Chapter 93: Military Power

Angrily, he kicked away Abomination again.

Immediately afterwards, Hulk saw that two of the four things had separated.

The remaining two hurriedly flew towards him.


He waved his hands frantically, trying to get rid of these two things.

Unfortunately, the first ghost easily penetrated his body.

Hulk, who was originally furious, suddenly felt depressed at this time.


Why be Angry?

Being perplexed, he watched another ghost pass through his body.


Hulk fell directly to the ground.

“I’m rubbish~”

On the other side, Abomination didn’t know about the two ghosts behind him.

He was lifted off by Hulk, and then rushed towards Hulk.

However, he saw Hulk kneeling on the ground and gradually becoming Dr. Banner.

“No! You can’t change back! We have to continue fighting!”

He roared frantically!

The battle is not over yet, why did the opponent change back?

But suddenly, a transparent thing passed through his chest.

His militant mood suddenly became a little depressed.


Why fight?

Soon after, the second ghost crossed over again.

Abomination directly kneel down.

“I shouldn’t have been born in this world.”.

The eyes of the entire New York City tonight are gathered in one place.

The place where the big yellow man crazily destroyed.

There, I don’t know how many people died tonight.

There, I don’t know how many buildings turned into ruins tonight.

And this is just the pursuit of a person by the military.

A green monster named Hulk.

That night, the military surrounded a place and seemed to arrest Hulk smoothly.

This relieved everyone in that neighborhood.

They thought that this time, what happened on the campus a few days ago finally did not happen this time.

However, everything will not proceed according to their imagination.

When all the troops were ready to withdraw, another monster appeared in front of everyone.



Huge size.

Deep sunken ribs.

Bones on one side of the spine.

The monster wandered the streets frantically, even though the car that overturned his way was overturned.

These cars are like toys in his hands.

The army that was about to withdraw had no choice but to attack the monster.

However, all this had no effect on this monster.


Even rockets can’t break the defense against him!

How else can you fight?

Fortunately, the green monster that was hunted down also appeared.

Perhaps one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Perhaps the two monsters themselves have enmity.

They fought madly together.

Citizens who thought they were saved discovered at this moment that they were still too naive!

If it is only a yellow monster, destruction is one.

So now, the destructive power of the two monsters is ten!

Their battle easily smashed through two blocks.

Their throws easily smashed high-altitude buildings.

Their crazy running easily turned the whole block into a sea of ​​flames.

They are the real two monsters!

Those residents who thought they were hiding high and might not be able to hurt themselves discovered that they were also threatened.

Entire blocks were gradually destroyed in the frenzied battle between two monsters.

Panicked citizens even began to flee New York.

Now, no one stops these two monsters, then their battle will spread to ten streets and dozens of streets!

Even the entire New York City!

A deep despair just appeared in everyone’s hearts.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha and Hawkeye rode in a car, rushing frantically toward the block where the Abomination and Hulk were fighting.

Nick Fury said, let Nantasha feel her own fruit power.

However, judging from the scene of the battle, she knew that she was not yet an opponent.

Even Nick Fury has dialed Tony’s phone.

Here, the support of Iron Man is needed!

However, the undead Iron Man is not in New York at all.

It’s not just SHIELD in action.

Professor Charles and a group of mutants have gathered together.

Storm Girl and Cyclops are ready to fight at any time.

If the military cannot effectively control the two monsters in a certain area.

They are going to be ready to shoot.

New York Temple.

Daniel stood quietly on the top of the building, with Ancient One mage beside him.

At this moment, they looked at the blazing neighborhood in the distance.

Daniel’s hand trembled a little.

They are mages and generally do not participate in real-world battles.

And Ancient One, with his hands on his back, the folding fan in his hands is constantly spinning.

She was also waiting because she “saw” Qin Xiao’s appearance.

As time passed, the battle became more critical.

But at this moment, the two fighting big men suddenly knelt directly to the ground.

There are no signs.

There is no resistance.

Even the green Hulk turned into a human form directly and slowly.

The yellow monster held his head in his hands and beat his head to the ground.

Everyone has no idea what happened.

Under the lens of an unknown news helicopter, the military helicopter gradually landed next to the two monsters.

A female rushed down from the plane, and she went straight to the humanoid Hulk.

Immediately afterwards, another guy also walked off the plane.

He walked directly to the big yellow monster over there.

Immediately afterwards, under the scene, man directly showed the power that shocked everyone.

He directly incarnates a mass of mud.

Just like this, “eat” the kneeling yellow monster!

Eat it alive!

When he changed into a human form again, the yellow monster had been completely vanished.

Is there such a terrifying force in the military?

This is what all citizens think at this moment.

Two monsters that destroyed several blocks were just arrested directly?

Everyone is complaining why the military didn’t send such forces earlier

At the same time, he was extremely afraid of the power of the military.

Worthy of being a military force!

As the live broadcast went out, those who were preparing were relieved a little.

Demon messenger took away Abomination.

This is also a good thing for them.

However, there are also many people who are more worried.

Such as Nick Fury.

This Demon has obtained another terrifying experiment!

He didn’t believe that Qin Xiao appeared on the scene at this time to calm the chaos.

Demon messenger would not be so kind.

Then, the other party is fancy the yellow monster.

This monster already has crazy power, if it is being changed by the demon messenger.