Chapter 21: God’s work

Name:Infinite Clone System Author:
Chapter 21: God’s work

Wait! Just as Ace was about to leave, Konan stopped him again

Aces body gave a pause and said: What else is there, big sister? Im very busy.

Ignoring the title of eldest sister, Konans tone became a little sad as if she thinking of something, You said that the souls of people killed by demons cant rest in peace, is that that mean there really exist of souls in this world?

Aces expression was strange, Anyway, you should have heard of the name of Impure World Reincarnation created by the second Hokage. If people dont have souls, how do they bring the dead back to life?

If there is a real reincarnation, then whats going to happen in this life after using the Impure World Reincarnation to summon the soul from the previous life?

This Ace was dumbfounded. Facing the equation he didnt quite understand, he could only forcefully say, Im not the god of death, how do I know how they manage the souls!

The body gradually turned into pieces of paper and drifted away, leaving one last sentence before it was completely dissipated You said you wanted Yahikos soul to rest in peace? Unfortunately Yahiko did not exactly die by Hanzos hand, so I think his soul will rise to heaven after seeing himself kill Hanzo with his own hands. No, perhaps he will still be watching Nagato and me. Perhaps Yahiko will not disappear until our ideal is achieved.

It will not disappear actually Ace shouted with all his strength as he looked at the scattered pieces of paper A mans dream will not end!

The scattering of the paper stalled for a moment, then left at a faster pace, in a few moments the place was left alone with Ace.

I cant believe I said that guys words Ace smiled self-deprecatingly, then his body turned into flames, the flames fluttered in the wind, and soon he was far away from the rain Village.

After traveling for about tens of kilometers, Ace stopped at a seemingly hidden place.

With a smile, Ace opened his palm, and in a short while, seven blue demonic energy appeared.

The Demonic energy worth 21,000 reward pointsbuthope its worth it.

With Aces hand, the demonic energy disappeared as if fused with his body.

Behind him, Suzuki Toichiro, Uesugi Koshi, Hiei, Pakura, and Tachibana Rezo also rushed over.

Such an organization that can shake the situation in the ninja world is about to make its first appearance and its first statement.

Dont worry about Akatsukis organization, go directly to evacuate the people of the rain Village, and then get ready for the battle.

In a base in the Rain Village, Nagato was sitting in a wheelchair and muttered after listening to Konans words.

Six ninjas wearing red cloud robes on a black background stood on the ground not far from them, with killing intent in their eyes, the yellow-haired youth at the head of the group held out his right hand and said indifferently:

Dont look for me, Im right here.

And the moment he saw this man, he said with shock on his face.


How is that possible, isnt this kid dead?

Is this the power of the eye of Rinnegan? Even the dead

The first thing we need to do is to get a good idea of what were getting into. That dead man was just a useless brat when he was alive, so how can he threaten us when hes dead? This guy has the ability to control souls, we dont want to be killed and see our souls and bodies got played with, kill them all!

Looking at the panic of the Hanzos men, Pain said with a cold look on his face:

It doesnt matter how many people there are, because, in front of the gods, numbers are meaningless.

Summoning Jutsu!

One of the Six Paths copies made a seal with his hands and a huge cloud of smoke was created with a pang.

The smoke quickly cleared to reveal the many monsters within.

There were Giant Drill-Beaked Bird, Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon, Giant Ox, Giant Rhino, Giant Crustacean, Giant multi-headed Dog, Giant Panda, and Giant Centipede, all with the same reincarnation eyes as Pains six paths.

As I said, your power is meaningless in front of the gods.

Pain continued with the Deva Path and repelling all attacks of ninja weapons, while his outstretched right hand exerted a force, and at once an immensely powerful repulsive force was emitted.

Almighty Push !!!!!!!!

The ground along the way seemed to have been plowed through, and the terrifying wind pressure forced people to suffer for breath. Several of the ninja closest to Pain was knocked away by the terrifying shockwave on the spot, and their entire bodies retreated hundreds of meters before they were stopped by a small mountain.

The bodies of the ninja were buried in the rubble