Chapter 863: Fireworks display

Name:Infinite King System Author:Zhe Yu
The two started almost at the same time. Lin Feng’s feet slammed on the ground, and then his body was shot out like a cannonball. The speed was very fast. From the eyes of others, he could see that his body was emitting from the violent friction with the air. Layers of heat!

And his fist was covered with his most powerful armed domineering, like an iron fist, with a fast speed and his own heavy blow, it slammed on the cheek of this Tyrannosaurus rex!


The prehistoric Tyrannosaurus, who had just stared at the prey and was thinking about how to slap his mouth, was hit hard by Lin Feng. With difficulty, he tilted his head and staggered a few steps in the direction of Lin Feng's strength. His strong center of gravity stabilized.

At the same time, holding the hilt of his own sword with a smile that had been brewing for a long time, he finally pulled out his sword from the cane, and a black light emitted from the scabbard, slashing in the direction of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Beat the Tiger Tiger!"

This is a horrible stunt that smiles to accumulate gravity on the knife and slash it out in one breath. At the same time, it releases huge horizontal gravity to the orbit of the knife, crushing everything in front of you and destroying it!

Even if the item is not destroyed by the slash, it will be knocked out by the huge wind pressure generated by its gravity. The black light is the appearance of the light produced by the strong gravity.


Sword Qi slashed directly on Tyrannosaurus's legs with fierce wind pressure, and instantly opened a huge hole in his dark leg, exposing the white and tender muscles, but did not see a drop of blood flowing out of it.

Suddenly eating pain, it suddenly knelt on one foot, lost balance, and slammed its body heavily in the direction of the jungle. For a while, I didn’t know how many trees fell, but only the flying dust, branches and tips could be seen. The shouting contestants.

But watching this Tyrannosaurus fall in pain, the contestants thought that Lin Fenghe had solved the monster with a smile, and when everyone was relieved, the Tyrannosaurus was even more angry because of the pain. , Fiddling with his body and stood up!

The Tyrannosaurus, who stood up again, turned his head and screamed at the screaming contestants, then twisted his body and rushed towards Lin Fenghe smiled, and the earth trembled again.

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus look like this, Lin Fenghe didn't have the confidence to stand in front of him with a smile, and quickly withdrew to both sides, wiping and avoiding the frontal impact.

The large size gives them more powerful power. This is where the Tyrannosaurus is powerful, but nature is fair. Giving you one thing will inevitably deprive you of another thing, like the huge existence of Tyrannosaurus, what he lost It is flexibility.

The Tyrannosaurus who couldn't hit Lin Fenghe and smiled at all, because of inertia, he couldn't stop his feet and slammed directly into the jungle on the other side of this clearing, and it set off countless dirt and trees.

The more angry Tyrannosaurus rex turned around and turned towards Lin Feng's direction with a loud roar, which immediately resounded through the world.

In the eyes of those contestants, Lin Feng, who was regarded as the first and second by them, smiled. When facing such a big monster, they must retreat. If the navy does not come to rescue, I am afraid that they will all be damaged today. Here!

A slightly timid contestant took out the help stick directly from his arms, pulled the lead, and held it high towards the sky.


After a long whistling sound, a distress firework bloomed over the island.

And on the luxury cruise ship not far from the island, the navy's observation post saw it really, and finally a distress firework appeared, then it was time for them to appear.

They put down their work and went to prepare for the rescue on the island. According to the signs on the map, the direction of the fireworks display was the altar in the middle of the island with the devil fruit.

But what can happen there?

Just when these rescuers were still feeling doubts, countless fireworks exploded in the same direction in an instant. Suddenly, some bad rumors about the island surfaced in the minds of these rescuers.

"The situation is wrong! Go to the island!"

Everyone on this downstream wheel quickly turned around and headed towards the island!

When the first person released the fireworks of his help stick, other people now remembered that there was such a thing in their arms, they took it out one after another, no matter whether it stimulated the big monster in front of them, they all turned towards The sky was released.

For a while, the sky is full of such bright fireworks, even in the daytime, the ground is illuminated by this brilliant color.

With a loud explosion, coupled with these dazzling colors, the prehistoric Tyrannosaurus, who was angry because he could not catch the prey but was injured by these preys, suddenly fell into a violent rage, and he made a long cry towards the contestants. Roar, taking his huge steps, rushed over quickly.

Lin Feng screamed from the side. He didn't expect that he was fighting hard with this monster in the front, and these contestants in the back actually added chaos to him. They were simply iconic pig teammates.

It seems that a smile is born with a talent for making tanks. When the hatred of this Tyrannosaurus was attracted by the AOE of the contestants, as a qualified tank, he slashed the knife in his hand with a smile. A dark purple gravitational ray was emitted from the tip of the knife, directly hitting the Tyrannosaurus which was still running wild.

Even if this monster is powerful, it still has no way to adapt to this sudden change in gravity. Under the heavy pressure, its two legs knelt on the ground, its head hit the ground heavily, and its body continued to slide forward with inertia. Seeing that he was about to hit a contestant who was scared and stupefied standing still, he stopped.

The painful Tyrannosaurus opened his eyes and saw the trembling contestant standing in front of it at a glance. When he was about to open his mouth and swallow him, the contestant’s desire to survive overcome his fear. Run backward at the fastest speed in his life. ..