Chapter 9: Ships

Name:Infinite Clone System Author:
Chapter 9: Ships

Hey, are you still alive?

In an abandoned house, Hiei looked at the tied-up Konohas ninja and patted him on his shoulder lightly.

Get off me! you go and find that guy Shisui and ask him!New novel chapters are published on

Tachibana Raizos originally weak expression suddenly turned to anger after this.

Hes really didnt expect his best friend to betray him at a time when life and death were at stake when it was clear that all of his group could have returned to Konoha if he helped

Take it easyYou see, youre spiting blood again . Ace came in front of the door, carrying the corpses of several ninjas in his hands. He put the corpses on the ground after seeing Hiei already had the sealing scrolls.

We didnt save you from the Clouds ninjas for something superficial as getting revenge from Uchiha Shisui.

Superficial !? Tachibana Raizo raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but then he remain silent after remembering his current situation.

Actually, I dont understand your ninjas logic. Obviously, A killed B, and then B was abandoned by C, but why does B always want to seek revenge from C and forget the real enemy B?

Thats because

Forget it, Im not interested. Ace sat next to Tachibana Raizo, staring at him.

WhatWhat are you going to do?! Tachibana yelled with anger.

Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to understand how the person who was named by the boss himself is different from any ordinary people. After he finished speaking, he turned to Hiei and said with a relaxed face, he doesnt look any different.

Theres nothing special about him!Tachibana Raizos voice gradually calmed down: And you say, boss? why does a really strong man like you have a boss anyway?

To get information? look it doesnt matter, anyway, you cant go back to Konoha, so I think its okay to tell you. Although we are still a small organization, the seven main members of us are theoretically equal in our status, but there is a guy who is too strong to be the boss and he runs the stage behind the curtain.

Looking at Ace as he was going to continue, Hiei interrupted the conversation: Enough with the small talk, weve both been out for a long time now, its time to go back.

Youre right. Ace take a step back for a moment, then nodded and turned to Raizo: Kid, Ill ask you something.

Your Excellency must be a ninja, being a ninja but in the Land of Iron and , his eyes rested on the Konoha forehead protector on Tachibana Raizos head What are you trying to do by capturing Konohas men here?

Hiei was silent for a moment, then pointed to Mifunes right hand holding his sword There is no need for you to be so nervous, we dont want to hurt anyone. The reason why we came to the Land of Iron was simply to use the passage, we will leave as soon as possible.

Hiei had already seen the identity of this middle-aged man, Mifune, the great general of the Land of Iron, who had done well in the future Fourth Shinobi War, so he didnt want to confront Mifune here if he could help it.

The Land of Iron is the country of samurai. After all, it is against the rules for ninjas to enter. I hope you can leave soon. Mifune said coldly.

Ace raised his brows and said, It is true that it is against the rules for ninjas to enter the Land of Iron but for one thing we are not ninjas and for another, we are here because we have been asked by a friend for giving a hand to find an heir in the place we going for.

Friend and heir? Mifune asked suspiciously. As for Aces claim that he was not a ninja, he didnt care and didnt really believe them.

He had been secretly following the movements of these two men since they had entered the Iron land for a while. The first thing he was sure about was that the two are not samurai, and they did not wear swords, which left only ninjas option.

He was interested in what the two said about their friend. The Land of Fire was quite closed in this Shinobi world, and the only one that doesnt have ninjas, but was protected by a fighting group called samurai. It has a separate culture, a separate authority, and a separate fighting force, which makes it an oddity among all nations.

With different cultures, different systems, and different powers, communication between the Iron Nations and the outside world was very difficult.

He was answered by Hiei His name is Hiko Seijr, a very skilled swordsman, havent you heard of him?

Hiko Seijr ?

Was there such a man having this name in the Land of Iron who is a very powerful samurai

Although he did not know the strength of the two men in front of him, Mifune could vaguely feel the powerful energy of both of them, and he was afraid that they were both experts of the same level as him. And the samurai who can be compared as powerful by both of them is probably one of the few existences in the Land of Iron.

Did you say it casually to prevaricate?

But Mifune retracted from continuing to doubt. There was no point in doing this, and from the tone of their voices, it did not sound like they were lying, well, at least its true that there is a samurai in the world named Hiko Seijr.

No Ive never heard of such a samurai

He answered honestly.

Reputation Points from Mifune +229.