Chapter 1119 - 1119 Chapter 1117-please shut up _1

1119 Chapter 1117-please shut up _1


With the sound of the engine being ejected, an inter-atmospheric transport plane landed vertically at the St. Sith airport. A solemn red carpet was immediately laid out under the ramp, with dozens of extraordinaries in sci-fi armors standing on both sides. At the end of the red carpet further away was a group of middle-aged men in casual clothes.

As soon as he walked out of the cabin, he was shocked by the gaudy array of guards. Li Rui’s expression remained unchanged, but there was a faint trace of uneasiness in his heart.

It seemed that there was something wrong with that [Angel ]. Otherwise, the [machinery faith] would not need to put up a front at such a critical moment …

There must be something that needs our help …

Li Rui’s mind turned quickly, but his face showed a professional smile.

“Lord Li Rui, it’s great that you can come!”

The middle-aged white man in the lead grabbed Li Rui’s hand, snot and tears streaming down his face. He was like a fellow villager who had been harmed by the Japanese and had seen the eighth Army.

“Uh … What exactly was the situation? Your reports have been vague.”

Li Rui shook the middle-aged man’s hand and slowly turned his head. At the end of the horizon, he could vaguely see a dark ” mountain “.

Just by crawling on the ground, it was already over 100 meters tall. In addition to the plate armor that stood upright, even from a distance, one could feel a sense of oppression coming from it.

“It’s him?”

Looking at the big guy in the distance, Li Rui narrowed his eyes and swallowed.

He wondered how much meat he could get from such a big lump …

yes,’he’ suddenly appeared near the outer seas yesterday afternoon and landed at Gangkou District of Saint Sith in less than ten minutes.

wait a minute, you guys only discovered such a big guy ten minutes in advance? ”

Li Rui looked at the middle-aged man with some doubts.

Wasn’t the machinery Faith’s detection technology unparalleled in the world?

Didn’t you guys claim to be able to catch a baseball outside of the solar system?

How did such a huge target get right under their noses?

Hearing this, the middle-aged man revealed a bitter smile. all detection means have failed to detect him. If he hadn’t surfaced on his own initiative and was discovered by the optical satellites, we might have had to wait for him to land before we could react.

“It can only be observed by the naked eye?”

Li Rui rubbed his chin and thought about it.

yes, but it’s all thanks to the ten minutes of warning time. Otherwise, our losses would have been several times greater.

“How’s the disaster situation?”

more than 70000 people have been killed, and several times more people have gone missing!

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth as he said the word “missing.” In the [ Angel ] “s terrifying high temperature domain, even steel would melt, let alone flesh and blood!

Therefore, there was almost a 100% chance that these missing people had been killed!

In just a few hours, the losses on the North American continent had exceeded that of a high-intensity war!

The last time he had suffered such a heavy blow was during the Civil War …

“My condolences,”

Patting the middle-aged man’s shoulder, Li Rui sincerely comforted him. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the ” mountain ” in the distance.

“They’re here too?”

Li Rui whispered and smiled at the middle-aged man apologetically.

“I’m going to the scene to take a look at the situation. You don’t have to entertain me.”

Before the middle-aged man could react, his vision suddenly blurred, and the friendly and sunny young man disappeared like a bubble.

A few minutes later, Li Rui entered a dark red scorched earth, and the pungent smell of sulfur hit his face.

A group of supernatural beings in protective suits were busy at the foot of the ‘mountain’. Not far away, a few familiar auras gathered together.

temporary codename [ Hellfire ], total length 2011 meters, body length 938 meters, standing height 799 meters …

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if the complete [eternal indestructible tribulation] is a flawless [Dao] that leads directly to the divine throne, then why is Wang Lei stuck at the gold-rank? ”

perfect in theory doesn’t mean that it will be smooth in practice. It’s already very difficult to get the essence by imitating the transformation of gods with a human’s spirit and body, not to mention that the higher the level of these two Arts, the more their state of existence needs to be close to the gods. In other words, from the moment Wang Lei awakened and practiced the [ eternal indestructible tribulation ], he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!

external conditions such as qi and blood, true essence, and body are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation from spirituality to divinity is a long process. Therefore, Wang Lei is equivalent to racing with his own cultivation method. Once his growth curve is surpassed by the requirements of [ the eternal indestructible tribulation ], his cultivation speed will only become slower and slower, and in the end, it will come to a standstill!

After hearing Qin Hao’s story, Feng hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

wait, they’re both [ undying true Dragon ], so why can Li Rui advance to a secret diamond? ”

Qin Hao’s breathing stagnated and he was silent for a long time. In the end, he shook his head with a bitter smile.

I don’t know, but if I have to explain it, it’s that his growth has surpassed that of a God.

“This is impossible!”

Feng hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui’s achievements over the years instantly appeared in his mind, and he frowned hesitantly.

If he were to start from the awakened level, Li Rui’s energy level was almost stable and increased by one level every year. At first, he thought that it was because of the recovery of Reiki that the difficulty of increasing extraordinary power was reduced. But now it seemed that even without the recovery of Reiki, Li Rui was a super genius that would only be born once in hundreds or even thousands of years.

To surpass the gods with the body of a mortal, in history, this kind of people generally had a common name-Saint!

Feng hanran’s heart was in turmoil, and a bold idea flashed through his mind.

Would Li Rui’s name be like Li can’s, forever imprinted in the genes of [ China ], and even become the object of worship of some gods?

no matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is in front of us. Li Rui is the first [ undying true Dragon ] to specialize in the [ eternal indestructible tribulation ] to advance to the secret diamond. He is unprecedented and will never be able to do so again. In a sense, he’s already closer to a true God than we are.”

“And Wang Lei … Although he is talented and has a strong mind, the long stagnation may have caused him to have self-doubt.”

perhaps it was this trace of self-doubt that cracked his flawless state of mind and gave the power from the dark side of the universe an opportunity …

Qin Hao sighed faintly, his face full of bitterness.

“But it seems like you aren’t surprised at all?”

Feng hanran stared into his eyes, a faint light brewing in his clear eyes.

“He’s the one we can’t destroy.