Chapter 2028: I'm still happy with revenge

Speaking of, Yang Cheng also had a relationship with Gina Hespel, the current boss of C~I~A. From a certain point of view, the two have been in a cooperative relationship.

Of course, this cannot be used for bargaining, but Yang Cheng still feels uncomfortable, knowing that she would not cooperate last time.

Really frustrated, lost a big order with a net profit of 300 million, and had to pretend to be a grandson. The more Yang Cheng thought about it, the more angry she felt that it was too embarrassing to admit defeat, and she had to do something.

The cause of the whole incident was that he also had a small notebook belonging to Gavin. Since the other party was so jealous and eager to get the small notebook back, he would explode two thunders and give each other a warning so that the other party would not think I couldn't find the manual while holding the notebook.

Of course, in the end, you should be soft or soft. It's boring to be hard. It's just that you have to pay attention to a method. It is absolutely impossible to directly kneel down and beg for mercy. Killing Yang Cheng will not be so useless.

Thunder, must explode! After Yang Cheng made up his mind, he immediately returned to the study and took out a small notebook. He always took this notebook with him. In his opinion, there is no safer place than him. Without seeing Princess Mozha’s private room, they were all caught Is C~I~A staring at no blind spot?

But who is it? The persimmon picks up softly, and everything must be done step by step. You have to start with the weakest people on the books.

The small book not only records the interests of Gavin and certain officials or executives of the arms giants in detail, but also narrates the process in detail in many transactions, which can open Yang Cheng's eyes.

Bribery usually refers to bribing ZF officials to give them money or other valuable things in exchange for the help of the officials.

In the United States, every state has a corresponding anti-corruption policy to prevent corruption, and the Federal ZF also has an anti-corruption policy.

In the past, bribery was limited to judges to collect money, but with the development of society, the definition of bribery has become more and more extensive. Now, as long as the staff who have a relationship with ZF, even volunteers are under the control of the anti-corruption policy.

The simplest form is to donate money to a ZF official who is being elected in exchange for some ZF contracts after he takes office.

Or send money to a health inspector or send a woman to let him ignore certain violations.

Furthermore, it is possible to promise to provide a legislator with free holidays, as long as he casts according to their wishes when he votes in the legislation.

Even a judge asked the defendant to find a job for his child in exchange for a lenient sentence in his sentence.

In short, in the United States, promises of future benefits to guan members, such as money, in kind, position or business opportunities, are all bribery.

But in the arms industry, the above are just insignificant.

Yang Orange flipped over and found a more suitable target. This person was named Druyang, the third in command of the U.S. Air Force's equipment department. He had real power in his hands and was a flattering target for arms dealers.

In the process of contacting Gavin's subordinates, Druyang used Gavin's company many times to arrange for his family and friends to take up positions, only those who did not work by name, and the monthly salary was not low.

Not only that, Gavin also promised Druyan that after he retired, he could work as a consultant in the company, not to mention the salary.

On the face of it, there is no direct economic exchange between the two, but these promises, as well as the real benefits to his family, are definitely well documented.

The reward for Gavin is to get a batch of 90% of the new "stallion" transport helicopters. This is the world’s best heavy transport helicopter. It has a very powerful strategic significance. As a result, it has served in the army for less than one year. It was used as a scrap machine and sold to Gavin's company at the price of cabbage.

Gavin changed hands and sold it to a local tyrant in the Middle East with a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

After the completion of this transaction, Gavin also donated to a relative of Druyang who was troubled by a conservative ‘illness’ in the name of doing charity. He has successively made more than 10 ‘treatment fees’, with a total amount of more than 5 million US dollars.

Of course, you know with your toes, whose pocket the money finally went into.

By the way, the people who entered Gavin’s company, including Druyang’s two daughters, a son-in-law, and two of his friends from childhood to old, saw this, Yang Cheng laughed and rushed to this one. Enough for Druyan to drink a pot.

Yang Cheng clasped his fingers on the tabletop, and after pondering for a long time, he picked up the phone and called Eddie. This kind of thing had to be done by him.

"Boss~" Eddie shouted in full spirit.

"Did you see the picture I just sent you?"

"I probably read it again. It seems that it is the bribery record of a certain Guan member?"

"Yes, how? Do you have the confidence to make this news a hot spot?"

Eddie didn't say anything, "Of course we have confidence, but we are the conscience of the industry, and we are the best at discovering social injustices. People who practice favoritism and cheat should be cast aside by the whole society~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "I’m done, don’t speak the vernacular. I will give you one day to prepare. Tomorrow, I will see the news in the newspaper and follow up on the Internet. In short, I must call this Druyang’s as quickly as possible. People are crucified, don't give him room to resist!"

The boss gave the order to die, and Eddie certainly didn't dare to refuse, "Understood, I will arrange this, but doing so will break the QGZ of the arms industry."

"What kind of QGZ is this, it’s even more amazing. I haven’t exploded yet. Go ahead and wait for your good news. By the way, give all the credit to the reporter below. Don’t make any unnamed breaks, just say that our reporter is trying to explore The truth, after two years of painstaking follow-up investigations, we finally got the evidence."

"It's the boss, I know what to do~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng licked her lips bloodthirsally, asking what was the most fulfilling thing? Of course it's revenge! Is there anything more satisfying than retaliating against an opponent? Anyway, Yang Cheng couldn't think of it.

However, the deeper purpose of choosing to expose Druyang this time is to shock!

So he called Jeff again, who was still on his way back to London.

"Mr. Yang, did you figure it out so soon?"

Yang Cheng squinted and smiled, "No, I am calling you to make a preview for you. Regarding tomorrow's news, please pay attention to it?

Tomorrow’s "Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times", if it is not convenient to read the newspaper, then read the headlines, there will be amazing news. If possible, let your leaders also read it~"

For a moment, Jeff felt that his back spine was stunned and his hair stood upside down. "Mr. Yang, you can't do anything impulsively, do you?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Impulsive? How could it happen? I am very calm, rest assured, it has nothing to do with you, just a little gossip~"

After speaking, he pressed the phone and muttered: A bribery case can also be counted as gossip?

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