Chapter 3095 Dialogue! I

Chapter 3095 Dialogue! I

From the Sanctus Populi, the Elder Queen Mother of Dignity had an expression that was getting darker and darker as she relayed and relieved information regarding the current flow of weavings within the span of nanoseconds, and by the time that even a single second had passed, she felt an even heavier weight on her shoulder as if she had experienced a whole day! She looked towards the Commander of the opposing Legion as they seemed to have similar dark expressions, a dialogue being opened once more as the Martial Empress Yelena floated towards her again.

In the midst of two massive Legions, these two women gazed at each other as before Yelena could even open her mouth...

|Yes. All weavings for everyone show the exact same result. Complete cessation.|


The Elder Queen Mother of Dignity uttered out coldly as the expression on Yelena became even more unsightly!

She didn't even have to ask this question before she got a reply as she sighed deeply in her heart, gazing at this representative of the Sanctus Populi as she voiced out calmly.

|The Imperium will put all Legions on hold as we gain a better understanding of this situation. I've been given orders to designate this location as an Existential Salvus Domain. A representative among the Pillars of the Imperium will come as the Sanctus Populi and the Imperium share their findings and countermeasures for what is to come.|


Words that were sufficient enough to cause immense shock echoed out from Martial Empress Yelena.

The Imperium said what?

Seeing the eyes of incredulity and distrust from the Elder Queen Mother, Martial Empress Yelena could understand them very well as even she was taken back!

She expected the same pushback and belligerence as before, with those above her remaining staunch on what they wished to do on their glorious view of the Omniverse.

Yet the cessation of all weavings had spooked them much more than even the weavings of Cataclysm that were spreading.

Those weavings were heard about from others.

The complete cessation of all possible paths...all of them felt it!

Regardless of how powerful they were.

It gave them such a shock that they even did the unthinkable- The Great Imperium created a dialogue with another faction and even proposed looking for countermeasures together!

What a change!

What a ridiculous change from the occurrence of a single event.

Multicolored splendor wrapped around this Two-Legged Draconic Crow as it was on the same stage of power as Martial Emperor Xi- above Teracosm!

Such a being moved rapidly and came to appear in front of this devilish Entity, and shockingly...the Entity merely rose his head up to meet such a massive Omniversal Pillager and its entourage calmly as if he held no ounce of fear.


No preparation. No rush of authority.


He only stared at the Entity directly before him as after the twisting and distortion of reality, the Two-Legged Draconic Crow actually didn't attack, its intent weaving out at this time.

|Our Master sees that you are connected to the Sanctus Populi, Imperium, and even hold sway over some...lesser Omniversal Pillagers. He wishes to meet you for a discussion over the course of recent events.|


The intent was picked up by Martial Emperor Xi as his eyes became ever sharper.

The Master of the Omniversal Pillagers?

A discussion over the course of recent events?!

Martial Emperor Xi reported these words right away across the weavings of his Enclave and Imperium, and he then thought about it deeply.

Even the Omniversal Pillagers were affected by the cessation of weavings as their Master...their Master sought a dialogue with the Sanctus Populi and Imperium!

But...this Entity did not belong to the Imperium, so why would the Master of the Omniversal Pillagers seek this devilish Entity?

This Entity that Martial Emperor Xi did not know the distinction of.

But he was the Weaver of Existence.

And his eyes met the Two-Legged Draconic Crow and the Omniversal Pillagers behind it calmly as he spoke out with calmness.

|Your Master knows where I am if he wishes to meet.|


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