Chapter 1157: Comcast is a true friend

"Jason, your rhetoric is of no use to me. I am old and my relationship with the brand is not as deep as when I was young. You can completely treat me as an investor, and I only do things that are beneficial to me. "

Murdoch said slowly while smoking a cigar.

Yang Cheng is silent, how can this old fox, who has experienced countless ups and downs in his life, be fooled by such a simple routine?

"Well, Rupert, let's talk about something practical. I want to buy Fox Sports. You can make a price."

Murdoch leaned on the back of the sofa, held his finger in the air with a cigar and lit a little orange, "24 billion US dollars, I only accept stock transactions, not cash."

Yang Cheng really wanted to spit him with a bite of old blood. This old man is really black. Not only did he offer a sky-high price, but he also took the opportunity to bite himself into a big bite, and he couldn't get anything if he fell together?

"18 billion, half cash, half stock!" This is Yang Cheng's offer.

Murdoch didn't even think about shook his head and said, "If this is the case, I would rather sell it to Disney as a whole. Of course, if Disney is sold to you later, I have no opinion."

Yang Cheng frowned deeply, "Rupert, why do you insist on selling to Disney?"

Lao Mo left Yang Cheng speechless, "Because of the merger of Disney and Fox, they will become the absolute hegemon of the global entertainment and media industry, unshakable!"

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng knew that his idea of ​​opening the gap from Murdoch had failed.

After parting with Murdoch, Yang Cheng did not give up, and he contacted Comcast to try to cooperate with him.

Comcast is currently basically a domestic company, and only about 9% of its revenue comes from markets outside the United States.

Fox, with its 39% stake in British Sky Broadcasting Corporation and Star Media (India), can largely help Comcast expand its international assets and increase its foreign market revenue to 25%. %.

So Comcast's desire for Fox is stronger than Disney.

And Comcast’s own business map is much weaker than that of Disney. As more and more price-sensitive consumers cancel their pay TV subscriptions or switch to other lower-charge video services, Concast Special had to deal with this problem of structural decline in business carefully, which is similar to the dilemma faced by Disney.

For this reason, since the acquisition of Universal, Comcast has shifted its focus to high-speed Internet and film production business to maintain revenue growth.

And Fox’s film and television assets will allow Comcast’s entertainment product portfolio to reach an unprecedented scale, after all, the latter already sits on NBC Universal and the largest cable television system in the United States.

In addition, just like Disney’s desire for streaming video services, like all its traditional media counterparts, Comcast has always been eager to find a way to avoid those tech giants that are not bad, especially the threatening Facebook, Amazon, and Apple , Netflix and Google are five giant companies.

These companies are throwing billions of dollars to create high-quality content, grabbing market share from players in the traditional entertainment industry. Comcast itself is a big player among traditional players, and a large share of the customers who were robbed belonged to Comcast.

And Fox’s HULU Video is the key to Comcast’s turn of the battle. Once it successfully acquires most of Fox’s assets, Comcast will become the controlling shareholder of Hulu, the current rapidly growing streaming media service provider.

Currently, Fox, Disney and Comcast hold 30% of the shares, and Time Warner holds 10%.

It is Hulu's shares that make Fox an important role with the power of "appointing a king". Whoever can take the 30% of the shares can take control of the HULU video in one fell swoop, which is equivalent to obtaining 20 million subscriptions out of thin air Users, and a second only to Netflix streaming video provider.

Therefore, Comcast would rather shoulder a huge debt than compete with Disney.

For Yang Cheng, after losing battles from Disney and Fox, Comcast became his last hope.

Not to mention, before going to meet with Brian Roberts, Yang Cheng really heard the good news. The chairman and CEO of Comcast met with Apple CEO Tim Ku in advance before agreeing to meet with Yang Cheng. K, there is news that the purpose of this meeting is that Brian Roberts is preparing to find allies for the acquisition of Fox assets.

On the Jason flying to Los Angeles, Yang Cheng couldn't hide his excitement, and worked around for a while, finally found like-minded friends.

The two parties agreed to meet at Universal Studios. Brian Roberts, who had just concluded his talks with Cook in Silicon Valley, stopped by to visit Universal Studios and invited Yang Orange to have lunch together.

Came to Universal Studios again, Yang Cheng felt like a human being. The last time I came here was to meet Donna Rand, but now the Hollywood superwoman has already played for her.

In a restaurant in the studio, Yang Cheng met Brian Roberts, with a bright head and round glasses, he looked a little tired, presumably the result of a tired journey.

After a simple greeting, the two each ordered a steak set meal and sat opposite each other. Yang Cheng took the lead and asked, "Mr. Roberts, did your negotiations with Apple go smoothly?"

"Brian~" Roberts emphasized.

"It's not going well, otherwise we don't need to meet." Roberts said bluntly.

Yang Cheng smiled. This is good news. "In that case, I am not talking nonsense. Both of you and I have a natural basis for cooperation. Comcast is heavily indebted. The pressure and risk of buying Fox on its own have suddenly changed. Several times, New Times Media is willing to become a partner of your company to help share the pressure."

"Your working style is as straightforward as the rumors, but I like it. Then, tell me about your conditions, what does New Era Media want?" Roberts was not hypocritical, and directly asked Yang Cheng about the assets he wanted.

"22 local sports channels, some shares of the British Sky Broadcasting TV station." Yang Cheng spreads out his hands with a simple expression, "I don't want much, am I?"

Roberts must nod his head even if he is reluctant. Yang Cheng does not want much. At least, Yang Cheng didn't mention Comcast's most valued hulu video stock.

"I personally accept this condition, but we still need to go back and confirm with the board before we can officially sign the agreement."

"Of course, it should be~"

Yang Cheng scolded countless words of MMP in his heart, "I knew it was so easy to work with Comcast, and it was a waste of time to talk so much with Disney and Fox Fee."

Roberts said again, "Let’s talk about the price, how much are you willing to pay for it?"

Yang Cheng slightly estimated, "I am willing to pay 18 billion U.S. dollars for the 22 local sports channels. As for Sky TV, it depends on the negotiation result. My bottom line is no less than 10%. The more the better."

Roberts pondered, "I understand that the negotiation must be led by Comcast. The New Era Media can send people to participate and supervise the whole process, but it cannot interfere with our negotiation process."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, this condition is a bit too much, but it is not unacceptable. After thinking about it, Comcast is not too rich, should he not lose his reason and make a crazy offer?

After thinking for a long time, he nodded hesitantly, "I agree in principle, but New Era Media has the right to stop at any time. Of course, the premise is that Comcast's negotiation plan harms our interests."

In the general direction, Yang Cheng nodded in agreement. Roberts is naturally not good at criticizing too much in small details, and basically did not waste too much brain cells. He nodded and said, "Yes, just do it like this."

In a few words, a cooperation agreement involving tens of billions of dollars was reached. The two did not even sweat, and the negotiations ended calmly. If they were known to outsiders, they would definitely drop their jaws.

In fact, it is not just outsiders, even the two parties involved are also affected by the efficiency at this time. From the end of the order to the beginning of the negotiation, to the end of the negotiation, the food is not even served. This may be the most enjoyable experience for the two in their lives. A negotiation.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand that both sides are forced into the corner. In the absence of conflicts of interest and a basis for cooperation, it is only natural for the negotiation to go smoothly. No matter what, in the eyes of Yang Cheng at this time, Comcast is a true friend!

Brian Roberts exhaled, raised the goblet with mineral water, and gestured to Yang Cheng, "I wish we have a happy cooperation."

Yang Cheng smiled and clinked his glasses, "Of course, we will cooperate happily."

He sipped his saliva symbolically, put down the cup, Yang Cheng said, “By the way, I have to remind me that Fox’s desire to merge with Disney is very strong So you have to do well even if you pay a high price. It must be able to convince Fox's preparation."

Roberts looked straight, "I understand, I have made the most difficult preparations."

Yang Cheng didn't talk any more nonsense, just click and stop these things. There is no doubt about the ability to be the helm of Comcast.

The formal negotiations are over, and Roberts is in the mood to joke, "Jason, I haven't gotten your revenge yet!"

Yang Cheng was startled, "Why want to avenge me?"

"You have poached my capable man." Roberts was referring to Donna Rand.

Yang Cheng sneered, "The most lacking thing in the 21st century is talents. At that time, the new era film industry was started. I had to find a qualified CEO for the company. No one forced Donna to be more suitable, and Donna has been fighting around the world for so many years. , I also have the idea of ​​changing the environment. We hit it off right away, and there is absolutely no digging."

Roberts waved his hand, "I'm joking. The flow of talents is also conducive to the management of the company to some extent. I am not angry, but if there is such a thing in the future, you must say hello to me. After all, we are friends from today, right? You can't do things that are sorry for your friends."

Yang Cheng couldn't smile bitterly, and some people were rushing to be friends, "OK, if there is another time, I will definitely greet you."


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