicted by Yang Cheng has not been found. It can even be inferred from this that Yang Cheng first poisoned the three women and then killed them. Taking the initiative to take hallucinogens to obscure the direction of investigation and create the illusion that oneself cannot be poisoned. This kind of analysis is completely possible.