Chapter 71: The Broken Future

Name:Infinite Clone System Author:
Chapter 71: The Broken Future

Finally you come little Jiraiya The immortal Big Toad said calmly.

Shima complained as if she had seen a ghost, I cant believe he didnt have that deep tone and didnt pretend to be a god, it seems that this time the prophecy is something scary.

Old woman, stop complaining about the Great Toad Sage, prophecies are nothing to be taken lightly!

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Uh Great Toad, lets talk about the prophecy first, Minato and Orochimaru are both waiting for me.

Prophecy ah the Great Toad Sage thought for a moment, and his face became more melancholy, he said in a deep tone:

Im embarrassed to say it, but Ill say it anyway

Both Shima and Jiraiya looked tense, expecting a follow-up from the Great Toad Sage.

None of the information about the Son of Prophecy had ever caused him to show such a demeanor, but now there was a few obvious signs of anxiety, which made all three of them feel an unusual aura.

At the expectant gaze of the three, the Great Toad Sage said, I have prophesied nothing.

The hot-tempered and uncomfortable Shima said, You called everyone here just so we could hear you say that you didnt prophesy anything? Then you might simply want to invite us to dinner! Something Id expect from a senile old toad anyway

Fukasaku hastened to intervene, If there was nothing else, the old master would not have called us all here, and dont forget that little Jiraiya is still here!

Jiraiya fell into contemplation after a short period of confusion, because he knew that Gamamaru would never invite them just because he got bored.

Its not surprising to do this kind of thing when youre old, especially if you had Alzheimers.

Compared to the respective reactions of the three people below, the Great Toad Sage was still as unmoved as a mountain, he still said in the old mans tone:

It is not a specific prophecy as much as it is probabilities, two possibilities if we want to limit it.

Hearing the Great Toad Sage speak, the three below stopped their own thinking.

As a very old toad who had survived for thousands of years, Gamamaru knew many secrets about the Shinobi world.

On the other side, Jiraiya looked thoughtful and muttered, The extinction of creatures Could it have something to do with the demons?

Demons? What demons?! Hearing his words, Fukasaku asked curiously.

Speaking of which, the most important purpose of my coming here is this. Jiraiya turned his head to look at Gamamaru and said:

Grand Master, I would like to ask, in your long life have you ever heard of the race of demons?

Hmm? The Demons? The Great Toad Sage was obviously not expecting the question that came out of Jiraiyas mouth, and after pondering for some time he shook his head and said:

Ive never heard of a race known as demons

Really not even you

Fukasaku went further and asked Little Jiraiya, have you come across something? From what youre saying it could be related to the disappearance of the prophecies?

Well, its the latest thing in the Shinobi world. Jiraiya didnt think of hiding it and directly told all the recent events in the Shinobi world about the Shichibukai, the demon race, and the vampires.

After listening to him, Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other and found each other confused before looking back at the Great Toad Sage.

I am sorry, even me I have never heard anything about the Holy Lord. It is history that has been dusted off in the Shinobi world for thousands of years, no, the world wasnt called Shinobi then.

Even the Great Toad Sage doesnt know about them , Jiraiya was discouraged for a moment, he thought he would be able to scout out a hint of information about the Demons in the Mount Myboku, the holy land of Shinobi.

In any case, little Jiraiyas speculation has merit. After all, the time when the demons came out and the time when the prophecy was broken are too close to each other, there must be some connection between the two.

Fukasaku nodded and said, Yes, its suspicious that the demons would come out at this time of the year.

Shima also echoed, And this Shichibukai, I have experienced a lot of things, but this is the first time I have heard of such an organization in the ninja world.

Thats why I cant trust them. Although it looks like they are the enemies of the demons, in the process of my fight with Dio, Suzuki Toichiro, a member of Shichibukai, disappeared. This is really suspicious.

Tell you what, we will check some historical documents recently to see if we can find some clues in it. As for you Jiraiya, you will continue to search for the Son of Prophecy among the Shinobi world.

Thats right, if there is anyone who can prevent terrible things from happening in the future, I think only the legendary Son of Prophecy can do it.