Chapter 2854 Terrifying Means! II

Chapter 2854 Terrifying Means! II

|Understood, Cavalier Tseviax.|

Intents weaved and flowed as they veiled shocking machinations and wonders within.

The Undefined Existence to the right who was referred to as Ameldyra gave a nod of acknowledgement towards the Undefined Existence at the very center that she referred to as Cavalier Tseviax!

The three Undefined Existences spoke amongst each other as within moments, the center-most one, Cavalier Tseviax, snapped their fingers as below the figure of the Prime Devourer, space split open once more as droves of Records spilled out.

This time, a deeply tenebrous light emerged as if jaws were opening up that would swallow everything, with the existence of the Prime Devourer beginning to tremble but...


He found that an obsidian bubbling pool appeared below him, and a clear black circular crystal floated at its very center as atop it- the illusory figure of an entity closely resembling the Celebrious Ones floating in front of him could be seen!

The Prime Devourer blinked as he felt his body be pulled towards the black circular crystal atop this blood pool resembling an Altar, his humanoid figure coming to stand at its very center as the illusion of a Celebrious One became superimposed with his existence.

Thereafter, he simply heard a voice stemming from his Polychrome Hyperversal Existential Extremity Rune Scriptures of Vacuous.




The deeply tenebrous liquid within the Altar churned as from its depths, dazzling and radiant obsidian Planalith Krystallos emanating waves of nothingness and nonexistence arose and began to spin around him!


{...! GAAAA!}

|The Weaving of Records, Existence, and Extremity are of insurmountable importance as no breadcrumbs should be left behind for anyone to pick up. Ages of Extremes come and go, but only their weavings remain intact. Always obscure this weaving as much as possible, and...|

An ineffable light bloomed and wrapped around this unfolding reality- this unfolding Record as...


The record was seemingly no longer in existence.


In the Vitalis Hyperversal Domains.

Two Undefined Vitalis Existences floated before a blazing purple Monolith, their skin and very being radiating a powerful transparent white light as the butterfly like wings behind them pulsed with intense majesty.

In front of them, three transparent white Altars pulsing with an overabundance of life could be seen as on top of circular alabaster crystal, the figures of the Extremity of Lunacy, the Seer of Avernus, and the Avernus Extremity Overlord could all be seen in their own respective altars-with their images being superimposed with the glorious form of the porcelain white Undefined Existences!

|A Dungeon...a primitive thing but also a genius thing at the same time. Its corruption and entropy will continue to spread overtime as if the source holding it together as per the Existential Restriction isn't destroyed, an even larger burst of corruption should take place. This insurgent is a unique one. I wish to dissect his Existence like all the others and understand what mutation- what deviant gene within it was coded wrongly to allow it to expand an Existential Extreme and stay under our radar at the same time.|

The Undefined Vitalis Existence on the left spoke as the one on the right swiveled the pupil on their chest while replying.

|All the other Seeds we have dissected held nothing special, just variations of the makeup of their Souls grasping the frequency of a profound Weaving. Even the Existential Extremes they sought to expand were nothing special in their weak state. This is different in what it had managed to achieve. I added this to the report for better directions on how we can proceed forward. Because these dredges in front of us...|

The Undefined Vitalis Existence locked their serpentine pupils on the figures of Extremity Blue, the Seer of Avernus, and the Avernus Extremity Overlord as they spoke with cold apathy in their intent.

|...Even if these dredges manage to stop the spread of corruption of this Perfidious Dungeon before us, they will not be sufficient for the ones that will follow.|


Tomorrow's working chapter titles: Terrifying Means! III & IV