Chapter 1108: Drive up the stock price

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Leaving the Hilton Hotel in the car, Yang Cheng’s mouth was filled with a smile. Just now Paris’s meaning couldn’t be more obvious. It’s a pity that Yang Cheng was very boring under the guise of something. Under the shocked expression of Paris, she calmly came out. After the room, it’s a demo, and still want to take advantage of Xiaoye?

"Boss, Mr. Carson just called, saying that the project on the manor side has made breakthrough progress." As soon as Yang Cheng closed the car door, Hansen said.

Yang Cheng was stunned, and suddenly stood upright, "Really?"

The project Carson said must be the golden mask of Tutankhamun. Progress has been made? Yang Cheng couldn't help but look to the sky, God opened his eyes? This luck is also great, Earl Carnarvon has studied hair for decades and has not researched a single hair. Only a few days after he has it in his hands? There is progress?

Hansen didn’t know the specific situation either. Naturally, Carson would not say clearly on the phone, “Mr. Carson didn’t say clearly, do we want to fly to London?”

Yang Cheng thought for a moment, "Well, tomorrow, no, let's fly the day after tomorrow. I have something to deal with and inform the crew to prepare."

"It's the boss~"

Because of the cold wind in the morning, Yang Cheng's cold seemed to be recurring. At this time, she was still a little dizzy. She fell asleep after sitting in the car for a while.

Upon seeing this, Andrew quickly increased the temperature in the car, while slowing down, trying to keep the car running smoothly.

"Hanson, you said that Tutankhamun mask really hides the secrets of aliens?" Andrew couldn't help being lonely, and asked in a low voice while the red light was on.

Hansen glanced at him, "How do I know, do you still expect to see an alien even if there is one?"

Andrew this guy's brain circuit has always been amazingly large, and he shrugged, "Why not? I want to see if the aliens are really like the ones in the movie, with big eyes and big heads."

Hansen was speechless, "Stop dreaming and drive well."

. . .

Back at the New Times Building, Yang Cheng went directly to Ryze's office, "What is the status of Hilton's stock now? How much did we acquire?"

Ritz quickly searched Hilton’s stock price chart on the computer and turned the screen to Yang Cheng. “The current stock price fluctuates between 17.8 and 18.6. There are not many scattered stocks on the market. Allen has raised the purchase price slightly, but the transaction The quantity is still very small. The proportion of the current purchase is less than 0.5%, and the average price is $18.8."

Yang Cheng frowned immediately, "So little?"

Ritz was also helpless. "Hilton's stock price has been falling last year. For well-known reasons, Hilton's shares are basically in the hands of investment institutions. Even if there are retail investors, it is a long-term investment. The price increase is too small and there is basically no possibility of transaction. It is a good time to buy dips, and retail investors have also spotted this, so..."

"Shit~" Yang Cheng cursed secretly, held his chin and looked at the fluctuating K-line for a while, and said immediately, "Contact the minority shareholders, the price will rise by 20%."

Ryze was surprised, "Is it so high?"

20% means a price increase of at least US$3.5 per share. If the price is raised so much in the initial stage, it is easy to lift the stock price, which is not good for later trading.

Yang Cheng didn’t care. In the end, a small RB paid the bill, “Well, try to buy more before other people’s attention. I don’t care what you use. Before I meet Schwarzman, we have to win at least 2%. ."

Ryze pondered for a moment, "I know. In this way, I sent someone to search for some news that is not conducive to the Hilton Group. We will buy and release it, and first shake out the retail investors before contacting the minority shareholders."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It's up to you how to operate, I only look at the results."

Ryze didn't talk any more nonsense, this was his job, faithfully implementing every order of Yang Cheng.

"By the way, did you contact Schwarzman? When do you plan to meet?"

Ryze nodded, "I got in touch, and the other party replied that it will take 10 days to get back from the Caribbean at the earliest."

Yang Cheng pondered that he was about to fly to London, but he didn't delay, "Yes, tell me in advance, I will fly to London the day after tomorrow, and let me know if things change."

Leaving Ryze’s office, Yang Cheng went to see Eddie again, but Eddie went to CW TV station to inspect. There are several big projects on the TV station. As the president of the parent company, Eddie must show up to cheer up the employees. At the same time, I have to communicate with the management of the TV station, solve problems for them, and act as a great nanny.

Yang Cheng's head became heavier and heavier, and his nostrils were hot. Since Eddie was not there, he didn't want to wait anymore. He felt that he would faint if he didn't go home to sleep.

When he got home, Old John called the doctor again, took his temperature, 38.2°, and started to have a low-grade fever again. The doctor gave Yang Cheng an infusion with a bitter expression, and his workload soared up with such disobedient patients. .

Too lazy to listen to the doctor's nagging, Yang Cheng waved the person out of the room. The headache was about to explode. The doctor was chattering and chattering, as if he was deliberately against him However, he knew that they were kind, and it was not easy to happen, and he also asked Old John to give the doctors and nurses some bonuses, and they worked hard to run a few times these days.

Finally, he asked Old John to send someone to a Shanghai local restaurant in Manhattan’s Chinatown to buy porridge, pan-fried, and Xiaolong. When he was sick, he wanted to eat something from his hometown.

In the evening, Liu Yun returned home from get off work early. Old John immediately ‘sue’ to the hostess and told Liu Yun that Yang Cheng’s condition had returned.

Then, there was a scene where Yang Cheng was taught by Liu Yun for half an hour after she woke up.

"You said that you are almost 30 years old, and you are so careless, joking with your body, and you suffer from a common cold and fever. What if you have a more serious illness?" Liu Yun said with heartfelt words.

Yang Cheng was wrapped in three layers of clothes inside and out, staring at the food on the table with eyesight.

Liu Yun laughed angrily, "Go and eat, like a starving ghost reborn."

Yang Cheng grinned and bowed like the ancients, "Thank you for your mother."

Liu Yun chuckles and laughs, "Bunny boy, go ahead, don't get angry with me."

Sitting at the table, I can’t wait to pick up the fresh shrimp and pork and fry it. I took a small bite. The delicious and fragrant hot soup was poured into the mouth. The temperature was just right. It would not be as hot as it was just out of the pot, and it would not lose its rawness. The characteristics of frying, with pickled fresh, malan tou mixed with fragrant dried, sea cucumber porridge, nutrition and light.

Liu Yun felt a little hungry after talking for a long time, so he was not polite with her son, so she robbed him of his sick food and ate it. Fortunately, Old John had the foresight to buy a lot, enough for a family of three.

It didn't take long for Yang Sen to return from get off work, and the rare warmth at home made his exhaustion after a day of work disappear.

Give the handbag to Old John to put it away and join the army of grabbing food. . .