Chapter 2006: The arrow tower needs to be repaired

The history of the castle is a history of long-term disputes.

Those vassals of varying degrees of inferiority and inferiority, with a complex mentality of alertness and coveting, are busy fighting for power and gain, and dominating their hegemony, resulting in continuous misfortune and frequent wars.

Under the conditions at the time, the best way to consolidate the site and annex others was to build a fort.

On the European continent, the princes raced to do their best, digging mountains and quarrying rocks, busy day and night, and castles stood up one after another, consuming countless human, financial, and material resources.

Whether it is the overlord of the Megatron, the hero who dominates the side, or the bandit who occupies the mountain as the king, they are all entrusted to the mud and ashes with his broken sword and stirrup.

Only those castles with ruined walls make people vaguely remember the past wind, frost, rain and snow, and the past wars.

The purpose of building the castle is to protect and provide a safe base controlled by military force to control the surrounding countryside.

When the king's central power declined due to various reasons, the network of castles and the military forces they supported provided relative stability on ZZ.

From the 9th century AD, the wealthy and aristocrats began to occupy Europe with castles. The early castles were mostly simple in construction, and later gradually developed into solid stone buildings. Most of them belonged to the king or the king’s subjects, although the nobles argued that they were threatened by barbarians. The castle, but in fact they used it to establish control of the place.

This often happens because there is no strategic defensive terrain in Europe, and there is no strong centralized ZF at that time.

The scattered castles and the large numbers of soldiers who existed for defense not only did not bring peace, but increased the probability of war.

The mounds that appeared in the 9th century, the castle-style castles, and the masonry castles of the 14th century, did not include the fortifications of ancient Rome.

The reason why the castle appeared at this time was mainly because at that time the European economy changed from a nomadic economy to a farming economy. People's property and residence were fixed, so a strong castle was needed to protect their lives and property.

Although the development of the castle during this period took an independent path, the ancient Roman castle construction technology and the concept of defensive war more or less influenced the development of the medieval castle.

Many medieval castles were built on the ruins of abandoned ancient Roman castles in order to avoid the trouble of digging foundations. 1

After the 4th century, with the birth of firearms, the castle gradually lost its military role and became a secular residence, but the architectural ideas and styles that were born when the castle was built in the Middle Ages still severely affected it.

For example, the small town with Windsor Castle as its core is used to call it the "king city". This small town has a much longer history than the castle, and was first built during the Roman rule.

Windsor Castle is the largest castle still inhabited by people in the United Kingdom. In 1070, William the Conqueror chose this higher site in order to consolidate the defenses west of London, and built a castle with earthen fortifications as the main material. After the later King Henry II With the continuous transformation of Edward III, the castle became stronger and stronger, and gradually became a place to show the authority of the British royal family.

Another famous Leedsburg is located in the Rhone Valley. It was built in 857 AD. It was once a country house of the British royal family and was loved by queens. It is called "Queen's Castle". It is in British history and architectural history. It enjoys a high reputation and is also known as the "Queen of the Castle".

"Macbeth", one of Shakespeare's four great tragedies, was written with the castle as the background. The battle scene in the play is a true portrayal of a war that took place near the city.

These castles look similar, but they all have one feature in common, which is their military defense attributes.

Without mentioning it, the castle of Beihai Manor naturally requires strong defense capabilities for its huge area, otherwise it would have been swallowed by people long ago. What's more, the people who lived in this castle before were members of the royal family. The safety of the company is naturally paid special attention to.

Therefore, there are a large number of independent arrow towers around Beihai Manor. At the beginning, there was a city wall. On one side, it was dangerous to guard against the sea, and the other side was surrounded by a river, forming a natural moat, but it fell into disrepair for a long time. Up.

Now there are only sporadic arrow towers and watch towers, standing there alone, from a distance, it looks like an old man who has run out of oil, still holding his last guard.

These arrow towers also took great effort when they were built. In addition to choosing a good location, they are all located in an open area with a higher terrain and a good view. Surrounding the arrow tower, there is a long trap area, enough to protect the safety of the main castle.

Now if it is demolished, one is that the castle committee will not pass the pass, and the other is that it is a pity, and it is not easy to demolish and feel that there is something missing.

After Yang Cheng took over the manor, he also specially selected two well-located arrow towers to repair them, and used them to monitor the periphery of his security personnel. The effect was not bad.

The two arrow towers are now equipped with modern facilities, with electricity and water supply, and heating facilities. The security on duty at night will not feel sad.

But in order to achieve the most perfect restoration effect, the repair of a single arrow tower at UU Reading cost 800,000 pounds. In general, if all the arrow towers in the manor are repaired according to this standard, it does not count as annual maintenance. The cost, just a one-time repair, it will cost tens of millions of pounds, there is really no need to waste this money.

But as I said before, it was a pity to dismantle it directly. For a time, the omnipotent old Carson couldn't come up with the best of both worlds, so he could only give the decision to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng was also quite speechless. When he bought the castle, he didn't think there would be so many troubles. He only thought that he was handsome and a symbol of status. In addition, he realized a dream in his previous life.

The result is now smashed. Well, it’s actually not a smash. With his generous investment, Beihai Manor is now a place that the British upper class is more yearning for, but because Yang Cheng has less time in the UK, even in the UK, Large banquets are rarely held.

So many celebrities just heard about it but never came in.

And for Yang Cheng, he doesn't need to hold a banquet to gain personal connections. He is close to the top figures in Britain. These people can come anytime they want, and there is no need to hold a banquet to maintain them.

In short, his investment in the manor, not counting the cost of the acquisition, also spent tens of millions of pounds, which is not less than a few million, but it can be saved. In the end, he let old Carson choose a few. The arrow towers with repair value are repaired to a high standard, and the rest only needs to invest a small amount of money to ensure that it will not be blown down by the wind.

. . .

The old Carson reported the accumulated problems like Yang Cheng. The two chatted in the winter garden for more than an hour. Finally, Yang Cheng began to shiver before realizing that the temperature is still around zero. Wandering.

Hurry back to Cheng Castle, the warm stove, exuding the fragrance of fruit and wood, it is a pity that this fire is not used for roasting duck.