Chapter 1008: Wizard's notes

But as Howard Carter’s guide, why didn’t he die? Have you left a note? And this note looks more detailed than the deliberately fabricated record in Kanavin's hand~

And what exactly is the goal that will enable Howard Carter to do this cruelty? Does Howard Carter also know the existence of Thutmose III's treasure?

Mohammed translated the contents of the notes to Yang Cheng. One of the notes read, "Mr. Carter is crazy. He firmly believes that there are amazing treasures buried under the desert of death. I can't persuade, I just want to take what he gave me. The farther the money goes, the better."

Another paragraph wrote, "They are all dead. All the tomb robbers who followed Mr. Carter into the desert are dead. No one came out, only Mr. Carter came out. He is really a great adventurer and an unscrupulous conspiracy. Home, so I can't go back..."

From these two short sentences, it is not difficult to infer that the guide inadvertently prevented Howard Carter’s plan, decisively chose the rapids to retreat, took the money and ran away ahead of time. This may be the reason why he escaped, but he did not. Giving up his attention to this matter, when he learned that in the end only Howard Carter walked out of the desert of death alone, he almost regarded Howard Carter as a **** man. Similarly, he also saw Howard Carter’s dirty soul. He didn’t want to Go back and die.

But, more importantly, in the first paragraph, the guide said Howard Carter firmly believes that there are treasures under the Desert of Death, which means that Yang Cheng's previous guesses have come true, but how did Howard Carter know? Did he discover the secret on the mask when he first saw the golden mask? It sounds too coincidental, but this is the only reasonable explanation. It eliminates all the impossible, and the only reason left is correct even if it is incredible.

Mohammed said again, "I know you came to Egypt and asked about the death desert. Like Howard Carter, you suspect there are treasures under the desert."

In his words, in fact it is not hard to guess.

"Everyone wants the treasure. You are not the only one, but who has succeeded?" Mohammed said lightly. Although the tone was not mocking, the effect was the same.

Yang Cheng asked, "Mr. Mohammed, how did you get this notebook?"

Mohammed raised his eyelids and said in a deep voice, "Didn’t I tell you? You are not the only one who wants the treasure~"

Yang Cheng was startled, as if she didn't react, she asked blankly, "What do you mean?"

"The guide fled from Egypt to the United Kingdom, and from the United Kingdom to Abu Dhabi. After more than ten years of that incident, he was chased and killed. He was accidentally saved by my ancestors. After that, he and my ancestors I kept in touch and gave this notebook to my grandparents before he died.

After the infighting of the Mansour family, I took my family to Egypt, and I did not have the thought of searching for treasures, but for so many years, none of the people I sent have come back. "

Yang Cheng was surprised. He knew that the person who chased the guide should be sent by Howard Carter.

Mohammed’s rather sad tone brought Yang Cheng into a sad atmosphere. He remembered Eiffel, whose whereabouts were still missing and had no news, and a bodyguard.

After a long silence, Mohammed sighed, "The Savilis family is also one of the followers of the treasure. He took the initiative to find you and made an inexplicable attack. It is very likely that he is treating you as a potential opponent."

"The Savilis family also knows the inside story?" Yang Cheng thought it was absurd. It should have been an absolute secret. How could it seem that the whole world already knew it.

"Of course they knew that Nasef's father was also Howard Carter's partner in Egypt, and afterwards he shared a lot of wealth and made a fortune.

Therefore, the root cause of the conflict between the Mansour family and the Savilis family was not the conflict of interest in the market. It was only a derived reason. The real reason was the ownership of the unknown treasure, which almost became our two families. Obsession. "

Yang Cheng was speechless, it turned out to be so, but he thought that only he and Earl Carnarvon knew the inside story of the treasure in the world.

Then Craig Harrison and Abraham said that the hired tomb robber team was very likely to be hired by Nasef Savilis?

He asked, "Mr. Mohammed, about a month ago, a tomb-robber team that had been very successful in the past regrouped in Egypt, and it was suspected of entering the Dead Desert. Do you know this? Is it possible that it was caused by Nasef Hired?"

Mohammed nodded affirmatively, "I know, I also thought about inviting that team, but maybe because the bid was not enough, the other party refused. The tomb raider team is very powerful and almost treats the Valley of the Kings as his back garden. , Come and go freely, I also hesitated for many years before I decided to hire outsiders to help find the treasure. It is estimated that the guy Nasef had the same idea as mine."

Yang Cheng's heart tightened, "Then my person?"

Mohammed looked at Yang Cheng suspiciously, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the news in this regard, they also disappeared, right?"

Yang Cheng said dejectedly, "Yes, it has been a week, if it is in the desert of death, I am afraid already~"

Mohammed thought for a while I will check it for you, don't give up in a hurry. "

The old man was very interesting, he called his bodyguard leader in and ordered a few words in Arabic.

"The Savilis family is domineering and has a very bad reputation in Egypt. The people dare not to speak up. I don't know how much private hard-earned money has been exploited by relying on black-hearted real estate. If we succeed together, I can guarantee that your products are Egypt will be unimpeded."

New Era Media is now rampant all over the world. If the joints of the Arab world are opened up this time, it will completely establish its hegemony. This is the only good news from the trip to Egypt so far.

"I hope so, no matter what, I will be grateful for Mr. Mohammed's help~" This is not a polite remark, Yang Cheng is indeed very grateful to Mohammed, and only relying on a phone call from Sheikh Mansour, he came up with this With great sincerity, Yang Cheng wrote down this love.

"Don't mind, you will stay in Egypt for a while? If you don't have a suitable place to stay, live with me, there are many rooms." Mohammed invited Yang Cheng to stay, also for his consideration. Nasef Savilis played the black hand.

Yang Cheng is also worried about this. After all, in other people's turf, he has too few manpower. In Egypt, a country where almost all the people are soldiers, light and heavy weapons are everywhere, you can't be too careful.

So he stopped being hypocritical, and agreed directly, and asked Hansen to call all the bodyguards over for defense. . .

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