Chapter 2980 Imperium Knights Dispatched! I

Chapter 2980 Imperium Knights Dispatched! I

As the Existential Omniversal Emperor began to produce Fruits of Existence within his own Dominium, weavings of his actions were spreading outwards- their effects beginning to unfold at this moment.

Across the endless expanse of the Omniverse.

At speeds unfathomably faster than light, in a manner that couldn't be fully captured due to the Existential light covering it...a massive circular vessel crossed the Omniverse towards one of the many, many renowned domains of the Imperium.

Within this vessel, a space the size of a plane of existence was contained within as at the very center of this space, there was an area surrounded by an expanse of a golden sea that currently had a single being and his attendants lined up to his left and right.

Around him, a dense number of illusory screens filtered out weavings of information, his glorious visage and golden hair simmering with a serious expression at this moment as he suffered a loss that he had to report!

|Master, we have received permission to warp in.|

To his right, an attendant at the Neonate Stage of the Existential Dominium Realm bowed slightly while sending the news.

The golden haired observer nodded as he twisted his hand, a command being activated as the whole vessel disappeared right away.

By the time it reappeared, the blank darkness around everything had begun to be lit up as waves of blue and red auroras began weaving here and there.

It was the glory of an extremely potent Existential Domain under the banner of the Imperium.

As they came closer, the bright red and blue auroras only became more brilliant as far ahead of them, an unfathomable concentration of power and might was gathered.

The golden haired observer sighed with both relief and grimness after returning here, the voice of his vessel echoing out as it began to slow down and come to a stop.

{We have arrived at Cappadocia.}



A bustling Existential Domain of the Imperium that held one of the three Existential Lineages of the Imperium! ViSit novelbin(.)c(o)m for latest novels

The vessel of the Observer came to a stop in an empty area as not too far from him, other uniquely shaped vessels were also anchored.

The surroundings were entirely filled with auroras of red and blue light that seemed to stretch out endlessly, with the area ahead of them shining with the most blinding light as this was their destination!

Observer Xavier's body trembled at such words!

The Red Legion of the Cappadocia Imperium Knights!

Wasn't this the Legion in charge of overseeing the protection of certain dangerous regions where Omniversal Pillagers frequented?!

|Seeing your expression, you must think it's the genuine Red, it is just their Trainee Candidates. But even that will be overkill for something like this.|

The Imperium Martial King snapped his fingers as he saw the shaking figure of the Observer as in the next moment, the hall buzzed and became filled with the auras of 12 powerful entities!

Knights of the Imperium.

Their bodies blazed with Dominiums of purple brilliance as each one could be the head of a Legacy.

And yet they gained much more in their position as Cappadocia Imperium Knights- an entire Enclave standing behind them!

At their forefront was a dazzling armored man and a woman who nodded with respect towards the Imperium Martial King, his command booming out as soon as they arrived.

|Hunt down and capture this supposed Seed- Noah Osmont. His location is approximately...|


A horrific halcyon light of a shocking Soul Dominium rose and flashed 9 times, the eyes of the Imperium Martial King becoming glazed pure gold as he sent streams of lights towards the two leading Knights of the Trainee Candidates of the Red Legion of Cappadocia Imperium Knights.

|Scour that whole area and see what you can find.|

The Imperium Knights nodded with serious expressions as the Imperium Martial King turned his head towards the Observer, his eyes squinting as he spoke.

|You will go with them but first, send for the Archons of the Legacies that let a fucking Seed play them for chumps.|


Another command was given.

But on this day, a small portion of the forces of the Imperium were pointed towards a certain direction.

Towards an Entity that had yet to become well known within the Imperium!