Chapter 2958 A Breach! II

Chapter 2958 A Breach! II

Like shards of glass, everything fell apart!

The protective boundary preventing entry to the Archons Vitalis Pylos entirely shattered from the mere fingers of Noah's coming in contact with them as in the next moment...

The intent of his Dominium remained. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

It still warped existence to state the simple fact that it was unstoppable as a moment later, it continued forward.

Breaking apart any and all obstacles as even the records of space seemed to twist, a blinding expanse of whiteness already appearing before Noah's eyes as it was none other than the outline of Archaeos Vitalis Pylos!

Basileus Amelusa was standing beside dozens of other Basileus of the Legacy of Al-Abalem as they gazed at the blinding mass of black and white in the skies being controlled by the Codex of Extremity.

|Why would the Codex go as far as to utilize the constructs of the Dikastes of Extremity...|

Her silver white hair blazed with brilliance, but her question didn't receive any answer as all Basileus here had many confounding worries!

First, an enemy Legacy appeared as the Archon and strongest Basileus went to represent their Legacy.

But they knew the conflict would only be removed by the Archons themselves as they could only wait to hear the resolution!

But not too long ago, they felt foreign Dominiums spread out momentarily and call out its glory.

What exactly was happening out there for foreign Dominiums to be so bold as to spread their brilliance here?

At such an atmosphere, behind the earthen clouds around them, a massive spherical building opened up as regal Basileus adorned in white clothes flew out, their distinction being high as they were the Ladies of Al-Abalem!

Nine of them stepped out as each was more beautiful than the last, their eyes brimming their Soul Dominiums as the leading one spoke out.

|No need to fret about when it comes to this. The Archon will take care of things as he always has, and the Codex is simply following its normal workings as it adjusts to the Corrupted Seeds below.|


Her voice was filled with authority as the dozens of Basileus gathered atop the radiant white clouds nodded respectfully at this leading member of the Ladies of Al-Abalem.

|Yes, Basileus Moraine.|

She was acknowledged as she gazed towards the distant flaming skies with sharp eyes.

She was not worried.

Not from the outside.

But from within the very same lands they oversaw.

He was no Basileus.

He didn't belong to any Legacy.

He should be...a Seed!

And the only Seed that had been the root of problems was none other than...


The words stemmed out of Basileus Amelusa as they were filled with a sense of disbelief.

She wasn't even sure if it was exactly this Corrupted Seed that the Codex of Extremity was initiated for, but she and all others could instinctively feel it!

But this was what made it all that much more unbelievable.

How could a Corrupted Seed be here? And even more unbelievable, why would they have the white glow indicative of the early stages of an Existential Dominium Realm entity?!

It was a surreal weaving of Existence, and yet after the intent of Basileus Amelusa spread out, the being far ahead of them smiled devilishly as he didn't deny this intent!

And a moment later...his visage actually continued its unstoppable momentum as it began to surge towards them, their Dominium Souls gazing at this in shock as some Basileus instinctively moved a step back before their common sense kicked in.



Who were they?

What were they?

And what was this being before them?!

He was just a Seed! And they...were the Basileus of the Legacy of Al-Abalem!

Between the two sides, there was no comparison.


The glow of white Dominium Souls began to rouse as after a moment of disbelief, the Basileus of Al-Abalem reacted to the unauthorized entry of a Corrupted Seed!