Chapter 639 – Chapter 637-War Of The Holy Grail _1

Unfortunately, the number of Summoners in the first year was still too small, and the number of ” miracles ” collected and condensed was not enough. He could only fulfill some small wishes.

It was not a problem for her to live a rich life and stay young forever.

However, it was impossible to become a God in one step if one wanted to live forever.

As he thought of this, Li Rui suddenly had an idea.

F * ck, this isn’t an S League, this is the Holy Grail war!

The only difference is that my Holy Grail is the original, authentic product, and will not distort the wishes of the user!

Wait a minute, could there really be an ahoge King in this world?

Did she need to replenish her mana?

All kinds of chaotic thoughts flashed through his mind. Li Rui shook his head and his mental thought body instantly disappeared.

In the altar of the land of runes, Li Rui’s real body slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the chaotic gray fog in the sky.

On the system interface, the law fragments collected by tens of thousands of Summoners day and night were thrown into the [ elementium furnace ] and refined rapidly.

The primary law fragment … High-level law fragment … The essence of chaos!

Then, the essence of chaos was injected into the rune land, and the chaotic gray fog that isolated the void began to expand slowly, revealing the soil outside the altar.

The originally cramped space was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing his teammates to look around in bewilderment.

By the time the strange phenomenon stopped, the entire runeland had expanded into a small square. Even the chaotic gray fog above them was dozens of meters high.

“Waa! It’s so powerful!”

Zhao youxuan was running excitedly on the new land with a strange kitten on her head, and her bell-like laughter echoed back and forth, sounding a little distant.

It was a pity that the altar that contained the source of life did not expand. It was still as big as before.

Once you step into the ground outside, the HP recovery effect will immediately disappear.

Walking to the new land, Li Rui nodded thoughtfully. Suddenly, he realized something and grabbed Zhao youxuan, who was running past him, and took off the strange kitten with glasses from her head.

“Xiao Wei?”


Her gray hair was fine and soft, and her big watery eyes blinked. She was so cute that Li Rui’s head was full of black lines.

He didn’t pay attention to what the melonrind was doing behind him just now, and didn’t expect that they’d actually turn his sister into a genuine kitten.

Fortunately, although his appearance had changed, his actual attributes were still the same as his original body, and his true combat power was not reduced at all.

The only thing he was unhappy about was that his human soul had adapted to the foreign body. When Li Rui first ” put on ” the T-Rex, he found that he actually had two pairs of arms and a tail that was swinging back and forth. It was extremely awkward.

It was for this reason that he hated using his skin to cover his body and only used them as summoned creatures.

However, Li Wei seemed to be very used to the cat’s body and seemed to be enjoying it.

Li Rui held his sister and stared at her for a long time before he sighed and put her on his head.

Forget it, if she likes to play, then let her play.

With the fluffy guy holding his head, Li Rui felt like he was wearing a soft hat and had mixed feelings.

But Zhao youxuan, who had been coveting the cat for a long time, suddenly grabbed it from his head, raised it high, and shouted excitedly.

Rua! Simba!


The little kitten let out an angry roar, and once again engaged in a fierce battle with Zhao youxuan.

Li Rui rolled his eyes helplessly. He was too lazy to pay attention to these two cute creatures and looked at his collection vault.

The most important thing was not done yet!

Since he didn’t get the complete hero he wanted, he could only use the self-selection shards to combine.

In fact, the hand of a primary school student, no, the hand of Noxus, was a little attractive to him, but he really didn’t want to continue on the road of stupidity, so he had to give up.

Besides, it was not worth it to change the weapon he was used to for a new hero.

So … Next, he should focus on the path of a mage!

In terms of HP recovery, this hero was the most suitable match for him at this stage!

With a thought, he used six hero shards and a card with an ominous bloody light was formed.

system, activate the hero’s inheritance.

“Are you sure you want to activate the hero’s inheritance? The hero is the Scarlet Reaper-

“I’m sure!”

With a twist of his wrist, the colorful card appeared out of thin air between his fingers and immediately exploded in Li Rui’s hand. A rainbow-like light pillar broke through the chaotic gray fog and poured down from the void, instantly enveloping him.

The colorful card melted gradually, and the mysterious knowledge and power were injected into his body from the endless void.

Li Rui, who was in the light pillar, seemed to have lost his weight and was slowly floating.

The terrifying spiritual pressure swept through the entire runeland like a tide, and the terrifying spells full of the smell of blood forced all the teammates to retreat. Only Luo Li looked at Li Rui’s figure with inexplicable excitement.

After a long time, the energy that filled the entire space rolled back and entered Li Rui’s body.

The energy calmed down, and her elegant figure landed on the ground like a feather.

Li Rui opened his eyes and felt a strange power coming from his blood. He slowly clenched his fists.

The Scarlet pattern on his wrist squirmed, and a trace of blood floated from the pattern, like a thin stream of water that had lost its weight, and gathered to form a fist-sized Scarlet magic ball.

The ball of blood continued to roll and expand, and finally formed a blood wave that surrounded his body!

Along with the mysterious trajectory, the formed Scarlet magic ball rotated around Li Rui like a satellite. The spinning ball kept absorbing and throwing out blood, forming a repeated blood magic tide around the body.

“Blood sorcery …”

Li Rui looked at his system panel and did not hesitate to upgrade his new passive by two levels.

Clang ~ clang ~

Two crisp sounds passed through his mind, and Li Rui only felt the blood vessels in his body swell. The blood vessels all over his body squirmed like earthworms under his skin, and his heart burst out with an unprecedented terrifying rhythm.

The infinitely expanding power made his body hurt. Li Rui gritted his teeth and silently bore the key transformation.

Damn it, I have to slowly level up my passive in the future. If I take too big a step, it will affect my balls …

An endless stream of terrifying magic power poured into the blood vessels from the meridians, and there was also a faint Crimson magic power. The two circulated endlessly, and it took a long time before they gradually reached a dynamic balance.

Li Rui let out a long breath and the ferocious blood vessels covering his body gradually disappeared. He straightened his body with lingering fear and finally understood why the system stipulated that silver-grade skills must be maxed out at bronze-grade.

Without this restriction, he would definitely have upgraded his passive skill to silver-rank, and that would probably not be something that could be solved by enduring it for a while.

Touching his still beating heart, Li Rui couldn’t help but feel scared.

He really thought his heart was going to explode just now!

However, it was worth it to pay such a painful price!

Looking at his panel, Li Rui’s face was full of relief.

[ fear of the void-kargas ]!

[ evil little mage Veigar ]!

[ Scarlet Reaper-Vladimir ]!

With the three of them combined, I’m invincible!