Chapter 1436: Run away in embarrassment

In a quiet jungle on the outskirts of Lagos, Yang Cheng has a muddy face. Just to avoid a wave of chasing, he hides in the muddy forest in embarrassment, thanks to the lack of experience of the militants in tracking. , Otherwise, with their disguise of no technical content, they would not be able to escape the pursuit.

As early as an hour ago, Hansen and the others had all shot out. I thought that there were not many militants. If there were more than a dozen people, Hansen and the others would have sufficient confidence to take advantage of the environmental cover to eliminate each other one by one.

But who would have thought that the other party's reinforcements would come sooner, and Burns's call for help, it has been almost 3 hours now, let alone the reinforcements, even a shadow cannot be seen.

In the face of at least half of the company’s chasers, Hansen and the others were helpless after they emptied the bullets. If they didn’t have the burdens of Yang Cheng and the others, it would be okay to add this bunch of ordinary people who had no power to bind chickens, greatly weakened. With Hansen's ability to fight back, they could only run in vain.

"Boss, it's not a way to run like this~" Hansen said to Yang Cheng, who was already pale.

Yang Cheng put his hands on his knees, lowered his head and kept sucking the air. He never thought that he would have such an embarrassing day.

Out of breath, he said, "I~ I'm okay, look at the others~"

Yang Cheng's physical fitness and athletic talent are much better than ordinary people. Although tired at this time, they are not collapsed. Susu and the others will not work. They usually sit in the office and do not exercise every few months. I was rushed to run for several kilometers with a gun, and I was still sprinting, and it was God's favor to not foaming at the mouth.

Susu is very fortunate today, because she deliberately changed a pair of flat-bottomed sneakers before leaving the hotel. If she wore the high heels in the office, she would have given up.

What made her regret even more was that why did she rush to this shabby place in Nigeria because she blamed the big villain Yang Cheng, who hadn’t seen her for a long time, and couldn’t help but miss it, so she didn’t even ask and followed the interview. The team got on the charter plane together.

Now if you regret buying medicine, you have to buy one pill if you have a debt of 100 million. Dear parents, your daughter is not filial, and you can’t go back to provide for you.

Su Su cried and murmured.

Yang Cheng was not far away from her, her nerves collapsed to the extreme, her hearing was naturally extremely sharp, and Susu's words fell into her ears verbatim, and she walked over to hug her without crying or laughing, and comforted her softly, "Silly girl, it hasn't arrived yet. When we are desperate, with Hansen and the others, how can a group of people who can't even shoot a gun hurt us?"

Susu leaned on Yang Cheng's shoulder, and couldn't hold back the tears he had been holding back, so he cried out.

This voice frightened the bodyguards who were guarding the surroundings to their bones. Sister, we are deeply trapped, and I am afraid that the voice is not loud and the other party can't find it?

Yang Cheng was also swift and quick-eyed. She covered Susu's small mouth and shook her head gently, "Small down~"

Susu Empress was very afraid, and nodded timidly, "Can we really escape?"

Yang Cheng nodded very surely, "Yes! I can!"

He is not betting on his life, but he is confident in Hansen's strength. Except for the hapless bodyguards, the remaining six Hansen are all characters killed from the fighting in the Middle East. Today, I was in the hands of a group of African indigenous people, and when I arrived in heaven, I was embarrassed to meet my comrades in arms and couldn't afford to lose this person!

On the other hand, Burns didn't get much better. His lips were pale, and he was obviously debilitating. At this time, he was close to the assistant, and there was no way that the director of Exon Mobil had the prestige and helplessness.

Hansen patrolled around and came back and said again, "Boss, if you don’t have better suggestions, we can only go deeper into the jungle. Only when we make full use of the dense forest can we have a chance. If we go to open areas, we only have Wait to die."

Yang Cheng hugged Susu and said solemnly, "Hansen, I have no opinion, now you are the boss, and all my actions are under your command."

Hansen smiled untimely, but showed his confidence, "Trust my boss, I will take you out unharmed."

It is 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun hanging high in the sky is bursting with scorching light. This is the hottest time of the day. The dense woods can't block the penetration of light.

Yang Cheng and his group stepped deep and shallow among the soft and rotting leaves. Everyone's face was filled with despair. This escape route seemed endless.

The stamina that was hardly saved during the previous rest was exhausted long ago. Hansen used his knowledge of wild survival to find a pool of clean water from a huge old uncle, but everyone was divided into it and it was not enough to quench his thirst. Yes, after running for so long under the scorching sun, the body's water has long been exhausted, their throats are dry and painful, and they are about to smoke.

"No way~No way~I really can't walk~" Su Su hung himself completely on Yang Cheng, waved weakly, discouraged No, hold on, I'm about to go out. ~" Yang Cheng has used this sentence for several times. At first she believed it, but now she doesn't believe it at all.

"Don't lie to me~ we're done~"

"Don't say frustrating words, those militants chased us for a few hours, and they didn't even touch our shadows, indicating that they have no ability to catch up with us, but if you stop now, we will be completely hopeless."

Andrew, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, clenched his fist with one hand and stood in the air. This means to stop the pace. Everyone has already developed the instinctive reaction. At the same time, he stood his feet and squatted down, shut his mouth tightly, for fear of taking a breath. Will be discovered.

Yang Cheng was a little strange. Did the chasing soldiers take a shortcut and rush to the front of the team?

Speaking of this group of militants who lack water in their heads are also stupid enough. They have run for so long as a group of old, weak, sick, and disabled bodyguards. Under such extreme disadvantages, they have not caught up and can no longer use them. To describe it as a waste, it is simply a waste snack!

Of course, Yang Cheng knew it well. It was all thanks to the traps Hansen and the others set up all the way. The unexpected, one after another series, Yang Cheng shuddered when they saw their arrangements. If you give them a few Grenade, the group of trash snacks behind is probably dead.

Sure enough, the quality of individual soldiers is the fundamental issue that determines the strength of a unit’s combat effectiveness. It has nothing to do with weapons. But if Hansen and the others have more pistols in their hands, they should also appear in the hotel room at this moment to celebrate the eventuality. After blessing!

But now it was too late to think about it. Andrew, who was in the forefront of the reconnaissance assault role, suddenly called the team to a halt, not knowing what terrible things were waiting for them.


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