Chapter 1319: Life is like **, the fastest update to the latest chapters of American Indulge in Life!

"Westinghouse Electric?"

Ito Kouji screamed, almost scared Yang Cheng's soul out of his body, her face blackened, "Brother Ito has such a big voice~"

"Uh~ I'm very sorry, Brother Yang, this news is really surprising, let me slow down."

I don’t know how Ito Koji comforted his little heart. After a full two minutes, he spoke again, "Brother Yang, are you really kidding?

From the perspective of RB people, I hope Brother Yang will appear as the savior to save the Dongzhi Group, but as a friend of Brother Yang, I must remind you that the reason why Dongzhi Group is today is completely due to Westinghouse Electric. Dragged down. "

Yang Cheng raised his brows, what's the matter, is there any other secret behind what I mean?

So he pretended that he knew little, and asked Ito Koji for advice, "Brother Ito, is there a major problem inside Westinghouse Electric?"

Ito regretted that sentence just now. He and Yang Cheng had been piaoing together at best, so why bother to remind him?

However, I have already said what I have said, and I have no more regrets. I can only bite the bullet and say, "As far as I know, Westinghouse once spent a huge sum of money to acquire a nuclear power plant construction company in the United States, and this nuclear power plant construction company concealed huge debts. The financial statements were tampered with, and when Westinghouse discovered these problems, the loss had reached 700 billion yen or more.

After Dongzhi headquarters received this report, the board of directors exploded collectively. I heard that none of the things that could be broken in the conference room that day were intact.

However, regeneration is useless. It is a business rule to pay the debts to the father. As the parent company, Dongzhi cannot get rid of this issue. If it were not for Westinghouse’s drag, Dongzhi would not be where it is today. "

After a pause, Ito seemed to have the mentality of helping people to send the Buddha to the West. Anyway, he has said so much, and there is nothing left. He continued, "Dongzhi has filed a bankruptcy application with the US Department of Commerce. But no reply has been received yet."

Yang Cheng snorted, "This is called a sweet dream. Believe me, the US Department of Commerce will never agree to the bankruptcy of Westinghouse."

The reason is simple. There are still more than 100 nuclear reactors in operation in the United States. At the same time, Westinghouse is still building new nuclear reactors. I don’t know the specifics, but there are at least two. That is to say, the construction cost of these two nuclear reactors is more than 8 billion. The creditor’s rights are secured by the US ZF. Once Westinghouse goes bankrupt, whose money will be counted? The Ministry of Commerce must say it has a relationship with Laozi? The Department of Energy is even less willing to pay for it.

This loss has gone too far, so unless the Americans go crazy collectively, it is absolutely impossible to agree to bankruptcy applications.

In addition, if Westinghouse goes bankrupt, it would be a trivial matter for thousands of workers to lose their jobs, and the United States would lose its nuclear power technical talents as a result, and it is likely to lead to the leakage of nuclear technology. This is a major issue involving national strategy.

As for the 100 nuclear reactors in operation, how will they be maintained in the future? If these problems cannot be solved, Dongzhi doesn't want to get rid of the mess easily.

Of course, Yang Cheng also knows that if this burden is not thrown off, Dongzhi will face sinking or already sinking. Everyone is helpless. In the end, they can only fight who is more shameless and who is more rogue.

At this time, once Yang Cheng jumped out and expressed his willingness to take over, it would be a boon for both Japan and the United States. Therefore, there is no disagreement at all, but when the settlement is made, Dongzhi is eager to settle now and throw out the burden.

Koji Ito said again, "Brother Yang needs to think carefully. If you just want to buy the bottom and then change hands to make a fortune, I don’t recommend you to do this, because Westinghouse is a mess that will not only corrode itself, but also let every passing People are in the quagmire.

Of course, if you want to run your own business, just pretend that I didn’t say it. I believe Brother Yang’s management ability is enough to deal with Westinghouse’s idiots. "

Ito made no secret of his contempt for Westinghouse's management, and also, what kind of mentally disabled people can make financial frauds? Do you really think that the whole world is just like them?

Yang Cheng still appreciates it. Regardless of whether Ito is sincere, his words are positive, and they kindly remind themselves that it is too much to not appreciate it. "I understand, thank you Ito for reminding me that I want to buy this time. Westinghouse is also a last resort."

Ito sighed, "No matter what, this is a good thing for me and my compatriots. You are welcome if Brother Yang needs help, I am very happy to help."

Yang Cheng is naturally not polite, "I am forming an acquisition team here, and I will leave for RB soon. Then I will have to trouble Brother Ito to say hello to Dongzhi. Shouldn’t the negotiation have an object?"

"These are small things. Give me the number of the person in charge and I will arrange it."

"Thanks again~"

Hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng's confidence in his heart has increased a lot. If Mellon hadn't made troubles, he wouldn't want to mix in this mess, but there is no way, he must get the favor of the Mellon family.

In any case, ZF will not create obstacles to the acquisition. This is the best news for Yang Cheng, and he believes that Dongzhi wants to get rid of the burden, and he should not open his mouth and scare away the Pan Xia. There is not a single benefit.

If you still want to make a lot of money from Yang Cheng at this time, then Yang Cheng really has to suspect that Dongzhi’s management is mentally retarded. It must be that he eats too much nuclear radiation rice to have such a whimsical idea~www.novelhall .com~ I made a phone call all the way, just entered the house, and found that my father was neatly dressed and ready to go out. The father and son met each other, and they were all taken aback.

"Why are you still going out so late?"

"Why come back so late?"

Both father and son asked at the same time.

Yang Sen said helplessly, "A friend had a car accident, go take a look."

Yang Cheng said, as to which friend he was not interested in, "I just got off the plane and went to Washington."

Yang Sen didn’t ask much in a hurry. He responded and bypassed the elevator to get on the elevator. After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around, "Hey? Would you like me with me? I just don’t bother to drive~"

Yang Cheng yawned, "No, I don't know your friend. Besides, when did you go out and drive by yourself, didn't you all drive by bodyguards?"

Yang Sen glared at him, "Which so much nonsense, the bodyguards have to rest, there is no need to call them at night."

It seemed that he had made up his mind to let Yang Cheng be the driver. He didn’t ask any more. He directly used Lao Tzu’s authority and pulled Yang Cheng’s arm up the elevator. “Hurry up, go early and get back early~”

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, what else could she say?

Is it more reasonable?

Yang Sen replied 100%: Lao Tzu’s words make sense.

Life is like, if you can’t resist, just enjoy it~