Chapter 1022 - 1022 Chapter 1020-dawn (1!

1022 Chapter 1020-dawn (1!

This guy had actually devoured his own son …

Looking at the twisted child’s face gnawing at the coconut’s flesh, Li Rui was shocked and finally understood why he didn’t see junxiong along the way.

Not only that, but maggot-like tentacles as thick as a thumb grew out of the surface of Kayako’s body. A huge sarcoma grew at the tip of the tentacles, turning into a deformed and rotten face.

These undigested curses and resentments let out shrill cries, and together with junxiong, they crazily attacked the mother.

Gaji …

Gnawing, tearing, chewing, and swallowing, the venomous and bloodthirsty monster gnawed Kayako’s bones out in just a dozen seconds. The deformed mother rolled back and forth on the ground, letting out desperate and painful wails.


Kayako’s arm was twisted at a strange angle, and she was scratching her body crazily with her black and sharp fingers, tearing off bloodthirsty maggots one after another.

But soon, more “maggots” would grow out of her flesh and blood. After a while, her entire “body” was covered in a layer of squirming “maggots “, as if her flesh and blood body was a nest filled with evil creatures!

The horrifying chewing sound made Ling xiyi frown. She clenched the struggling heart in her hand and looked at Jia yako’s resentful eyes, which were bleeding tears of blood, as they were slowly submerged under the squirming “maggots.”


A cold purple-black Flame bloomed in the palm of his hand. Rhythmically’s heart was instantly frozen, turning into an evil gem that looked like an Obsidian.

The flames continued to burn, and the divine light seeped into the gem, slowly melting it. The dark, surging mist particles scattered bit by bit, revealing the crystal-clear liquid form.

The excess impurities were evaporated, and finally, what appeared in front of everyone was a pool of light purple warm liquid.

Li Rui, are there any materials that can bear the divine defense? ”

A slightly trembling voice entered Li Rui’s ears. He knew that with Ling xiyi’s current energy level, it was still quite difficult for her to refine an evil creature of this level.

He did not dare to hesitate. With a thought in his mind, a basketball-sized metal box appeared beside Ling xiyi. The word ‘fear’ was written on the box in ancient Heber.

this is the sealed artifact [ fear puzzle ] that I used before. The divinity inside has been destroyed, leaving only the box itself. What do you think? ”

After taking a casual glance, Ling xiyi stretched out her hand and beckoned. The huge metal box instantly melted into a bright red liquid metal and floated in front of her.

Then, she let out a breath of turbid air and held the light purple liquid. A pure black light glowed in her palm.

As the refining process became more intense, pure and colorless ” water droplets ” fell into the liquid metal one after another.

It was as if cold water had been poured into hot oil. The bright red liquid metal exploded with a loud bang, boiling and steaming.

However, under Ling xiyi’s terrifying magical power, the churning metal was confined to a square inch and gradually turned into a cube.

Above, the pure and warm liquid had completely separated, leaving only an illusory light purple mist.

The cloud-like particles transformed into a myriad of shapes, and in the center, there was a black pattern that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

Ling xiyi’s eyes lit up with excitement. She closed her eyes, slowly raised her chest, and took a deep breath.


The light purple tadpole with black patterns was sucked into her mouth and nose like a swallow returning to the forest. The monster under her feet that had “melted” into a large lump of worms let out a last desperate howl and quickly rotted into a pool of nauseating pus.

As the last of the protective power disappeared, the pure sun flame released by Li Rui instantly vaporized the thick pus, revealing the distorted white bones.

In the next moment, the White bones were charred black and cracked. They were purified by the merciless high temperature into green smoke and disappeared into the depths of the dimension.

the Tesseract of fear can create a mind lock and trap the enemy to death …

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if the complete [eternal indestructible tribulation] is a flawless [Dao] that leads directly to the divine throne, then why is Wang Lei stuck at the gold-rank? ”

perfect in theory doesn’t mean that it will be smooth in practice. It’s already very difficult to get the essence by imitating the transformation of gods with a human’s spirit and body, not to mention that the higher the level of these two Arts, the more their state of existence needs to be close to the gods. In other words, from the moment Wang Lei awakened and practiced the [ eternal indestructible tribulation ], he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!

external conditions such as qi and blood, true essence, and body are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation from spirituality to divinity is a long process. Therefore, Wang Lei is equivalent to racing with his own cultivation method. Once his growth curve is surpassed by the requirements of [ the eternal indestructible tribulation ], his cultivation speed will only become slower and slower, and in the end, it will come to a standstill!

After hearing Qin Hao’s story, Feng hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

wait, they’re both [ undying true Dragon ], so why can Li Rui advance to a secret diamond? ”

Qin Hao’s breathing stagnated and he was silent for a long time. In the end, he shook his head with a bitter smile.

I don’t know, but if I have to explain it, it’s that his growth has surpassed that of a God.

“This is impossible!”

Feng hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui’s achievements over the years instantly appeared in his mind, and he frowned hesitantly.

If he were to start from the awakened level, Li Rui’s energy level was almost stable and increased by one level every year. At first, he thought that it was because of the recovery of Reiki that the difficulty of increasing extraordinary power was reduced. But now it seemed that even without the recovery of Reiki, Li Rui was a super genius that would only be born once in hundreds or even thousands of years.

To surpass the gods with the body of a mortal, in history, this kind of people generally had a common name-Saint!

Feng hanran’s heart was in turmoil, and a bold idea flashed through his mind.

Would Li Rui’s name be like Li can’s, forever imprinted in the genes of [ China ], and even become the object of worship of some gods?

no matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is in front of us. Li Rui is the first [ undying true Dragon ] to specialize in the [ eternal indestructible tribulation ] to advance to the secret diamond. He is unprecedented and will never be able to do so again. In a sense, he’s already closer to a true God than we are.”

“And Wang Lei … Although he is talented and has a strong mind, the long stagnation may have caused him to have self-doubt.”

perhaps it was this trace of self-doubt that cracked his flawless state of mind and gave the power from the dark side of the universe an opportunity …

Qin Hao sighed,