Chapter 938: Rez's amazing news

The clues provided by Martin are very important. It didn’t take Hansen for long. It was only early the next morning that he locked the house of Martin’s old son Gareth Lopez’s lover, which was a street-side apartment in the capital Nashville. There are three floors, and the value is definitely not as high as New York and Los Angeles, but it is a good house in Tennessee.

Speaking of Tennessee, people’s first impression is the Memphis Grizzlies of the NBA. Memphis is also the country music capital of the United States, with a bucolic scenery.

Because of this, Tennessee has become a country in the eyes of New Yorkers, but thanks to a good investment environment, a large number of foreign businessmen have established production bases here, and manufacturing has become a pillar industry in Tennessee. The economy has grown rapidly and the overall The economic strength ranks among the top 50 states in the United States.

What's more, Tennessee is also considered a military fortress in the United States. It is a battleground for military strategists and is of great historical significance.

Because of historical problems, Tennessee has always left a deep impression of “violence” on the outside world. The various races in the Indian tribe often fight for water, cornfields, and places to fight rabbits. Later, these people moved to the local area. The combination of white people in Tennessee also left the people of Tennessee with a militant gene. I am afraid that this is also the contributing factor that caused the violent elements to form the notorious extremist organization of the "3~K~ Party" after the Civil War.

Gareth López, this surname is inextricably related to the Spaniards. As early as 500 years ago, the Spaniard led a fleet from Havana, Cuba to the North American continent, and went deep into Tennessee from the Florida landing. , Violent conflicts with the local tribes, the fruits of victory, but also left the seeds of the Spaniards.

I don’t know. It turns out that Gareth López is also a local Tennessee family. He has been a big landlord in history and also tried to separate Tennessee together with other landlords. Of course, it ended in failure, and his wealth shrank a lot. In Gareth Lopez's generation, there is not much ancestral wealth left.

But in any case, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Gareth Lopez still relied on the influence of his ancestors and ample funds to join the 3~K~ Party, and became a core figure in one fell swoop, and later followed The buddies withdrew from the party and set up a'clown' organization. According to the data, the clown has not completely separated from the 3~K~ party. Many things that are inconvenient for the 3~K~ party will be handled by the clown. This is why for so many years, the clown organization There is still no reason for being uprooted.

"Boss, Gareth López did not show up, but I have arranged for people to lie in ambush around the house. As long as it shows up, I can't run away." Hansen reported.

Yang Cheng walked with Luo Yue in the garden after eating breakfast.

put up a pergola to cover the dazzling sunlight, and whispered without turning his head, "Where is his lover?"

"In the house, it seems that there is no work, so there is no need to go out to work."

"Hmm~ I'm staring, but don't let people run away. After catching people, send them directly to the United Kingdom. Some things are not easy to operate in the United States."


Hansen turned around to make arrangements. Yang Cheng sat in the pavilion and looked at Luo Yue, who was playing by the stream, with a warm smile. He reminded this girl not to catch cold from time to time. The physique of Chinese is really incomparable to that of white people. Even if he and Luo Yue grew up eating beef like white people, they haven't seen any improvement in physical fitness.

At this time, the phone rang, and I didn’t even look at the display, so I connected to the channel directly, "This is Jason Yang."

"Boss, it's me, have you heard that? Murdoch is going to sell 21st Century Fox!" The excited voice of Ryze Khan brought news that shocked Yang Cheng.

so much so that after hearing the news, he couldn't suppress his inner surprise and shouted, "You say it again?"

"Boss, I just heard the news that the Disney Group is preparing to initiate a Century M&A case. The target of the merger is 21st Century Fox. News Corp. did not deny the news, but there is a tendency to tacitly agree." Zikhan calmly sorted out the news, and Yang Cheng confirmed that what he heard was not a joke.

In fact, it did happen in the previous life, but his new life made him slowly forget some things that were not so impressive. If Ritz hadn't mentioned it, he would never have thought of it, and then continue to be shocked. .

Since the same thing happened in the previous life, it should not be too surprising to do it again. However, Yang Cheng frowned. If I remember correctly, the merger of the century in the previous life should have occurred in 2017, now in 2015. It's not over yet, is it the butterfly effect? Or the merger and acquisition in the previous life started several years in advance, but because there has been no progress in the negotiations, the outside world has not reported it?

But no matter what, once this merger is established, the impact on the global entertainment industry and even the media industry will not be complete in a few words. Yang Cheng can clearly hear his heart beating. Constantly, Ryze's purpose of making this call was not only to inform himself, but to intervene. UU reading www.

Yang Cheng's brain is running wildly. Disney's intention to acquire Fox is self-evident, and it can be summarized in a simple sentence: I want content and traffic!

Since 2005, the wealthy and willful Disney has developed a "buy, buy, buy" road, successively acquiring Pixar, Marvel and Lucas Pictures, with the goal of achieving Hollywood dominance. In fact, it is true in Disney. With continuous acquisitions, the strength has expanded

According to the current situation, it is estimated that by next year, Disney is expected to achieve 56 billion U.S. dollars in operating income and a net profit of more than 9 billion U.S. dollars. Disney, with deep pockets, does have the ability to initiate mergers and acquisitions of any entertainment company in the world.

But the glamorous clothes cannot cover up the old heart. This is the reason why you can’t chew too much. Today’s entertainment market is such a big plate. Disney grabbed other people’s rations bit by bit to enrich themselves, and no longer had a good digestive system. Under the circumstances, it is easy to cause indigestion, maybe it will reach its peak next year and then go downhill.

This is almost the consensus of the industry. This is also the reason why Disney seems to be powerful and terrible, but in fact the Big Six companies are really not very upset.

Everyone can see and understand, why wouldn’t the senior management within Disney know?

Internally, because of constant indigestion and indigestion, the outside is facing double attacks from several major film companies and many network providers such as Netflix. Disney’s life is really difficult, and only find ways to reverse this embarrassing situation. .

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