Chapter 50: Smart Moves

Name:Infinite Clone System Author:
Chapter 50: Smart Moves

Inabi, Tekka, you two go down and take a look.

When they reached the source of the shaking, they found a big hole by the bridge from before, and after some consideration, Fugaku ordered:


The two Uchiha clan ninjas nodded in agreement, then jumped straight down the bridge to the hole.

It seemed that their jump had angered something in the river, and the moonlight reflecting on the river was strangely moving, like flowing mercury, and the flow became faster and faster, violently crashing into the rocks on the side.

The two who had just stepped into the cave were taken aback by the sudden change. Fortunately for them, they were experienced masters, and they quickly concentrated their minds in the cave, but not forgetting what had just happened so they were very focused.

Its so hot in here

Tekka squinted his eyes, the air in the road ahead seemed to be distorted by the heat, causing the vision to look a little bit blurred, but it was clear that there was a fast-flowing river below, so the heat was abnormal.

Was it the power of the demonic energy that was causing such an anomaly here?

But according to Shisui, the owner of the Demonic Energy of Fire is a vampire named Dio!

Dont panic, the opponent may be a creature possessing demonic energy. At present, there is too little information about demonic energy to infer from what happened here, but, certainly, single demonic energy will not make people shake the whole ground unless its become much stronger than before.

Anyway, lets lower the temperature now, otherwise it will be very painful to walk in such a high temperature.

Tekka was about to make a seal when he finished speaking, but Inabi stopped him:

This place is weird, its better not to act rashly.

Youre right, its better to find the monster first.

The duo slowly walked forward and soon reached a corner

Should we split up? Tekka asked

No I always feel that this place is a bit weird, lets go back and inform the clan leader first.

The thousands of tons of water from the river not only brought a terrifying impact, but also swept away the heat, and the water element that was originally decreasing because of the scorching heat began to rise again.

Inabi stared at the entrance of the cave, his Sharingan could clearly see all the chakra fluctuations inside.

With his eyes, he can see the unknown creature with powerful chakra retreating under the impact of the huge amount of river water. After all, the dissonance between water and fire is very strong, not to mention the fact that Tekka had taken advantage of the presence of the river.

But for some reason, there was an uneasiness in his heart, not from the roaring behemoth, but from an indefinable dark force.


The monster seemed to be completely enraged by the impact of the river, and all that could be heard was a roar like thunder, followed by a powerful force, which was not a flame or even a jutsu, but a pure sense of blow.

Under the action of this force, the stone wall separating the two cave entrances shattered, and even the river water weighing several thousand tons also turned back violently towards the Uchiha duo.

Tekkas expression changed. He didnt expect that the water release that he used with all his strength would be cracked so easily, and Inabi, who had been prepared, immediately used his ninjutsu.

Inabi was expecting that the monster would use flames to attack, so he was prepared to use the water release but in a hurry, he immediately changed the shape of his fingers to form a dungeon.

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!

The earth wall blocked the bounced back water of the river, and the river impacted the earth wall with a loud rumbling sound, but after all, it still failed to break through the earth walls defense.

Earth restrains water, especially in defending against water release!

While defending, Inabi also formed offensive ninjutsu

Earth Release: Sandwich Technique!

This is a ninjutsu that can create a hemisphere to capture the target. In theory, it can trap even a tailed beast for a while, especially if hes a good ninja like Inabi Uchiha, then the power of capturing will be even more increased.

And like Tekka, Inabi made clever use of his surroundings, which were full of rocks, so he simply used his earth release to alter the walls on either side of the creature, causing it to squeeze right into the monster!


The body was squeezed by the walls and the monster let out a mournful cry from the immense pain, but instead of feeling any pity for the creature, Inabi manipulated the walls to squeeze with even more force!