Chapter 23: The Death of Hanzo

Name:Infinite Clone System Author:
Chapter 23: The Death of Hanzo

The skyhas cracked

This is not some overstatement, but its the fact that happened in front of them

The clouds were suddenly separated by force, revealing the deep of cosmic space.

Terrifying thunder and lightning are rushing everywhere.Follow current novels at

One side is the leader of Akatsuki who has the eye of Rinnegan, and the other side is Hanz who has seven demonic energy. At this moment, the two of them have exhausted their chakra and bet their fate on this blow.

Throughout the ages, very few have reached their power, and very few have surpassed them.

To put it bluntly, the two of them at the moment can completely represent the highest-level battle in the current ninja world.


The sand was flying, the ground was torn apart, and large chunks of soil were shaken to the sky. In the face of such terrifying destructive power, everything was nothing but chaos.

Lightning and repulsion collide, sparks fly.

And at the center of the most intense encounter, it was as if even space had been distorted in the storm of chakra that had built up energy beyond anyones imagination in a short time.

And then as it was meant to be

It exploded!

The intersection of the storm and lightning with the repulsion exploded in a flash with enough power to destroy the whole land, reaching the entire Rain Village in a short time.

And by the time the storm had passed, the ground beneath Pain and Hanzos feet had been transformed into a huge crater hundreds of meters deep and tens of kilometers in radius!

It is simply the divine power!!

This is divine power!

Reputation from Masahiko Yoshigami +112 .

Reputation from Houichi Irijou +86 .

Reputation from Nagato +1213 .

Apparently, this thing called demonic energy had also brought Madaras interest.

Naoto is a little restless. His current fundamentals are the Shichibukai members. This kind of power is already very strong, but if the old man Madara gets involved against him, then maybe this would be a threat to the whole plan

Yahiko used his ability to float himself in the sky, the smoke and dust rolling just below him, but his vision with his special eyes had found Hanzo through the fog.

Hanz was covered by blood, his right leg completely disappeared, and a huge cavity was opened in his abdomen. The blood flowed out from the cavity, which looked so scary.

He not going to live much longer.

Pain had made his judgment.

No one in the world could have survived such a wound.

Not even a demon.

And he still has Chakra enough to launch the Shinra Tensei again.

With pity in his eyes, he was about to launch the final blow to end Hanzos life completely.

But the blow didnt come

Hanzos body suddenly twitched, as if he had been electrocuted, and the blue demonic energy enveloped his whole body.

In the end, Hanzos body floated out of the air at a height of half a meter above the ground. A terrifying picture formed

First, the head. Two demon horns protruded from Hanzos head. The hair grew a lot longer. The mouth bulged like a frog. The skin color also turned blue like the ocean. The two fleshy wings propped up the steel armor that was already broken, it was a horrific scene.

There was an inexplicable roar from his mouth, which was completely devoid of human appearance, and then the two demon wings spread out, the sharp teeth were exposed, the demons power was completely released, and the terrifying demonic energy was possessing him completely

The demon Hanzo looked at Pain in the sky with eyes full of resentment, and let out a wailing cry, and then his body continued to expand, like a balloon that still insists on inflating after being saturated


He just exploded!

Hanzos last voice was left floating in the void, it was a huge whine