Chapter 1751: Monk

The magnificent historical masterpiece "Three Thousand Years of Jerusalem" says: The earthly sanctuary is Syllia, which is the true birthplace of Christ. The Jew **** was born in Bethlehem, the father of Jesus, and his mother Mart. Leah is also from Syria.

Lebanon and Syria once belonged to the same country in history. After that, Lebanon was once the only Christian country in the Arab world. The Maronites are one of the Christian sects in the world. Nearly a quarter of the Maronites live in the world. In Lebanon, the Sacred Valley of Cadissa is one of the gathering places of Maronite believers.

The Sacred Valley has always been a fun place for monks, hermits, and ascetics in history. When * swept across the Middle East, the Cadissa Valley even became a refuge for Christians in the Middle East. It is now one of the few world cultural heritages in Lebanon.

Yang Cheng heard the manager's introduction and suddenly turned around and asked Hansen, "Gavin is a Maronite?"

Hansen memorized the information of Gavin, frowning, "It is not written in the information, but it is mentioned that Gavin can use Arabic proficiently, and it is said that he can speak ancient Syriac Liya~"

Yang Cheng said immediately, "That's absolutely correct. There is no need for Christs of other denominations to learn Arabic or even ancient Syriac.

Language, so he once used the opportunity to test aircraft in Turkey to meet the Maronite bishop through Tripoli? And now he is very likely to hide in the sacred valley, **** it, who would have thought that the leader of Iota would actually hide in the deep mountains and old forests to cultivate? "

Hansen couldn't help but admire, "Others can't think of it, but you thought of the boss~"

Yang Cheng laughed and nodded Hansen, "You have learned to flatter, no matter what, it's easy to check if you have a direction."

"Boss, do you want me to send someone into the sacred valley to check?"

Yang Cheng smiled playfully, "No hurry, let's go together tomorrow~"

After accidentally discovering, he felt in a good mood and felt that today's Lebanese food was exceptionally delicious, and the sourness of lemon actually exudes a sweet taste in his mouth.

. . .

Early the next morning, they drove towards the Sacred Valley, because the earliest monasteries in Christian history hid in the Sacred Valley and also provided shelter for many Christians and monks who were persecuted by the Romans and Arabs. To this day, the Sacred Valley is also a holy place in the minds of Christians, and many monks and nuns still live in these monasteries, just as they did a thousand years ago.

Yang Cheng and the others pretended to be tourists and followed the route given by the hotel manager, preparing to enter the Sacred Valley from the small town of Busheli.

The reason for the existence of the small town of Bucheri is not just as simple as the entrance to the sacred valley, but more importantly, it is the hometown and burial place of Lebanon’s greatest poet Gibran. As the founder of Arabic literature, The whole Arab and the whole world have great influence.

After Gibran died, his sister fulfilled his wish during his lifetime. He bought a monastery on the mountain outside the town, which was built in the seventh century, and placed her coffin in a stone chamber under the mountain. Later, with the help of Lebanese ZF A museum was built, and many precious Gibran poetry and painting manuscripts were collected.

There is a beautiful rose garden in front of his tomb. When the roses are in full bloom, the fragrance is overflowing. There you can overlook the whole town, and the rolling valleys in the distance are bathed in warm sunlight.

The town is not big. There is only one main road connecting the houses and shops. It only takes about half an hour to walk through. Everyone here is a Maronite, and it seems that everyone knows each other. Yang Cheng and the others just got off the car and found a lot People walking on the road greet each other, not simply nodding sayhi, but calling out a name.

Because there is no religious conflict, the fire of civil war that lasted for more than ten years has not spread here. This has also made the town a paradise in Lebanon. There are hundreds of years of houses in the town. The hotel I stayed at tonight is a century-old residence remodeled.

The owner of the hotel is an elderly couple. They have lived here all their lives, and they rarely even leave the town to go to Beirut, Tripoli, let alone go abroad.

When Yang Cheng chatted with the old couple, she learned that this house was designed and built by the grandfather’s grandfather, including every door and window of this building. Even though it has been more than a hundred years, it is still extremely strong. The key is not lacking in beauty. The second floor where Yang Cheng and the others will stay has a fountain terrace.

The gray-haired grandfather asked the beautiful maid to make tea for everyone and showed them around the bedroom.

The bedroom is very warm, and the rose-style bed sheets make Yang Cheng feel at home. From the open floor-to-ceiling windows, you can walk to the outside terrace. The opposite is the deep valley. At this time, it is still early, and the water vapor in the valley brings a hazy atmosphere. The misty, desolate and magnificent valleys are scattered with traditional style houses built of stones in Lebanon. The pale yellow stone walls and red pointed roofs complement each other.

Liu Junyu took out his mobile phone to take pictures and admired as he took pictures: It’s so beautiful!

But the old man said that the most beautiful season in the Sacred Valley is winter. When the snow covers everything, it seems to be in another world.

After Liu Junyu had taken enough shots, Yang Cheng had almost rested, ready to set off into the Sacred Valley. He hadn't forgotten the main purpose of this trip. Traveling to see the scenery was only incidental.

After asking the grandfather, I learned that there is only one way to enter the Sacred Valley. You can't get in by car. You can only enter on foot. The route is clear and clear. You can't get lost. You can go back halfway or keep going, and leave the Sacred Valley through another exit. , The whole walking distance is close to 5 hours, which is a great test for people's physical strength and will.

In the words of Christians, this is also a road of meditation. When Yang Cheng and the others arrived in the small town of Busheli, they happened to meet a group of Christians from Eastern Europe who came here for a pilgrimage. They were very pious. The dialogue learned that these people wanted to see the only remaining monastery in Lebanon and, if possible, stay here for a few days.

In the past, the monks lived in seclusion here, of course, in order to be clean. Now so many tourists come to visit, and they are still ‘recluse’. Yang Cheng watched these tourists take a step forward and slandered in his heart.

Today, Hansen and the others did not wear suits or ties. They all changed into mountaineering outfits. They faintly surrounded Yang Cheng and Liu Junyu in the middle. On the surface, they couldn't see their relationship. They were like members of a tourist group.

It's just that their serious expressions can't find the fun of playing at all.

After walking along the stone road for about an hour and a half, Yang Cheng faintly noticed that the group of pilgrims who had set off first had turned aside. When they got closer, they discovered that the first branch road appeared here, a narrower stone. The path winds down, Hansen said, "This road should lead to the monastery, boss, do you want to go down and take a look?"

Yang Cheng looked at Liu Junyu, whose physical strength was slowly fading, and said, "Let's go down and take a break by the way~"

Sure enough, after walking down for about 10 minutes, a monastery that was built in the 13th century came into view. Surprisingly, the group of people who just came down didn’t seem to stay here. Yang Cheng didn’t hear anything in the yard. The voice of conversation, is there no one here, so the pilgrims did not stay to visit?

As you guessed it, an old man dressed in a black robe similar to that worn by a Catholic priest, slowly walked out of the building, smiled at Yang Cheng and the others, "Are you here to visit?"

Yang Cheng smiled forward, "Hello sir, we are tourists here~"

The old man put down the spray bottle in his hand and introduced with a smile, "My name is Dario, I came to settle here from Colombia more than 20 years ago, and you are welcome to come as guests~"

Dario is very enthusiastic and invited Yang Cheng and the others to visit. It seems that he has rich experience in receiving tourists for many years.

The monastery cuts the mountain as a room, has two small worship rooms, a study room, a bedroom, and a small garden. The monks live here, cooking and cleaning are all done by themselves. In addition, He spent 14 hours reading and praying every day, and only had a meal at two o'clock in the afternoon. This was a boring day for the monk, but Dario seemed used to it.

"There are not many tourists today. It seems that a wave of people has just passed. Why didn't they come in?" Dario entertained Yang Cheng and they sat down.

Yang Cheng didn't know what the people in front were thinking, and said vaguely, "Maybe I thought there was no one~"

Dario didn't bother with this problem either, and said to himself, "I don't have many guests here, but I enjoy communicating with every guest."

They poured a glass of water for Yang Cheng and they pointed to the outside. "You are lucky today. It is about half an hour away from here. There is a monastery. We will return to hold Mass at noon today. Many tourists have already gone there first. It’s too late to go now."

Yang Cheng is not easy to say that he is not interested in Mass, so she has to say, "Let’s go fast, take a break and go again~"

Dario didn't think too much, "You will see a valley full of thorns and olive trees on your way past, where chrysanthemums are blooming, you can pick some to give to the monastery."

Yang Cheng came here to inquire about the news, but not to pick flowers and play, and drank his saliva to test it out, "Sir, are you the only monastery around here?"

Dario doesn’t do what he wantsOf course it’s not just me, there are many here~"

Pointing to the west, "There is a grotto where the hermit lives in seclusion."

"Sir, do you know every hermit here?"

To Yang Cheng's regret, Dario shook his head, "No, there are hundreds of monks living in the entire Sacred Valley. Only a few of them often meet, and many of them have never met."

Dario wondered, "Are you here to find someone?"

Yang Cheng said frankly, "Yes, an old friend seems to have settled here, we want to try to find it~"

With the last glimmer of hope, he said Gavin's name, and took his photo to Dario for identification. Unfortunately, Dario didn't know him and had never seen him.

Since they couldn't ask anything here, they regained their strength after drinking water, so they left.

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