Chapter 847: I have proof!

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng suddenly felt a bit ridiculous. The marriage was still unfinished, so I was thinking about illegitimate children?

Forget it, just take it as a rainy day, and be prepared early, lest you really "winning the bid" to get an illegitimate child and illegitimate daughter by surprise.

Put down the phone, turn on the computer, log in to the Twitter homepage and browse at will. In the past few days, everyone's discussion is still focused on the Gif murder case. Thanks to the big reveal of C TV, various conspiracy theories are endless and omnipotent. The netizens of has even linked this case to the polar bears, saying that Gifford was a spy sent by the polar bears, but was found and assassinated by C~I~A.

Yang Cheng laughed, and what made him spit blood was that he was followed by a vote of supporters. Obviously, this kind of conspiracy theory is very marketable.

I shook my head and was about to close the web page. Suddenly I found that my rarely used account had hundreds of private messages. You must know that because of the low activity of your Twitter account, there are only a few hundred thousand followers that follow you. Most of them are gold-worshippers, and friends know that they have no habit of using Facebook, so they hardly communicate with themselves on Twitter.

In addition to a recent murder scandal, he secretly said that he did not post any tweets to show off his wealth. The gold worshipers should have no leisure time to go fishing.

When I was puzzled, I opened the private message and took a look at the unread messages sorted in chronological order. The most recent messages are all from the same account. Feel free to click on the latest message, and the content says, "I have helped you wash away the murder. Please contact me for suspicious evidence, I only need money!"

Yang Cheng's heart trembled, and then he was overjoyed, and he was hopeful of exonerating himself.

Click and open several private messages in succession, the content is the same, even the punctuation marks are exactly the same.

The account that sent the letter is very new, it should be newly registered, the nickname is "the person in the dark night", the homepage only sent a photo, the background of the photo should be the night scene of West Hollywood, with the text: the night scene is really beautiful, but it is very dirty Dirty~, looking at the time of posting, it happened to be the night before Yang Cheng's accident, that is, after he entered the party villa.

"Is this to prove that he might be present at the time?" Yang Cheng thought to himself.

So far, apart from the private message and this tweet, Yang Cheng has no other clues for him to speculate that this person is a man or a woman, and he doesn't know whether he is always young or not, let alone his purpose.

Although the other party called for money, is it really that simple?

After the initial shock and ecstasy, Yang Cheng calmed down and dragged the private message page down until the first private message sent by the person confirmed the time, which happened to be three days after his accident, and kept it every day. Sending a few rules from time to time, until I accidentally discovered it, it seems that the other party should only have this channel to contact him, and he doesn't even know where he lives, so he can only insist on waiting for his own response.

Yang Cheng leaned back on the back of the chair, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, wondering if he should try to make contact with the other person.

But he is worried that this is a trap. What if the other party asks him to bring cash to trade in person? Of course, if you really asked for this, Yang Cheng would not go. Compared to his own life, it is not important to wash away. Anyway, this case has become a headless case, and the real murderer is dead. F ~B~I can't do anything about it even if he wants to handle it impartially. In a big deal, he always wears electronic shackles. After the wind passes, he can find a way to get F~B~I to take it off. This is nothing more than a cost to him. If money can solve the problem, why take risks?

But if you ignore this person, your heart will be itchy, after all, if you can clear your suspicion earlier, it would be better to be innocent.

Oh, tangled!

Yang Cheng grabbed her hair and shook the mouse, but did not click to reply.

After more than 20 minutes, Yang Cheng cursed herself in a low voice, determined to click the reply button fiercely, and swiftly fluttered his hands on the keyboard. He wrote back to this person called "the man in the dark" and wrote, "I You need to determine the authenticity and your specific conditions~"

I didn’t check it after I finished writing, I clicked send happily, and then leaned back heavily, rubbing my chin and waiting.

The waiting time is always long, wondering if the other party is already asleep? What kind of person is the other party? Is it introverted and timid, but because of the need for money, he takes risks to contact himself?

Time passed by in his cranky thoughts.

When the bell rang at zero o'clock, the page still didn't move at all, and it was almost broken when I clicked refresh, and no new information came in.

Helpless, orange Yang rubbed his heavy eyelids, altogether unequal, and a computer off, ¥ ck, most of the land now days without sleep, and consumes a lot of time in the afternoon Zouren hands, at the moment not tired.

I don’t know that, I thought he had fought with a dozen people alone all afternoon, but in fact, he took a kick and added a hidden weapon without much effort at all.

. . . . . .

I slept very deeply. I didn’t wake up until 10 am the next morning. I went to the bathroom and took a bath in a daze to wake myself up. When I went downstairs, I found that the old man had gone out. He came. Los Angeles, naturally, it is impossible for Yang Cheng’s marriage only. Yuanshan Capital’s business volume in Los Angeles is also very large, but it is usually handed over to the head of the division. Even if there is something, it can be controlled remotely through video software. So in recent years, Yang Sen has been very Don’t fly to Los Angeles in person.

In contrast, those branches in other countries need to fly over to show their presence and solve some difficult local problems.

Yang Cheng didn't care. As an adult like my father, there are bodyguards no less than Hansen and the others. They are not in the war zone in Afghanistan, and they are safe.

Enjoying breakfast, he picked up the phone and sent a message to Luo Yue, reminding her not to forget to have lunch together. He picked up a piece of glutinous rice ribs and stuffed it into his mouth. He was not prepared to eat more, and he would have to eat later. For lunch, it’s okay if you don’t feel hungry now.

I tasted a bit of everything. When I was about to take a sip of milk, I suddenly remembered what happened before going to bed last night. I patted my forehead, stood up on the table, walked in two steps in three steps, and ran towards the study on the second floor. , The people who panicked and forgot that the mobile app can also view private messages.

But it doesn't matter anymore. At this moment, he has turned on the computer, logged in to his Twitter account, clicked on the private message page, and frowned.

Because the top piece of information is still the one I read last night, the reply I sent out was like a stone sinking in the ocean, and there was no news.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but wonder, isn't this guy playing with himself?

I slapped my lips and thought it was impossible. It’s enough to just play around and post a few. Is it necessary to hold on for so many days? It doesn't make sense.

He can only think optimistically, maybe the other party is busy with work and doesn’t have time to check the private message reply. Although if you change to him, you must wish to log in and check every hour. After all, this is a good opportunity to get rich overnight. For an ordinary person, this is not something that can be easily calmed down.

After thinking about it for a while, he recruited Hansen and asked him to ask the hacker brother for help. It would be best if he could find out the background information of the sender.

Because an appointment was made to have dinner with Luo Yue, he did not continue to sit in front of the computer and waited. After re-setting the Twitter app on his phone for information push, he continued to drive out the ivory white Rolls Royce yesterday. Beverly hills.

She was picked up at Luo Yue's company downstairs. No doubt, today Luo Yue's dress surprised Yang Cheng again. She wore a red spotted dress, stepped on ru yellow high-heel sandals, and painted her with exquisite makeup. With a smile of Ruoyouruowu, he closed the car door and fastened his seat belt. He asked through the sunglasses, "Where shall we eat?"

Yang Cheng drove the car forward for a certain distance, then suddenly turned around, drove onto Route 66, and drove all the way to the west. Then he replied, "I wanted to take you to French food, but I saw your youth. Beautifully dressed, I suddenly felt that eating French food was too earthy. We went to a place where we could eat a lot and laugh unscrupulously."

Luo Yue of course knew that Yang Cheng was boasting herself in disguise, and she was so straightforward, even if she didn't care too much, she had to admit the little joy in her heart at that moment.

Neither of them spoke. Route 66 in Santa Monica Beach is as well-known as California's Pacific Route 1. In the classic movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump ran through them. On the 66 highway that is driving, you can still see the conspicuous BUBBAGUMP restaurant on the pier , named after Forrest Gump, and there is a statue of Forrest running at the gate of the restaurant. .

Many tourists even regard this as one of the must-have spots for taking photos and checking in. Take a photo under the sign to visit here, and go back and show it off. It can also be called a special experience.

It’s just now that autumn has passed, and after the most golden summer tourist season, both locals and foreign tourists are more willing to go to the north to see the maple leaves. There are obviously fewer tourists who come to California, which are those on both sides of the road in the past. The restaurant also seemed a little lonely.

Finally, after more than ten minutes of driving, the car came to Santa Monica Beach at the end of Route 66, and drove the car into the open-air parking lot at the end. Several apparently free tourists walked off the pedestrian walkway. Taking pictures with excited expressions, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue looked at each other and smiled inexplicably.

Looking around, the noon sun is sparkling on the sea, seagulls are flying freely, and the sound of playing and playing on the beach is unusually heard. Everything is so harmonious.

The most conspicuous building on the beach is the jetty that extends into the sea. This pier can be said to be the symbol of Santa Monica. Many Hollywood movies and TV series have been filmed here.

The pier is erected high above the sea, and it complements the Pacific Amusement Park not far away.

Pacific Park is a good place for adults and children to enjoy the playfulness. Yang Cheng also has good memories here, especially the solar-powered Ferris wheel here, the only one in the world. If you ride it, you can enjoy Santa Monica without any hindrance. The beautiful coastline and magnificent sea view of Calgary, the panoramic view of the entire Los Angeles city is absolutely unforgettable!

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