Chapter 699 - 699 Chapter 697-trump card used (1)

699 Chapter 697-trump card used (1)

Translator: 549690339

Without giving the enemy any chance to breathe, Li Rui took a deep breath. Light particles visible to the naked eye quickly gathered in his chest, forming a miniature sun that penetrated the flesh and blood.


The solidified magic hair waves spewed out from the depths of Li Rui’s throat. It was like a roar from the depths of the void, and even the space rippled.

[feral scream] (level 6)

Releases a terrifying magic sound wave to attack all enemies within the area, causing 550(+85% magic strength) magic damage and silencing all enemies within the area for 4 seconds.

The extremely penetrating ripples shook and resonated with the chaos barrier, making cracking sounds.

The special effect of [ silence ] hidden within penetrated the barrier and silently acted on the seaweed that was madly calling, causing their spiritual energy to stagnate and their connection with the central slate to be cut off for a moment.

Although it was only for a short moment, Li Rui still accurately seized the opportunity. His left hand was like a sword and he pointed down with force!

[dark priest] (level 6)

Releases a beam of dark energy, causing 300 (+90% magic strength) magic damage to a target in a straight line.

The dark magic ball that flickered with Starlight hit the weakest part of the barrier, and the sound of glass shattering suddenly rang in his ears. The chaos that melted all colors exploded with a loud bang, revealing the wriggling seaweed underneath.

It was shattered!

Li Rui’s eyes lit up and his body lit up with a bright blood light. His whole body instantly melted into a boundless sea of blood.

As if the Yellow River had burst its banks, the surging blood waves submerged the earth. The waves rolled, and the whole world fell into a strange deep red.

[blood-red pool] (Level 1)

The hero will twist its form and turn into a pool of blood that will last for no longer than 20 seconds. Deals 80(+1.5% current health points) magic damage per second to enemies in the blood pool (omitted).

The overwhelming blood waves hit the ” seaweed ” back and forth, making them sway like real sea plants.

Ice crystals and divine flames spread and burned on the surface of their bodies, but a chaotic mist connected them to the central stone slab, making them immune to most of the damage.

Damn, divinity!

Li Rui, who had turned into a boundless sea of blood, could still observe the battlefield with his spiritual sense.

When he saw that [ divine right: torture ] was weakened, he immediately recalled the description of the God’s trait transformation of [ torture ]’s special effect.

[ this effect is of a divine level. It can not be weakened, reduced, resisted, or expelled by non-divine powers. ]

Why could these monsters obtain divinity?

What was the origin of the stone slab in the center?

His mind turned quickly, but he couldn’t find a clue. Just as Li Rui was madly eroding these monsters with the blood waves, the pure black Halo hidden in the depths of the blood sea finally completed its compression.

[blood tide] (Level 2)

[energy storage: (omitted)]

[release: this hero releases a blood Nova to surrounding enemies, dealing magic damage ranging from 45 (+2.5% maximum health points)(+35% magic strength) to 90 (+8% maximum health points)(+80% magic strength)(omitted).]


A bright red pulse swept across the world, like a ring of light produced by a supernova explosion, spreading out with destructive energy.

The mutated zergs who were the first to bear the brunt were severely injured in an instant. All of their protruding limbs shattered and disappeared silently, turning into the tiniest particles and dissipating.

The chaotic mayflies that were protecting them were struggling in the Crimson pulse. The range of the pulse was getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, there were only twisted pieces of meat that could not be seen.

As if sensing the impending destruction, the pieces of flesh suddenly broke through the sea of blood and shot towards the central stone slab.

As if pulled by an invisible force, these pieces of meat, which were at least silver-rank, wrapped around the stone slab like liquid. They entangled and fused with each other, and the aura became strange and oppressive.

F * ck, they can even merge?

The sea of blood condensed into a human figure. Li Rui looked at the meat that was constantly wriggling and expanding like internal organs, and his eyes twitched slightly.

If he didn’t die, it was f * cking ridiculous!

He quickly reached out and a door-wide blood crystal sword condensed in his palm. Li Rui held the sword with both hands, and his qi and blood energy ran wildly. Suddenly, he disappeared.

Void travel

It brought with it void energy that could tear space as it landed on the piece of meat. A dazzling divine light condensed at the tip of the sword before it completely sank into the wriggling flesh.

[God, giant nine-headed snake, smooth]

Void blade

[grasp of the undying]


A soul-shaking scream exploded in his ears. Li Rui’s body trembled, and his internal organs seemed to have been hit by a hammer. Blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth.

Li Rui endured the pain in his body and mind and twisted his hands. The muscles in his body rolled like a Python and tore a two-meter deep wound on the huge piece of meat. It was almost cut in half.

However, the moment the blade left his body, the wound that he had just torn closed like a closed mouth, instantly biting together.

As his flesh squirmed, the fatal injury quickly disappeared.

What the hell was this recovery ability?

Li Rui’s pupils shrank slightly, but his hand movements became more violent.

The translucent blood-red sword light continued to pour into the meat. Taking advantage of the last bit of [ blood plague ]’s duration, Li Rui urged all his energy and madly squeezed himself.

He had already noticed that even if he triggered [ severe divine injury ], it would not have a good effect. He definitely could not fight a war of attrition with this thing.

At the end of the day, he was still a mortal. He could not be compared to the strange existence that had descended from an unknown dimension!

Only by destroying the ” physical body ” that was attached to and bearing the power could he end this ritual. Otherwise, if he couldn’t take the enemy away with a set of explosions, he could only consider running away.

[strangle ]!

[ignite ]!

[fear spike] x8!

[blood conversion ]!

[ dark harvest ]!

[ void sphere ]!

[ grasp of the undying ]!

[ hextech spearblade-lightning bolt ]!

[ King’s blade of ruin–ruin ]!

He used all his trump cards and in just a few seconds, Li Rui destroyed the entire underground space. The aftermath of the attack shook the ground and the strange piece of meat that had absorbed all the damage was cut by a large circle!

He took a deep breath, and an endless amount of magic power gathered in his palm. A bright ball of white light was formed in an instant, and in the sound of electric current, a dazzling snake of lightning danced around the ball of light.

At the center of the magic ball was a deep black hole, and indescribable void cracks were expanding and contracting on the surface of the black hole, pulling and distorting the surrounding space, causing terrible space and time ripples.

Li Rui gritted his teeth and blue veins appeared on the back of his hand. He held the magic ball that was as heavy as a mountain and poured it into the meat in front of him!


The magic ball, which could tear through space and time, sank into the piece of flesh without any resistance.

Li Rui retreated without hesitation. The space in front of him suddenly expanded, and all the matter inside was stretched and squeezed, twisted and deformed.

Then, the space collapsed and was compressed into a black hole the size of a bean before it exploded.